However, as mentioned before, on several occasions I have repeated the exact same line-up and starting positions from the previous race and the results
(both in times & placing) have always been within 99% of the previous, sometimes even less than that.
Moreover, as for any doubt on the consistency of the AI, feel free to look at the race results for each testing session from my 24hr CdlS II ratings:
You'll see that in most cases, despite racing each time for 24 hours and over 3,600 miles, that for each car's session on the 24hr mark, the AI had driven that car within just a couple miles difference from one session to the next. In many cases the difference was less than a mile!
Of the five sessions with the Minolta 88C-V, the worst it did was to go 3,644.3 miles by the 24hr mark, while the best was 3,645.4 - that's a difference of only 1.1 miles from worst to best after five full races and 15,213 miles! From worst finish to best, the AI was off by only 0.03%
I'm sorry, but no A-spec driver is going to be that consistent... over all those miles... ever!
I seriously have no idea where the rumors came from that the AI drivers are wildly inconsistent. Possibly it is from those watching B-spec Bob who does struggle more than the AI, certainly when the skill points are low. Possibly it is from those watching on short races where grid position plays a far greater role in the outcome of a race.
Are the AI wildly slow? Perhaps. Do they have some difficulty with some cars on some tracks? Yes. However, they are bloody spot on in the consistency department... and their "go-easy" speeds probably help insure their consistent lap and race times.
BTW: You mentioned that the AI doesn't know how to drive the Bentley, thus their results with that car on CdlS I are very inconsistent.
My tests show something entirely different.
After six sessions, 144 hours, 19,936 miles, the average difference between each session was just 1.5 miles! That's a 99.96% accuracy... and that's when it was starting in different grid positions and up against different opponents, which can either slow down its progress when being lapped
(bumping into the slower car before making the pass), or speed it up when getting lapped
(bumped from behind).
Here are the distances the AI drove the Bentley by the 24hr mark of each of the six races:
- 3,326.8
- 3,325.4
- 3,319.5
- 3,323.1
- 3,320.5
- 3,320.9
I'm sorry, but any notion that the AI is inconsistent from one race to another in the same car, over distances that would not be affected by grid position is absurdly inaccurate. The AI is definitely slower than any marginally skilled A-spec driver, but they are brutally consistent over the length of a race.