Well...no one will know now which shot is yours Sej

So if there is anyone who wanna enter, U have until tomorrow afternoon to do:tup:
Gonna be a FANTASTIC qualification poll in 2.0
PMC is also great, so far everyone will pass:tup:
EDT - Well I wanna say there are some members that I would like to see here a lot, but for various reasons they cannot enter or don´t know the Tournament has begun:
Alexwrc - Sadly the last Champion of 2.0 will not enter...and to me its a big guy that will not be with us this season.
Cod Father - Another top talented member that I would love to see here, hope to see U in next seasons:tup:
440 Charger - One of the kings of GTP...a legend for most of us...I would love to see him here.
Streetz - Another guy that have a great talent, hope to see him again around here.
Funkshen - Hope to see U next edition mate, love your work.
Of course I LOVE the current list of people that have entered so far (who wouldn´t??)

, but with these guys participating it would be the end of the world
Since I´m talking about talented members, I also wanna give my opinion about some of the guys that entered so far:
Speedster502 - U have improved A LOT!!! Be careful with this guy:tup:
Loon - U are also giving us some impressive work, U have good chances in this Tournament
Beerzgood - This guy...just be very cautious...he means business:tup:
Rayquaza - Always a pleasure to see his work...and he can do some awesome shots, another guy to avoid
[empty space] - Another top skilled guy, that can go far in this Tournament. Avoid if U can 👍
Atlop - Another top skilled guy around here!! Always a pleasure to have him here
Jacoja07 - This name means trouble, so be prepared to bring your best work 👍
Sejtur - His name speaks for itself
More can be told about the rest of the guys...this is only a little opinion about what I think of this season list of entries. So the guys I didn´t mention, don´t be mad...👍
Enjoy the Tournament...all of U