Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
u were the ones that said this war is against terrorism, u said this war is for the evolution of Iraq......and I asked if it stopped any terrorism at all yet? no, defenetly not, it worsened it.

Everytime I turn on the radio I hear people dying out there for the war against terrorism and for Iraq. Who knows, maybe even for the oil,

I have no ****ing clue what Im talking about, of course not...

40 Women and children died again today in Iraq, way to go bush, another step to save the world has been made brother

my question still wasnt answered, I guess it was just a complete stupid question that no one can understand and doesnt have a point at all
Originally posted by K_Speed
I guess it was just a complete stupid question that no one can understand and doesnt have a point at all

I answered yours. Yestarday. Now answer mine. Just say yes or no.

who killed those 40 women and children? and do you read these guys' responses? or do you just keep posting to the newest post without reading the ones before it?

did you ever say how old you are?

ok, ok, i'll give you my answer to your ignorant question.

No war will ever completely stop terrorism. As long as there are people on this earth there will be some kind of terrorism committed eventually. Did it make it worse? well, America hasn't been attacked on her homeland again....but other countries have been bombed since the war, so, no, the war has not made terrorism worse. the fanatics that are pissed off because we went after them, and killed a bunch of their buddies have made it worse.

there, I answered your stupid question. now, what do you think will have a more negative impact on the fight against terror, The War, or Spain playing right into the hands of the terrorists after they got bombed?
40 women and children died today. So what. Look what kind of people they were. They had every opportunity to move out of the city, but they didn't. They stayed to support the actions of the defiant terrorists. They stayed to be a "bullet proof shield" for those that do not want a free Iraq. I say good riddance.

This same tactic was used by the Mexican army during the Spanish-American War. It didn't work then, and it's not going to work now.
The military still claims that it was not a wedding.

They have weapons and satellite communication devices to back up their claim now. At first, I figured it was just a mistake and they thought they were being shot at by celebrators shooting in the air. Now I think the whole concept of it being a wedding is an easy fabrication and that there was more going on there than they want you to know.
I guess the Baathist public relations guys figured the "orphanage/hospital" angle was getting played out.
too obvious and too big. Anyone with an AK-47 will have a shot, but not to much avail.
Hell, why not just bring in an F-22, and give them abit of light practice.