*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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Lol - please. Not able to dupe (which you explicitly say you do) does not kill the game. Did you forget it's about driving?

If you feel that way well, good riddance and please let the door hit you on the way out - might knock some sense into ya....

The driving? I finished all the driving by late December.

The only reason I came back through the door was to grab up all the cars.
Are all you Americans so butthurt? Sarcasm withering away with old age?

ha... now you need to resort to putting down entire countries? Please pull your head out of your 🤬

You're the one that sounds butthurt after everyone picked apart your pointless argument.
ha... now you need to resort to putting down entire countries? Please pull your head out of your 🤬

You're the one that sounds butthurt after everyone picked apart your pointless argument.

Ofcourse they did tiger. Run along now. 👍
Which is why you have nothing intelligent left to say. Just gonna stick around and troll the thread now?

In the process of trying to make me look stupid and point out my flaws you have inevitablely done to yourself what you have been trying to do to me. Nice going.
Let’s break it down for all the narrow minded kiddies, cry baby, sissy, and skirt wearing goodie-two-shoes that just can't understand… or, the adults that have the same problem.

Does myself duping a paint chip affect you (considering that I would have to own the paint chip in the first place to dupe it)? No.

Does myself duping an expensive car affect you (considering that I would have to own the car in the first place to dupe it)? No.

Does myself trading a car/paint/horn/museum card to receive a X2010 or some other expensive car affect you? No.

Does myself having multiple accounts so that I can buy and fully upgrade an expensive car and trade it back to myself so I retain my credits affect you? No.

Do any of the above give me an unfair ability in a race? No.

If you answered yes to any of these you have some major mental issues. Seriously, what I or someone else does with THEIR game that THEY/I PAID FOR has or is of no concern to anyone else.

Don't forget the people that share one PS3 and have to now take turns with trading. This now makes collecting all the cars near impossible in any decent time frame. Aside from that, it’s near impossible to collect all the cars due to the amount of credits needed to buy all the cars worth 1 million credits and upwards. I don’t want to be playing the small amount of races over and over just to buy a car that I once could be gifted. Once buying it, doing the same races over and over again to buy another car… and so on and so on.

well said.
I would also add,
Does myself duping cars so I can give them to my personal friends so I can help them in the game, affect you? No.

Does myself duping cars so I can keep a car for myself after I've given a car to my personal friend, affect you? No.

since when is being very giving ,a bad thing, or somehow detract from the game?

and even for those who sell their duped cars on ebay,
How does that detract from the game or affect you?
Does it somehow magically decrease the value of the cars?
Does it slow down the servers?
How does one person affect anothers game, except by racing in an online match.
Are duped cars more powerful? Are duped cars superior in some way?

I could understand "anti duping" if we were talking about a 1st person shooter. A "duper" would be the same as a "hacker" sending infinite nukes, or playing outside the map. Yes, those people affect you and your gaming experience.
BUT, Alas, we are not talking about a 1st person shooter are we?

If anyone is to blame, its PDs fault for creating a grinding game and expensive cars that are near impossible to attain, unless you like to grind for hours and hours and hours.

so for all the anti dupers, move on with your life and play the game.
you cant hate someone because they play the game different than you, especially when their actions clearly do not affect you.
In the process of trying to make me look stupid and point out my flaws you have inevitablely done to yourself what you have been trying to do to me. Nice going.

I'll agree to disagree. Nobody here had to make you look stupid, you did that all on your own. 👍
I'll agree to disagree. Nobody here had to make you look stupid, you did that all on your own. 👍

Be careful Jeff, you're going back on yourself ;)

Anyway enough of this nonesense, we're no better than each other.

Oh wait i am. :sly:
I'm OUT !

Love the game. Don't care about the trading embargo, it seperates the men from the boys.

People were going mad creating multitudes of new accounts, it became silly.

if there was a limit from the start would you all have cried about it or would you have just got on with it.

Kaz and PD should stick a pink slips option in the next patch. Then, if you want the car, you have to race for it one on one.

Stop the petitions. Go and create one that makes a difference to the real world instead of bellyaching over a bunch of pixels.
I'm OUT !

Love the game. Don't care about the trading embargo, it seperates the men from the boys.

People were going mad creating multitudes of new accounts, it became silly.

if there was a limit from the start would you all have cried about it or would you have just got on with it.

Kaz and PD should stick a pink slips option in the next patch. Then, if you want the car, you have to race for it one on one.

Stop the petitions. Go and create one that makes a difference to the real world instead of bellyaching over a bunch of pixels.

would you care to answer any of my questions i just posted?
I'm OUT !

Love the game. Don't care about the trading embargo, it seperates the men from the boys.

Let's ask some girls if that's true...

if there was a limit from the start would you all have cried about it or would you have just got on with it.

Fact is, there wasn't.
And that's what buggers me, cause I love that feature.

Kaz and PD should stick a pink slips option in the next patch. Then, if you want the car, you have to race for it one on one.

That sounds like a good idea. If this was an option, I wouldn't care much about trading.

Stop the petitions. Go and create one that makes a difference to the real world instead of bellyaching over a bunch of pixels.

And how did you make a difference to the real world so far?
No, not really. I am pro duplicating, even made a fiver for it once.

on the scale of things, it really doesn't matter.

like i said in the post you quoted, if it was there from the start no one would be crying right now.

I "ground" my way to the F10, why shouldn't anyone else. I won my X2010 for achieving lvl 35 in b-spec, you should too.

So stop crying.
No, not really. I am pro duplicating, even made a fiver for it once.

on the scale of things, it really doesn't matter.

like i said in the post you quoted, if it was there from the start no one would be crying right now.

I "ground" my way to the F10, why shouldn't anyone else. I won my X2010 for achieving lvl 35 in b-spec, you should too.

So stop crying.

Says the new member who does not read the first post and cries foul on this thread:indiff:
I get tired of explaining.Really.:ouch:
FYI - I've hammered all of the GT games and I was a member previously under a different ID. I don't give a hoot about the first post. This whole thread should be scrapped. Why don't you take a rest if you're so tired.
PD has disappointed a fairly huge community with their latest update
As for the haters: please DON'T enter this topic.

Just a simple "I'm in" would be enough. There are enough other topics where you can discuss this patch further. So please, keep this petition to the petition-signers.

Thought id just re-post this(First post by OP).Some people clearly don't read and need to be reminded over and over.:dunce:

FYI it's not for anyone to say if this thread is%$#@.Nothing decent to say then don't bother.Proper etiquette appreciated.

We have our reasons(again,not just duping,the 1million cr restriction makes it difficult to trade legit car's too,and many other legit reasons listed before.) you have yours,just learn to CONSIDER(not necessarily accept) others viewpoints.
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It's simple. As from now If you don't want to sign, don't post unless you want a holiday away from GTP.
I'm in. Trade embargo is garbage. They should of thought about it ahead of time instead of putting it in the game and then removing it after the fact.
I'm in for sure. I think its inexcusable that trading will only work for cars less than 1 mil. I was looking forward to further utilizing trades for rare cars that never show up in the UCD. So now you're telling me the only way I can get a rare car is by popping tickets forever+ hoping for something good or the UCD? :crazy:

That sucks and is pretty poor game design. Why is it that folks in Forza have a nice fancy online trading system they can use to market rare cars. This sucks I'm so happy I got the vast majority of the (edit- race) cars in the game! Only missing a handful of race cars if that many
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I would be in for this as well. The 1M cap doesn't bother me as much as the one set of items/cars per console per day
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