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PD do an as good a job as they can. Maybe therefore they could be perfectionists? They try to make it as perfect as they can. So they do deserve it IMO. If anyone is a perfectionist in the gaming industry, it's Kazunori. And Hideo Kojima. :)

+1:tup: well said
I think Scaff was referring to the part where Simple SIM said "GT5 is nowhere near perfect". Since GT5 is not even out, giving an opinion about the game is unfactual.

Yeah well, if we're going to be pedantic about it, nothing is pefect. That's a fact. And beyond all reasonable doubt, as amazing as GT5 will probably be, it will still fall down in certain areas compared to certain competitors. Not exactly rabble rousing. I reckon SIM was just having a dig at the over-used cliche that PD are perfectionists. Hardly an unreasonable opinion to have.
The only flaw I see with this question is that it's assumed that we will get perfection for the wait.

So to use the chef analogy, if you are eating dinner at a restaraunt, and you friend is across the courtyard at another restaraunt and gets his food on time, but your chef says "sorry, 1 hour wait for your dinner". You can't really way "well I am fine with that becuase 1 hour for perfect dinner is wroth it". That's assuming it will be perfect.

What if your chef has hit some snags cooking and it will just take 1 hour to get the same dinner you should have gotten right off?

The point I am trying to make is that every time something comes up negative around here, it always seems to be spun in as positive a light as possible even when that light is nothing but a guess.

BTW what's wish stomping on Simple Sim for his opinion being flamebait when this whole thread is a comparison of GT and Forza, infering a bashing on DLC (which btw was up until a few days ago the salvation of shortcommings in GT let's not forget), comparing the two on a completely apples to oranges basis and making the assumption that indeed the wait will result in perfection for GT? Seems of the two posts, sims and the OP, Sims is far less deserving of the attention...

I reckon SIM was just having a dig at the over-used cliche that PD are perfectionists. Hardly an unreasonable opinion to have.

Exactly, why is it ok to state as fact that PD are perfectionists (if I recall they have never released a perfect game, in fact all the GTs up until now, great as they have been have had areas for significant improvement) but not ok to state that GT5 is far away from being perfect? As stated nothing is perfect, and if you want to be pendatic about details of what's said and how, technically he said GT 5 IS far away from being perfect... if it's only 65% done and perfection woudl be speculated to be 100% done, isn't it indeed far away from being perfect no matter how you look at it?

BTW I get a feeling we don't see nearly as heavy handed a response from mods in pro GT situations... where is the smack down for comments like this:

the thing is that the game is more or less finished but sony, the company that will distribute it, are waiting for the right time to distribute it.
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I just like being positive. There's already enough negative things in this world so why not try to be as positive as you can? You can go too far with that ofcourse, but for these kind of situations it's best to be patient and not whine like a little *****.
If a chef tell me to wait an hour for the meal I will say ok. then sneak out and get some Mcdonalds (NFS, SCC, Forza) and be back right in time for the meal.
I just like being positive. There's already enough negative things in this world so why not try to be as positive as you can? You can go too far with that ofcourse, but for these kind of situations it's best to be patient and not whine like a little *****.

sejtur, you are my new best friend. Sorry dev
I did not mean this to be a comparison between the two games rather a discussion, of what I see a difference, in philosophy in making the games. I personally don't want PD to cut corners to get the game out any earlier, however I wouldn't mind dlc to add cars and tracks to get the game earlier.
I just like being positive. There's already enough negative things in this world so why not try to be as positive as you can? You can go too far with that ofcourse, but for these kind of situations it's best to be patient and not whine like a little *****.

The other view on that (with the opposite spin) is that I like to speak up for what I feel instead of just gladly being a sheep and kissing a**. There are enough people to give me the shaft and take my $$$ even if I speak up, I am not certainly not going to make it any easier for them by taking it and pretending I like it.
The other view on that (with the opposite spin) is that I like to speak up for what I feel instead of just gladly being a sheep and kissing a**. There are enough people to give me the shaft and take my $$$ even if I speak up, I am not certainly not going to make it any easier for them by taking it and pretending I like it.

no one is trying to hurt us. There is no need for self defense here. I can't speak for anyone but myself and my emotions are sincere. No pretending. remember, its just a videogame
no one is trying to hurt us. There is no need for self defense here. I can't speak for anyone but myself and my emotions are sincere. No pretending. remember, its just a videogame

It's just a videogame that people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get setup to play... just a video game is just a cop out that sounds good.

True it's not a life or death situation, but everything short of that is "just a something". Superbowl is just a football game. Airforce one is just an airplane. The earth is just a planet.

Come on turbo... I know it's getting harder by the minute for the diehards to defend and spin their precious KY, but even you can do better :)
It's just a videogame that people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get setup to play... just a video game is just a cop out that sounds good.

True it's not a life or death situation, but everything short of that is "just a something". Superbowl is just a football game. Airforce one is just an airplane. The earth is just a planet.

Come on turbo... I know it's getting harder by the minute for the diehards to defend and spin their precious KY, but even you can do better :)

I would hate to live my life with a constantly half empty glass, thats just me.

Your whole second sentence is spot on. What's really important in your life?

No need for this

I'm dissappointed with the release date but I'm not about to cry over it.
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I'm sorry but polyphony do not deserve all the flattery of being called "perfectionists"

GT 5 is so far away from being perfect.
Someone certainly has an opinion they like to throw around constantly. ;)

GT5 looks like it 10 times graphically better than any other game but it doesn't have what all other game have - good & fun game features (AI, damage, online).
Wow... first of all, where did this come from? Second, just how do you know what GT5 does or doesn't have?

I don't know of SIM's past involvement in any flame wars, but I see very little wrong with his post.
Well, some of us have other opinions of Mr Simple.

It doesn't matter if it's Forza or GT 5. There is gonna be TONS of DLC.

I'm at the point where if they said "We can ship the game right now with only 500 cars, is that what you want? You'll have the option to get more as DLC at a late date"

I would say HELL YEAH and I bet 98% of everyone else would too.
Here's one voice who says "No." But with Forza, I'd agree with you. M$ is all about milking the consumer.

The other view on that (with the opposite spin) is that I like to speak up for what I feel instead of just gladly being a sheep and kissing a**.
You certainly like to kiss one game on the rump. ;)

I think everyone needs to take a time out, and a couple of days to catch your breath. Or at least stop typing the same stuff over and over.

Releasing GT5 six months or more from now has nothing to do with graphics, or at least very little. The one graphic flaw I take issue with is the sharpness of the shadows as the cars drive under trees. It's almost painful to me, and they need to be blurred a bit. The graphics overall are just superb, better than any game I've ever seen.

So something else is involved. Maybe it's Devedanders damage model he wants to make love to, in fact, damage on all cars. Perhaps it's dynamic weather, along with real time day/night progression. Maybe it's a powerful livery editor. What if it's tuning the game engine to get more than 16 cars on track? Or securing a few more race course licenses? Or insuring that the online Season Mode and League Builder works without lag to include up to 16 cars in most races? They could even be building a network around the world to handle a fleet of dedicated servers. It's clear to me at least that GTPSP punched a big hole in the schedule as well.

I think it's most or all of this, and this list would be a huge pain to incorporate via patches, and I suggest that it may well be impossible. Forza 2 was patched to death, and a lot of the bugs simply can NOT be patched, or they would have. In fact, it may be making many games unstable, as some people complain about issues others don't see, but they encounter others themselves. And DLC tracks don't incorporate into the single player game at all. I know some of you will be ignoring as much SP gameplay as you can, but we don't all love online racing as much as you do.

So think about these things. As a guy who's a heavy user of software, I've learned that it's a lot better to build a piece of software right rather than do it half azed and then rely on patches to fix things later. Windoze users should be painfully aware of this by now. ;)
Your whole second sentence is spot on. What's really important in your life?

Lots of things, life and death top the list, and then a lot of stuff below that.

BTW what's important in your life? It seems following me around and trolling me has gotta be about top 2 or 3 on your list?
Lots of things, life and death top the list, and then a lot of stuff below that.

BTW what's important in your life? It seems following me around and trolling me has gotta be about top 2 or 3 on your list?

I could say the same about you

i guess I win this round, jokin.....seriously

let me answer your question,

The happiness and heatlhiness of my family and friends is number #1, followed closely by trolling this guy dev on the gtplanet forums.

Lighten up a lil is my biggest advice to you. Your a smart guy, no doubt, just turn the resentment at whatever down a notch.
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I could say the same about you

i guess I win this round, jokin.....seriously

No... no you couldn't... you could say I should probably just stop responding to your trolling... but that's about it.... seriously...
No... no you couldn't... you could say I should probably just stop responding to your trolling... but that's about it.... seriously...

no you cant, yes i could, no you cant, yes i could......grow up, please

Do you not think that waiting in a restaurant for several hours for your meal might make you get up and leave though, to continue with your analogy?

Obviously i'm not speaking literally, and I'm sure I will pick up GT5 when it comes out, but I had been looking forward to it as a christmas present. Now i'll happily confide in SuperCar Challenge until it comes out and maybe even F1 2010, as it is likely to be out in Europe now before GT5.

It's all relative I suppose, time versus reward. An hour and half waiting for a main course wouldn't be worth it for the hassle wherever. As it is all I have to do is carry on with my life as normal, go to the footy and get a better, make that superb, game in a few months time.

I'm happy with that arrangement, I've got to be so I may as well get on with it. Good call on F1, forgot about that.
It's not that Turn 10 aren't perfectionists, it's just that the constrained two year development cycle that Microsoft forces upon them doesn't allow them to be. If they had more time, I'm sure they could make a more accurate game.

It's that extra level of detail that PD puts in that makes Gran Turismo so realistic.
The other view on that (with the opposite spin) is that I like to speak up for what I feel instead of just gladly being a sheep and kissing a**. There are enough people to give me the shaft and take my $$$ even if I speak up, I am not certainly not going to make it any easier for them by taking it and pretending I like it.

We have at least two things in common then: speaking up for what we feel. I'm not pretending anything. Being positive doesn't mean being fake.
We have at least two things in common then: speaking up for what we feel. I'm not pretending anything. Being positive doesn't mean being fake.

We may have that in common, but I think a difference is I know and try to avoid spin... it seems that your being positive involves spinning but not necessarily taking into account that it's spin.
We may have that in common, but I think a difference is I know and try to avoid spin... it seems that your being positive involves spinning but not necessarily taking into account that it's spin.

I just don't really see the point in voicing my dissapointment. Just focusing on the nice things. It's the half-full/empty glass story again. I view it in the way so I see the positive side of it. Is that spinning it around? If so, what's wrong with it?
I just don't really see the point in voicing my dissapointment. Just focusing on the nice things. It's the half-full/empty glass story again. I view it in the way so I see the positive side of it. Is that spinning it around? If so, what's wrong with it?

What's wrong with it is when you glorify viewing the glass as half full, but then condem those who view the glass as half empty by claiming they "whine like a little *****."

It's one thing to say "I prefer to be positive but being the way you are makes you a little *****."
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