Bahahahaha, I just had no luck today, someone stole my ball on the first, sprayed 2 out of bounds on the second, plugged in a bunker under the lip on the third, flew the green for a difficult chip shot I hit fat twice on the fourth, pulled the drive into the trees punched out into a divot and bladed short, eagled the 6th, missed had 4 shots before I got off the tee block on 7, put 1 out of bounds and 1 in the water on 8, drove to the trees at the dog leg on nine and hit a tree root on the punch shot, while addressing the ball on ten I hit it backwards while aiming up 2 shot penalty, got a lucky bounce off a tree on 11 but it split the ball didn't realize until I picked it up on the green, eagled 12, 4 putted for a wipe on 13, hit 2 bunkers and the flag stick and it flew off on 14, put 6 tee shots in the water on 15,16 and 17, then drove the 18 green had a 30 ft putt it caught the break and rolled off, had 3 chips to get it back on, lol