- 87,843
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
Originally posted by 87chevy
apparently you didn't read my post at all
Originally posted by Famine
It isn't an argument, or a counter-point, or a debate. You called Iraq a "Barbaric nation", when in fact they developed civilisation long before we were aware of how it was spelled. If my rebuttal of that was irrelevant, then so was your statement of it in the first place.
Originally posted by Famine
It isn't an argument, or a counter-point, or a debate. You called Iraq a "Barbaric nation", when in fact they developed civilisation long before we were aware of how it was spelled. If my rebuttal of that was irrelevant, then so was your statement of it in the first place.
well said:tup:Originally posted by ledhed
I guess the best way to put this in the proper perspective and stay within the theme of the thread is to look at how these actions have affected the situation in Iraq. Without a doubt this affair will cost lives on both sides, thats just being pragmatic. In discussion with friends that are either still in the service or ex service the majority opinion is that this was a stain on the honor of the armed services and that the nitwits that took the pictures should be shot. the best way it was presented to me was ; " Imagine the response in the US if you substituted US military for the Iraqi prisoners, I doubt if you would think it was being blown out of proportion , knowing you you'd want to blow Bhagdad up all out to space ! Do you really think we need to give them more reasons to shoot at our ass's ?" an interesting conversation to say the least. ..better there than here.
This doesn't logically follow at all. The current condition of the country IS relevant, but the near-prehistoric condition of the are is NOT relevant.Originally posted by Famine
It isn't an argument, or a counter-point, or a debate. You called Iraq a "Barbaric nation", when in fact they developed civilisation long before we were aware of how it was spelled. If my rebuttal of that was irrelevant, then so was your statement of it in the first place.
Originally posted by Famine
I may add that there is a general rule of thumb for internet debate. That rule is "The first person to bring up Hitler instantly loses the argument.". I didn't make it up, I should further add.
So what? It wouldn't be the first time a psychopathic tyrant and corruption have bled a great nation dry of everything that was formerly great about it. Cultural relativism is about as useful as "internet debate etiquite".You called Iraq a "Barbaric nation", when in fact they developed civilisation long before we were aware of how it was spelled.
Originally posted by 87chevy
milefile, NeonDuke, MSpec, [edit: ledhed also!]THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
i'm so relieved to know i'm not the only one that thought Famine was making no point at all and attacking 5LRE's post rather than the TOPIC!!! thank you!
ps. milefile, i really like your internet rule of thumb!
Originally posted by Famine
Other people in this thread have said - regarding the alleged American and British troops' brutality of Iraqi prisoners - that "we cannot allow our actions to be dictated by the lowest common denominator", yet you are allowing your opinion of the Iraqi people to be dictated by their lowest common denominator color]
Originally posted by 87chevy
well said once agian milefile! are you in the Service? because i don't think anyone who wasn't would be able to describe that so well.
Originally posted by milefile
I wish people would take this advice when opining on the U.S.
Originally posted by 87chevy
i hate to tell you this, but every statement has a point. and you can't disprove someone elses 'point', without offering another one. and, how bout this. if your not going to actually talk about the topic at hand, then don't bother saying anything. that would save us a lot of trouble. instead of just dancing around the issue and nitpicking someone else post, without providing your own view on the subject.
I guess he shot himself in the foot on that one!!Originally posted by Famine
Funny. You were the first person to tell me I hadn't made a point. But now every statement has a point, so I guess I must have.
I believe I have made my own view readily apparent in my previous lengthy post.
And there's no way I'm going to pick up on such an open goal as "get out of the thread" (paraphrase) when talking about removing a dictator from power. I'll let someone else cover it.
5LRE - I just thought I'd say that, although it was your initial comment I was disagreeing with, your subsequent posts have shown that you rock. Hard!