Well, if there are no objections, then i will do it, i feel that i am very trustworthy, and im pretty sure that i have "skills" i am fairly competent in making banners and such, but i could just use the ones from the last one, or someone else could help me out with some, but i really want to run it, BUT if there is one person who wouldnt feel comfortable with me running it, then id like them to say so, because i dont want to do it if you guys feel that i shouldnt...maybe Slip and I could pair up or whatever...at least to get it started, i dont start school until next friday, so i have ample time to get it up and running and to get the hang of it, that way, when school starts, I will be used to running it and to the way things go, so it wont need as much time...I'm willing to start as soon as possible though...