Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
you know what, i'm not done yet. i went back and read some of the Previous posts, not all, but some.

i think Skyline GTR was ragging on the Spanish. Well, way before that, when Turkey was saying they were going to send a few thousand troops, their embassy got bombed (in my sector of Baghdad). The only death was the idiot driving the car bomb. Their building looked like hell from where all the shrapnel hit it. but they didn't lose anyone! yet, they decide that they have changed thier minds about sending troops. Then months later they are victims of devasting terrorist attacks in their home country.... hmm... alot of good it did them to pull out.

Also, let me say that in the area of Baghdad i was assigned to, 80% of the people were glad we were there. 15% could have cared less, and then you had the people who were Baath party members, and government officials and military people who were upset becuase now they had no power. And do you realize the extremists who were bombing us, started killing innocent iraqi's, because America and the Coalition would not be phased. so they try to cuase upheeval by killing citizens and bombing mosques.

some people are using the war to their personal gain and profit, well shame on them and we should find out who they are and speak out against it. We should also NOT ALLOW OURSELVES to forget paying attention to the Domestic issues, if you did than that is your fault. But the war was still good, and opened a door to a better life for Iraq, what THEY choose to do know is up to them.......
87chevy and 5Liter, I want to thank you gentlemen for having the courage to put yourselves in harm's way. If we ever meet, I hope you'll do me the honor of buying you a drink.

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
87chevy and 5Liter, I want to thank you gentlemen for having the courage to put yourselves in harm's way. If we ever meet, I hope you'll do me the honor of buying you a drink.

:cheers: Ill hold ya too it!:)
your welcome:tup:
your welcome M-Spec. I consider it an honour to serve my country. Which means i take pride in fighting for Everyone's right to be a complete idiot. and it's those idiots who should be most greatful for the Young people of our nation, and our allied nations, that are dying everyday, And all the ones who have died before. Like our grand parents and our parents who served.Because in a country like the Former Iraq, Sadam could kill you all off with no consequences.
Originally posted by 87chevy
And to say that because some innocents were hurt by American weapons is Horrific and obvious reason to be against us is well, pure ignorance.

Do you think we should have stopped the war against Hitler because innocent Germans were dying???

Whoa. I just noticed this was most likely a reference to a post I made earlier in this thread. I think you misunderstood the ultimate meaning of my message, but it was certainly not in support of Arab/Muslim hatred of the West. The post was designed to point out that a lot of Arab resentment is based on virtually nothing, and that the small amount of justifiable anger they may have certainly isn't enough for us to feel bad about. Sorry if it came across the wrong way.

NO NO, i don't know what you're refering to because i haven't read all the posts, but i was refering to that rinard or whoever started the thread with the first post. maybe he will read my posts and lose some of the gross nievity (i don't know how to spell Ny-eve... you get dumb in the desert after 350days) that he has.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
87chevy and 5Liter, I want to thank you gentlemen for having the courage to put yourselves in harm's way. If we ever meet, I hope you'll do me the honor of buying you a drink.
I will second that motion right now. The front line troops have our unqualified support, and no matter how mediocrely the war seems to have been handled at the top levels, fundamentally it is a just and effective mission.

Great job, guys, and thank you.
Well, even if I disagree with how this war is led and the way it was strarted, I respect a lot the courage of your actions there. Keeping the peace in an hostile country that you barely know anything about, not knowing if the guy approching you is going to blow himself up must be a very tough job.

I'm also glad to hear a different version of what's going on, from a direct source of the situation there. It's true that the media are very often paying more attention on ****-ups and failures than on successes to get some attention.

My main concern on this war, as I expressed in this thread, are more its final consequences on terrorism, which affects us all directly... will it help us to eradicate it, or will it feed it in the end. that's where my beliefs don't come in line with the US administration, and I hope you don't consider me a complete (or partial :P) idiot for it. By the way I have absolutely no respect for the creator of the thread, which is only spamming boards with useless propaganda and then leave, without being able to back its thoughts or to debate them at all.
I lived in an apartment that was infested with cockroaches. I'd see them when I came home at night and turned the lights on. I'd find them in my medicine cabinet, etc. Then one day the landlord decided to do something about it. Starting in the apartments below me they began exterminating. I ended up run out of my own place by roaches. Their quiet secure life was disrupted and they scattered all over the place, and became very active. Out in the open like that they were easy to track and kill. After a while the roaches were gone.

Terrorists are like cockroaches.
Originally posted by milefile
I lived in an apartment that was infested with cockroaches. I'd see them when I came home at night and turned the lights on. I'd find them in my medicine cabinet, etc. Then one day the landlord decided to do something about it. Starting in the apartments below me they began exterminating. I ended up run out of my own place by roaches. Their quiet secure life was disrupted and they scattered all over the place, and became very active. Out in the open like that they were easy to track and kill. After a while the roaches were gone.

Terrorists are like cockroaches.

Good analogy, but we have a damn roomy apartment to clean, and you don't have to differentiate good roaches from the bad roaches in that case, which make things a lot easier.
yes they are... and as to my opinion on the war against terrorism, i feel that it will never fully be won as far as no more terrorism. BUT I do feel like making a stand and telling these little cowardice bastards we wont have it, GREATLY ruduces the chances of something like 9-11 happening again. another plus to fighting against terrorism, is that if we keep on finding these insurgents and cells out there and destroying them, they will be like cocroaches... in the fact that they wont really have the time to do anything but keep running from us.. By the way... To all terrorists out there... Dont run.. youll only die tired, not to mention youll piss me off even more cause youll make ME run.:lol: have a great day!
So what are your opinions on the new pics of the prisoners? Such a bad treatment right ? Being stripped naked and a leash put on.

What the hell are people all upset about ? At least they werent dragged behind a vehicle ,or burnt and thrown from a bridge or totured to death like some of our troops . So it pisses me off to see americans all upset about such bad treatment of prisoners of war. Looks like they just making some humor , I know it may be degradine (<- spelling? ) but at least they are alive, right?

Just my opinion .Sorry if it makes any of you mad. But i spent 9 years in the service and wish i could be with my best friend of 19 years who is doing his part.
Originally posted by musclecarfan
So what are your opinions on the new pics of the prisoners? Such a bad treatment right ? Being stripped naked and a leash put on.

What the hell are people all upset about ? At least they werent dragged behind a vehicle ,or burnt and thrown from a bridge or totured to death like some of our troops . So it pisses me off to see americans all upset about such bad treatment of prisoners of war. Looks like they just making some humor , I know it may be degradine (<- spelling? ) but at least they are alive, right?

Just my opinion .Sorry if it makes any of you mad. But i spent 9 years in the service and wish i could be with my best friend of 19 years who is doing his part.

your absolutly right! I agree, some of these pittifull excuses of human beings do deserve a violent death... but as to what these reservists did, will cost more american soldiers thier lives (as was stated earlier, apparently you havent read thru the forum) because this is only going to outrage extremests even more and may cause some coalition friendly arabs, to turn and become anti-coalition. thus adding to the mess over there, and beleive me, they dont need any more "i wanna die for allah" idiots over there walking up to a baracks and blowing themselfs up. theve got too many as of now.
not only that, but they discraced the uniform by stooping down to there level. you served right? you should know then.
hey musclecarfan, i'm also a service member, as is 5LRE, we are veterans of this current war, and we lost a friend also. i will refer you to my post in the thread about spain. should be one of the last pages. that thread has already greatly debated this issue. we don't need two threads debating the same thing.

and i'm a little disappointed that you as a service member don't see it as wrong. shame on you.
I guess the biggest problem is one of proportion. The shame an outrage felt by the people in the US is not in question but the fact that the world media the Arabs and the US media are treating this incident the way they are , completely out of proportion with say for example 4 burnt up/ shot up contractors being dragged behind a car whilst a buch of A - rabs party in the street gets a few photo's and a couple days of coverage on the news. I don't see any governments expressing any outrage. I see little outrage either amongst the world population over the women and children who are being blown to atoms everytime the nitwits who like to blow themselves up , take out a block in Bhagdad to make a point. The fact that a deaf dumb and blind retarded caveman who just woke up, can see that most of the outrage is politically motivated, might also leave some of us more cynical minded in wonder at the situation as well.
as our ememy's are very fond of telling us when they are not exploding in front /back or around us, "We are our own worst enemy"
Its lucky for them we even take them prisoner,, I'd stick their friggin heads on a stick. they are not soldiers, soldiers become prisoners..terrorists should become just dead.
Originally posted by 87chevy
hey musclecarfan, i'm also a service member, as is 5LRE, we are veterans of this current war, and we lost a friend also. i will refer you to my post in the thread about spain. should be one of the last pages. that thread has already greatly debated this issue. we don't need two threads debating the same thing.

and i'm a little disappointed that you as a service member don't see it as wrong. shame on you.

Its not that i dont see it as wrong . But i think people should not over react the way they are . I think yes those people should be reprimanded for their actions . But like i said at least they are still alive and not dismembered so their families only get a flag and a im sorry . I am no longer in the service as i was during the first Desert Storm.
the fact that people aren't as outraged about the 4 contractors, is regrettable. I think they should be. As we all probably do. But, the lack of outrage might be do to the fact that people have come to expect that kind of barbarism from 'those people'. The world saw this kind of insanity when Shugart and Gordon were mutilated and dragged through the streets of Mogidishu. Now i'm not at all trying to downplay what was done to the Contractors, it made me want to puke. I had no problem with MOAB'ing the whole damn area after that. But that would not be right either. But we can not control what other people do and how they react. We can try and bring to light the problem. And I think the president should have brought up the mutilation of the Contractors in his speach to the Arab nations. Shame on him for not doing so. But because worse things have been done by other, more base, people doesn't take away from the Severity of what was done to the prisoners.

Would masacring 1000 innocent people not be all that bad because Hitler murdered several million????
Shame on him for not doing so. But because worse things have been done by other, more base, people doesn't take away from the Severity of what was done to the prisoners.

You're right, it has nothing to do with what others have done in the past and everything to do with the fact that what happened to those prisoners was simply not that severe in light of what is physically possible.

I think people like yourself have lost perspective on what happened to those prisoners. Is it something I would like to have seen avoided? absolutely. Does it change a damn thing about what our course of action should be? No. Is it unexpected? No.

We can't allow our actions to be dictated by the lowest common denominator.
Someone explain to me why the mistreatment of these prisoners has been on the news for a week, with the whole world squeekin about it , while when the martyrs over there decide to cuisinart a few people and show the video's it sets off celibrations and a few " tisk tisks" ?
Originally posted by danoff
I think people like yourself have lost perspective on what happened to those prisoners. Is it something I would like to have seen avoided? absolutely. Does it change a damn thing about what our course of action should be? No. Is it unexpected? No.

We can't allow our actions to be dictated by the lowest common denominator.

Ok, what happened may not change OUR couse of action, but the muslim community sees us as an occupying power and not as liberators. making stuff like what happened to those prisoners public to the muslim community now makes us look like an occupying power AND a creul dictatorship like that of Sadam.
We cant allow our actions to be dictated by the lowest common denominator, but thats what the whole world looks for, is for someone like US, to do something stupid so they can use it against us. thats why this AT THE VERY LEAST, should have never gone public, and those gaurds should have never taken pictures so they couldve denied the whole thing. but whaddya know, stupid joe fuks everything up
Originally posted by ledhed
Someone explain to me why the mistreatment of these prisoners has been on the news for a week, with the whole world squeekin about it , while when the martyrs over there decide to cuisinart a few people and show the video's it sets off celibrations and a few " tisk tisks" ?

because we'ed expect somthing like that from that Barbaric nation. but would've never expected it from ourselfs. we are better than that. thats why there is so much media on it
Originally posted by 5LiterRiceEater
because we'ed expect somthing like that from that Barbaric nation.

The Iraqis, and other peoples of the Mesopotamia region, were churning out sculptures and artwork of fantastic intricacy 4000 years before (white) Americans and their ancestors in Europe had learned how babies were made.
The Iraqis, and other peoples of the Mesopotamia region, were churning out sculptures and artwork of fantastic intricacy 4000 years before (white) Americans and their ancestors in Europe had learned how babies were made.

Amazing how a society can just stop making progress isn't it.
Originally posted by Famine
The Iraqis, and other peoples of the Mesopotamia region, were churning out sculptures and artwork of fantastic intricacy 4000 years before (white) Americans and their ancestors in Europe had learned how babies were made.
that argument really has no relavence...(sp)
just because they were making artwork 4000 years ago, dosent mean that they arent barbaric in thier ways... look at it this way...
if "they" have been around since pretty much the begining of creation itself, and they are in the most oil rich part of the world, how come they arent technilogically developed?? not to mention they have been fighting for centuries!!! ill tell you why, its because they will fuk thier brother over just to get ahead. thats litterally too! they keep each other down as a society from their uncivilized ways... so yes they were around when Jesus walked the earth, but that doesnt make them saints..
It isn't an argument, or a counter-point, or a debate. You called Iraq a "Barbaric nation", when in fact they developed civilisation long before we were aware of how it was spelled. If my rebuttal of that was irrelevant, then so was your statement of it in the first place.
apparently you didn't read my post at all, or you read it with blinders on. At least you could be pissed because what those dumb ass soldiers did was basically garauntee more attacks on American forces. I promise you what they did cost an honorable soldier his/her life.

and do you people just read the last post and the thread title and write a reply? do you ever read further up the page, or , oh my God, maybe even the Previous page!!!??

PS. Famine, i'll refer you to my Post in "Is Spain putting us all at risk?". last page. post#93.