Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
Well you have to remember that the individuals who were "abused" in Iraq were all the most upstanding people, real nice guys. Damn shame. They deserve better. The deserve the sympathy of the world. I'm sure Nick Berg was an asshole who deserved whatever he got.

The monsters who beheaded Nick Berg are the people we are fighting. Find me an instance of that kind of conduct from the West.

Why can two Americans be burned and dismembered and you hear about it for maybe two days, and some terrorists are treated like the deserve to be treated and we have to hear about it every day, indefinitely.

Nah. There's no liberal bias in the media.
What's with the timing marks? They don't seem to add up.
Originally posted by milefile
Well you have to remember that the individuals who were "abused" in Iraq were all the most upstanding people, real nice guys. Damn shame. They deserve better. The deserve the sympathy of the world. I'm sure Nick Berg was an asshole who deserved whatever he got.

The monsters who beheaded Nick Berg are the people we are fighting. Find me an instance of that kind of conduct from the West.

Why can two Americans be burned and dismembered and you hear about it for maybe two days, and some terrorists are treated like the deserve to be treated and we have to hear about it every day, indefinitely.

Nah. There's no liberal bias in the media.

You hit the nail right on the head 👍
Originally posted by milefile
They seem in line to me.

Allah Akhbar!
The two in the lower right - one showing him lying on his side, still apparently alive, the other obviously postmortem - have "13.45" or so, while the others are all in the "2.40" range.

A moment of silence for the poor gentleman.
See this is the type of **** i was trying to say in my earlier posts. Now whats his family have ?A Really awful and needles killing of their son. They get a flag and an im sorry. Lucky i am not in charge right now. For every civilian they killed i would send them 10 of thier mens heads. You cant reason with people with no regard for human life.

Hell they been killing each other for centuries . And why are we blaming rumsfeld for did he order those people to take those pics? Its like your cousin steals a car so they arrest your dad . People always trying to blame some one else . Time to take credit for your own mistakes,it would make this world a better place
i am extending my condolences to the family of the young man, Nick Berg. war is ugly as is, but with such scenes that we are seeing everyday i am sorry to say that i see no end to the violence. the u.s. is being led into tribal warfare, we kill one of them they kill one of us. the only difference is we do it with laser guided missles without seeing the ramifications of it. and the way they do it is straight in your face.:( :(
i saw the video a few minutes ago, and my heart is still pounding heavily uptill now:( :( :(
this is horrible, i am numb right now. i do not know what to say anymore. my condelences to his family:(
Originally posted by musclecarfan
See this is the type of **** i was trying to say in my earlier posts. Now whats his family have ?A Really awful and needles killing of their son. They get a flag and an im sorry. Lucky i am not in charge right now. For every civilian they killed i would send them 10 of thier mens heads. You cant reason with people with no regard for human life.

Hell they been killing each other for centuries . And why are we blaming rumsfeld for did he order those people to take those pics? Its like your cousin steals a car so they arrest your dad . People always trying to blame some one else . Time to take credit for your own mistakes,it would make this world a better place

Well, I will agree with your second paragraph. You're right on that.
In reference to your 1st paraghraph, however, Someone posted "An eye for an eye, and we'll all be blind".
As much as I'd like to do what you want to in your first paragraph, that is not right and takes us down to their level. We are Americans. This great country was founded on Freedom for everyone. We are to uphold high moral standards, and treat everyone with fairness. You can not truly believe in the Bill of Rights and the Constituition without projecting those ideals to everyone in the world. What makes us better than those barbaric extremists, is that we won't kill their families, and neighbors in retaliation. Trust me, the idea is tempting. But it is not right. As my 1stSargent would say, "We will maintain the standard, regardless of what everyone else is doing". Now, he was an asshole, but, he was right. And the standard is that America is better than everybody else. Because we do not lower ourselves by senseless retaliation. We treat our prisoners with the proper respect, until they have have been judge by a fair method. We recognize that every individual has certain basic rights that should not be violated. This is what makes us American.
Don't get blinded by emotion. What happend to Berg, the Contractors, Shugart and Gordon, that reporter who was beheaded in Pakistan(or Afgahnistan), was horrible and barbaric. And We will seek justice in the proper way.
I know it was wrong ,i had just seen the video. And i was just Really angry at what i saw. They get all outraged at some embarrasment (Spelling?) And cut a guys head off, Really sad.

So i agree with you 87 chevy. I over reacted to what i saw. My apologies to any one i offended .
At the risk of getting a stern telling-off again, why is everyone rushing to see this video?

I heard about the atrocity on the news and heard that there was a video on the internet. But frankly the last thing I wish to see is the end of someone's life on my screen - let alone in this way.
Originally posted by Famine
At the risk of getting a stern telling-off again, why is everyone rushing to see this video?

I heard about the atrocity on the news and heard that there was a video on the internet. But frankly the last thing I wish to see is the end of someone's life on my screen - let alone in this way.

a friend of mine showed me the video last night and i was disgusted...i deleted it right away

why does everyone want to see it? by spreading the video around you are doing exactly what they make people afraid...thats all theyre after...making the whole world afriad...and also think of his family...if he was your dad/husband/brother or who ever, would you want the whole world to be seeing him being decapititated?

show some respect
Nick Berg's memory and meaning is no longer the sole property of his family and friends. He, along with others, is now a symbol. That video is the fuel for our perseverance. It does not scare me. It terrorist think acts like this will help them at all they are dead wrong. With every human life they defile they pound another nail into their coffin.

Nick Berg's memory is now public property. I doubt he would mind.
i agree this video adds fuel to the fire, and i would love to go there and pump bullets into terrorists heads.

i too saw the video and deleted it immediately, now things are gonna start to heat up, if i have to i will fight.
The video didn't scare anyone. The nitwits don't realize yet that Americans do not forgive or forget being targeted. if you pay attention in school you may find out about a thing called resolve. As in; " you have attacked us so we resolve to destroy you" for some strange reason we are always underestimated. either that or the fools are delusional in the extreme.
Originally posted by Famine
At the risk of getting a stern telling-off again, why is everyone rushing to see this video?

The same reason Muslims rushes to see pictures of Abou Gharib's torture, rape and murder scenes.

All these video/pictures, on both sides, really makes me sick... and one thing that makes me even more sick is their consequences and how they're used.
So they've got this situation in Najaf, where al-Sadr's militia are in a stand off with coalition forces. These people hide themselves and their weapons in mosques, hospitals, schools, what have you. Then they fire on patrols, hoping to lure coalition forces into returning fire on some of these 'sacred' places.

It appears some of these places got shot up today. Even though it is equally likely al-Sadr's own forces opened fired on these sites in order to enflame public opinion, various and sundry Iraqis get pissed off, eager to paint the US as an enemy of Islam.

This has got to be the biggest load of nonsense I've heard yet. How friggin uneducated and provincial are these people? It really burns me sometimes how divorced from reality and common sense these people are.

If you have a sacred place you want to keep safe and out of harm, DONT HIDE BANNED WEAPONS THERE AND DON'T SHOOT AT PEOPLE FROM THERE.

I think we should make each and every M1A1 Abrams tank an official place of holy worship. We can stick a cross or a star of david or a picture of G. Gordon Liddy on each one and then drive around Iraq until someone takes a shot at it. Then we can all freak out and have a goddamn cow because Muslims attacked one of our holy relics.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to roll out my prayer mat, face the general direction of Parris Island and watch The Sands of Iwo Jima.

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
I think we should make each and every M1A1 Abrams tank an official place of holy worship. We can stick a cross or a star of david or a picture of G. Gordon Liddy on each one and then drive around Iraq until someone takes a shot at it. Then we can all freak out and have a goddamn cow because Muslims attacked one of our holy relics.

US troops have already tried something similar. They would blast AC/DC over loudspeakers when they are on patrol. It would literally scare the terrorists out of their hiding places.
I'm fed up with this Middle East Crap. What is it 90% of the world that is not fighting to the extent of the middle east? This has to stop somewhere and the only way you can possibly reduce it is by keeping the younger generation in check and kep them from beilvieing that nonsense they are taught everyday. We all can see what happens when peopl ethink for themselves.I think this problem could b ereduced by capturing the major terrosist but not only that but having everycountry in the world working towards an effort to help stop this .This is going way farther then religion. You have little kids over there like around age 7 carrying ak47's. Thats crazy man and so screwed up a seven year old.Seven year olds should be out playing with thier friends not craaying around a weapon that will end up getting them killed.I'm so glad I have a ocean in between me and that problem. Its too bad we can't send in every army from the world to stop this all but thats sucidal knowing everyone will be out to get you. I guess we are starting not only the war on terriosm but the war of peace which is funny that you have to have a war for peace but we need to do what we have to do.This will take countless of years to reduce the fighting.

I hope that made sense. O well man. :(
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
I think we should make each and every M1A1 Abrams tank an official place of holy worship. We can stick a cross or a star of david or a picture of G. Gordon Liddy on each one and then drive around Iraq until someone takes a shot at it. Then we can all freak out and have a goddamn cow because Muslims attacked one of our holy relics.
👍 👍 👍
3 big thumbs up and a :lol:! Excellent idea, ///M!
hehe, yes they deleted my thread with the disturbing video, lmao

ok, so most of yo are for the war, call the spanish cowards, wanna kill some muslims ( yes I actually heard ppl saying that)....and now, now I show a video of some Iraqis cutting an americans head of!

and guess what, everyones saying thats disturbing and ushouldnt show on here. Well the point for me to let u see that vid, is to let u know what war is, in case u didnt know, look at the hate, look at the dieing, just look at it....but no, u turn away and delete the thread as if nothing had happened and it was all good.

Everyone is aware of what happened, K-Speed. But at the risk of repeating myself...

Originally posted by Famine
...why is everyone rushing to see this video?

I heard about the atrocity on the news and heard that there was a video on the internet. But frankly the last thing I wish to see is the end of someone's life on my screen - let alone in this way.

Anyone actually wanting to see the video disturbs me, but actively encouraging other people to see it is weird beyond words.
I love war. Videos of people being decapitated are cool and entertaining. Charred, dismembered bodies hanging from bridges remind me of Christmas ornaments, pure joy. I just don't know what I'd do without death and mayhem. I guess I'd have to start killing people myself.

I am representative of the average American. We love death. We all drove our V8 SUVs to Washington and begged our incompetent president to go to Iraq and steal their oil (of course we had to speak slowly and use small words). We specifically demanded maximum carnage so we'd have something to watch on TV.

Better watch out! We're coming for you next.
Originally posted by milefile
I love war. Videos of people being decapitated are cool and entertaining. Charred, dismembered bodies hanging from bridges remind me of Christmas ornaments, pure joy. I just don't know what I'd do without death and mayhem. I guess I'd have to start killing people myself.

I am representative of the average American. We love death. We all drove our V8 SUVs to Washington and begged our incompetent president to go to Iraq and steal their oil (of course we had to speak slowly and use small words). We specifically demanded maximum carnage so we'd have something to watch on TV.

Better watch out! We're coming for you next.

thats exaclty what a lot of people think in the middle east, well said