I'm in.
I loved Gran Turismo 1 to 4 but this one turns out to be Grind Turismo. The gifting of expensive cars between friends and/or sub-accounts (including duping) made it a little bit easier to bear, and to take this feature away basically kills the game for me.
Gran Turismo used to be about the thrill of driving many different exclusive and exotic cars on many different exciting tracks. Now it's about driving the same races again and again and again to be able to afford at least some of the nice cars. For people with a job/life it is nearly impossible to enjoy any of the truly great cars in the game, because they have no time to:
1.) grind for credits all day to be able to afford the nice cars
2.) then rotate the UCD all day to actually find the nice cars to buy
If you would actually win desirable prize cars during your racing career this would ease the pain a bit, but no - most of the time you win some underpowered or ugly pile of **** you wouldn't want to be caught dead in IRL.
If winning the career races would actually pay enough to buy at least a handful of the exciting cars you bought the game disc for in the first place, that might soften the blow, but no - you barely make enough money to tune and maintain the few rust buckets the game throws up on you.
As I said on another page; By my calculations, if you were to Grind Indy for 40hrs. a week (most full time jobs work about this), it would take you about 2 months to be able to get enough credits to buy all the cars without cheating. That is only IF you could get the cars to come up in the UCD in the right order and didnt upgrade or tune any of the cars. Who in their right mind would want to WORK that hard and long for a game instead of PLAYING the game and having fun? PLEASE FIX THIS, PD and most people will stop cheating.
I'M ALL IN !!!