Photomode Tournament Poll

  • Thread starter RetroGiant

Would you participate in the tourney?

  • Total voters
Well, if there are no objections, then i will do it, i feel that i am very trustworthy, and im pretty sure that i have "skills" i am fairly competent in making banners and such, but i could just use the ones from the last one, or someone else could help me out with some, but i really want to run it, BUT if there is one person who wouldnt feel comfortable with me running it, then id like them to say so, because i dont want to do it if you guys feel that i shouldnt...maybe Slip and I could pair up or least to get it started, i dont start school until next friday, so i have ample time to get it up and running and to get the hang of it, that way, when school starts, I will be used to running it and to the way things go, so it wont need as much time...I'm willing to start as soon as possible though...
Definitly interested 👍

BTW: That threefingers guy has some skills! :eek:

You can't relay on me running it 100% but I'm comitted helping out with banner, pictures, organization, etc.
Thanks George 👍 but like i said, i want to see what everyone else thinks first...but its good to know that you've got my back...haha...
Well i appreciate all the support, I'll see what garnett says about it, and maybe i could start on it tonight and have it up by tomorrow night...
Yes, start ASAP, thats what I did with the Rally Competitin 👍
Well i appreciate all the support, I'll see what garnett says about it, and maybe i could start on it tonight and have it up by tomorrow night...

I say go for it, I'm not really the one to say yay or nay. My only word of advice would be to pretty much go by the same exact rules and setup that treefingers did. I think that was the perfect format. But as for me, you got my full support 👍.
Well, i felt that id ask for your approval since you were the one who started this thread...but with that said, i will try to start it tonight and see if i can understand the way everything will work, and i may even have it up and running by tomorrow night....if i need help, i trust that all of you who have said that you could help, will help if i ask you to, thanks!
D_P, there are a fair amount of us who took part in both of the tourneys, so I'm positive that if you're unsure of anything, we can definitely lend a hand :)
Good to know slip, thanks. Last night i saved all of the banners from the old one, but typed everything up with my own thoughts in mind, i felt that the old one was rather confusing, so i tried to clear it up some...I amended a couple rules, but nothing thing that i may need help on is making a bracket, i mean i made one last night, but there has got to be an easier way than how i did it, it took me a while, and it looked like if anybody is willing to do that for me than i would greatly appreciate it...although we wont know what size the bracket should be because we dont know how many people are going to enter, but once we do, ill see if some of you guys know how to do it...
Actually, IIRC we had a preliminary round of qualifying for both the regular and 2.0 version. Say we have 21 entries for the 2.0 side of things. You throw a poll up with all 21, allowing multiple votes. The highest 16 move on to the proper brackets, and so on, so forth. That way you have a nice, easily manageable amount of brackets :)
OHHHHH! that makes sense slip, alright, we ll do that then, sounds that means that everytime, we will aim for more than 16 entries, so that we can have a poll at the beggining to determine the 16 that will participate in the actual tournament, maybe we could have a general theme and everyone can create an entry based on that, do two polls to narrow it down to 16, one for 2.0 and one for standard PMC rules...ok then, if anyone wants to help me out with a bracket, that would be awesome, i can then open it up in ps and add the names whenever the 16 are determined...i would really appreciate this....