Photomode Tournament Poll

  • Thread starter RetroGiant

Would you participate in the tourney?

  • Total voters
United States
Midnight City

I miss it. It would definately get me back into taking new pictures. It brought the best out of everybody. My question is, would you be interested in bringing it back? If you don't remember how it went look here and here.
I doubt I could run it, as it is alot of work (being its done right like the last one), but I could help some. But I know there are enough talented people here we could find someone.

I would like to see another PD Tournament. I definetely could not run the thing, and might not even be able to participate all of the time, but it's a great competition that brings out the best. I would surely participate if I had the time. It probably does'nt take quite as much as you thing GR, since it's pretty much set up for you already. Just keeping up with the posts and posting the polls and keep track of who's picture is who's.👍
I´ve just enter this kind of tornament once, but it was so cool and fun to compete against other GTP members. Bring back this comp. mate, U have my support!
Wow, i really want this to be back...I wasnt around while this was here the first time, but man this looks soooo awesome, im getting really excited, i want this back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this will get me way too excited
and I will raise the bar way too far :lol:
The trouble is finding someone who has the time to run it. If so, I'm definitely taking part 👍
The trouble is finding someone who has the time to run it.

I have time to run it, but I don't want to get flamed for running to many competitions (I alredy run the Rally Photo and Drift Photo competitions).
Sounds pretty good, but only if you change that banner up the top to something nice :P
Well you aren't invited to participte 🤬....Just kidding, I just threw something together just to have a pic. Surely treefingers wouldn't mind if we used the same banners and what not, they were really sharp.

Well its obvious alot of people want it back, now I think we should just have people say if they can run it or not. Then we all can decide who we think best can run it.
Make a new thread with a poll, put everyones name in who say they can run it in the poll, we can vote for who can run it.
Make a new thread with a poll, put everyones name in who say they can run it in the poll, we can vote for who can run it.

Well we need to wait for people to say they can run it, cause as of right now, your the only one that said they can run it. Wouldn't be much of a poll. Or is that the idea :sly:
What about you then garnett?? When you started this thread I somehow thought you would also be interested in running this... :sly:
I'm in on this one! I've always wanted to go head to head with one single person :)
I nominate you Garnett, too. You are obviously interested, or you would not have posted this thread, and you seem to be mature, and honestly, your pretty much a veteran when it comes to photomode, and as such, i could see you running this way before i could see George Morley...
I also nominate garnet, but if he can't do it at any time I can back up.
I'd also be interested in this. Somehow I never caught wind of the first one until it was nearly finished.
Well I'm definately interested in participating but I'm in my senior year of college and with that, plus work, I honestly wouldn't have enough time to completely run it. I would be able to help out though I'm sure, but running it completely, I just wouldn't have enough time to devote to it. Surely there are more than just George that could run it, he already has 2 under his belt, 3 would be just too many especially with the way this one works.
Hmm, well i suppose that maybe i could do it...i wouldnt mind, but idk if you guys think im fit for it...maybe me and someone else could do it, cause i too have a job and i am a senior in High School, but if someone could help me out, even if its just a little bit, when im short on time, then maybe i could do it...that is, if you guys think that id fit the part...
I too am willing to help if need be, because I've got experience throwing up 2 polls every week ;). Oddly enough, I'd prefer doing it once I'm back at university, because then I'm on a regular schedule. During the summer I'm on shifts at a steel mill, so sometimes I'm gone all night, sometimes, all morning.

Anyways, this definitely brings out the best in everyone, so I'm all for its return!
Looks like theres deffinetely enough interest to get it going once again, including myself. I'm happy with who-ever decides to run it. I just want someone who we know is trust-worthy, and has the skills annndd time to run this.