Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
Originally posted by jpmontoya
All countries or people that are against the war in Iraq have been called knee-jerks everywhere by supporters of this war...

:shurg: Not language that I would use...

Well the people that resotrt to name calling are the jerks, and they can be found on both sides of the debate, it's an argument in their eyes.
Originally posted by live4speed
Well the people that resotrt to name calling are the jerks, and they can be found on both sides of the debate, it's an argument in their eyes.

The argument primarily comes in when people present unsupported opinions and proceede to call people idiots when they themselves have no idea what they are talking about.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Of all the anti-war people in the thread, he is the only reasonable one.

Now, are you going to ANSWER MY QUESTION or pull a Spain and tuck tail?


I was talking about Juan Pablo Montoya...the F1 Racer
Originally posted by GoKents
All of the Fundamentalist groups and all of the rouge nations want to see Bush out of office.

if this were the case then all the rogue nations (or oppressed masses depending on what political issue you want to pursue) may actually get to a discourse with a reasonable man rather than someone with a chip on his shoulder, a known arab and black hater, and with someone who wants to actively involve arbitration bodies that his country initially set up.

perhaps if another president were in power the UN may have been consulted and listened to as well as other countries around the world who have peace keeping and arbitration responsibilites rather than making it a one man war, so instead we had the breaching international laws for his own ends and his own interests...usually when the leader of other 'rogue' nations do this they are branded a war criminal...

one of the main reasons Spain pulled out is because this is Americas war, insitgated, directed and carried out without consultation and regard for the correct authorities...

many countries would have liked to help but simply werent given the chance because America 'took charge' and its a case of 'my way or the high way' and people dont like being treated like that...something America has yet to discover...

there is nothing wrong with belonging to a fundamentalist organisation...fundamentalism=terrorism? if you think that then the mis-information machine is working with well oiled wheels..

Originally posted by milefile
If Kerry wins in November and America hastily pulls out of Iraq then I would have to say that cowardly, weak Americans won the election.

Originally posted by milefile
Spain caved in for Al Qaida. It is cowardly and embarassing.

mile, why is there a gaping discrepancy in your views of America and Spain?

This is what i meant when i talked about people being biased...when Spain pulls out they are cowards, when America pulls out (which seems likely is this Kerry article gets in) its only the Kerry voters who are cowards...whats the deal?
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
mile, why is there a gaping discrepancy in your views of America and Spain?

This is what i meant when i talked about people being biased...when Spain pulls out they are cowards, when America pulls out (which seems likely is this Kerry article gets in) its only the Kerry voters who are cowards...whats the deal?

He also said this

If Kerry is voted president then I would have to say that "America" has been reduced to a mere geographical name (what socialists seem to want for all countries), having lost what made it the last and greatest aspiration of humanity.
mile, why is there a gaping discrepancy in your views of America and Spain?
There is no discrepancy. You're splitting hairs over semantics. Obviously, in any country where the leaders are elected, there will be percentage of voters who voted for the losing candidate. So where's the discrepancy? Would it have made a big diference if I had said "the Spanish voters who elected Zapatero"? It goes without saying. The actions of the Spanish prime minister represent the country. You have no problem understanding that when it's Bush who's at issue. I have no problem understanding that in every country there are those who voted for somebody else and who are not represented by their leader. But they have to wait until the next election. That's democracy.

So again, where is the bias?
Originally posted by milefile
So again, where is the bias?

you cannot be unbiased despite your attempts to the contrary...its inherant in the American psyche and is implied in your words...

i am not saying that there is anything wrong with having a bias as such, you cannot help it....just dont deny it, thats all...

if i ask for an unbiased opinion its like throwing crap at a greasy pole...
Why is it always Turbo Smoke who says idiotic things like this:
you cannot be unbiased despite your attempts to the contrary...its inherant in the American psyche and is implied in your words...
What does this add to the discussion? It's no different than saying something stupid like "it is inherent in the Muslim psyche to be violent and hateful".
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
you cannot be unbiased despite your attempts to the contrary...its inherant in the American psyche and is implied in your words...

i am not saying that there is anything wrong with having a bias as such, you cannot help it....just dont deny it, thats all...
I don't ever hear you acknowledging your bias. Or are we to assume that you are the Voice Of Pure Reason?
i never pretended to be anything other than what i am....thats the difference...thats why i pointed it out, because i raised the point earlier in the thread about americans treating the issues differently and here we have a classic example...

what does my point add to the discussion?, probably no more that your constant contradictions...
He's demonstrated why it's not a contradiction. Obviously not every single solitary person in Spain is individually to blame for the change of government and subsequent intention to withdraw. You're stretching to try to prove some point that you think invalidates milefile's argument.

Yet YOU have habitually and frequently said throughout this entire thread and in fact all over this board that Americans are arrogant, aggressive, stupid, etc. etc. etc. Americans. Not some Americans. All of us. Every single one.

Yet YOU have the arrogance, or stupidity, or the agression to attack him for an imagined "contradiction" in his post, trumping up a minor and incorrect example of the very behaviour which you have blatantly practiced.

I no longer hold even the smallest shred of respect for you, your opinions, your words, or anything about you, beyond what is owed by common courtesy. And even that is against my better judgement.

Go away and leave the thinking to people who are capable of it. And enjoy your life of blatant, ignorant hypocrisy.
No, I didn't then and still don't - you have every right to be here and expressing your opinion is also your right. I would never try to remove a user for what they thought, unless they expressed it in a way that repeatedly violated the decency rules, which you don't. I apologize for not thinking my wording through and for the anger in my post above.

But I'm going to stay out of this thread from now on.
if i have offended anyone that deeply then i will stop visiting this forum....its just a bit of verbal sparring i dont mean to offend anyone...sorry if i did mile and duke..

i'll leave off the forums for a bit since i cant enter this weeks WRS anyway 'coz i aint got the poly02 ..

It is mostly a bit of verbal sparring, but I do get offended by hypocrisy. It pushed my buttons quite a bit to hear you picking apart a small fault in his post when you have done the same thing to a much greater degree many times over.

But please understand that I do NOT want you to leave the forum, certainly not over a difference of opinion. I know I said that i would stay out of this thread but I feel it is important to make sure you understand I'm wasn't trying to chase you away. I apologize again for the harsh wording of my original post, though the original message still stands.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Come again? It is the most reliable of all news services because it offers a Mideast/Islamic perspective? Am I missing a bit of sarcasm or irony here or do you actually believe that?

Well obviously there is bias from both sides, but since Al Jazeera is based in Saudi Arabia (as far as I know) and is independant from both the Iraqi and American governments (I'm sure the army has some say in what the different networks show) I believe its the most accurate reporting service availible. It's ok if you want to be illogical and tell me otherwise.
Originally posted by Crayola
but since Al Jazeera is based in Saudi Arabia and is independant from both the Iraqi and American governments I believe its the most accurate reporting service availible.

So you believe the outlets like CNN, Reuters and AP are not capable of reporting news in an objective fashion, but Al Jazeera IS, even though you freely admit it too is a biased source? Sounds like what you define as 'accurate' simply means the reporting service that tells you only what you want to hear.

Originally posted by Crayola
It's ok if you want to be illogical and tell me otherwise.

It is also okay if you want to be biased, but pretend to be objective.

Originally posted by Crayola
Well obviously there is bias from both sides, but since Al Jazeera is based in Saudi Arabia (as far as I know) and is independant from both the Iraqi and American governments (I'm sure the army has some say in what the different networks show) I believe its the most accurate reporting service availible. It's ok if you want to be illogical and tell me otherwise.
If you think that any Muslim news agency based in any Muslim country is less biased than CNN, I think you are the kind of person who only thinks other people are biased.

I also think you have quite a lot to learn on the subject of logic.
Originally posted by Crayola
Why do you have something against Al Jazeera? It is probablly the most reliable of all news services, because it shows the war from the perspective of the Iraqi/Islamic people.
im sorry but if you have any support towards al jazeera, your a FUKING moron!
sorry moderators
first, kuwait for 31/2to 4 months also jumped into iraq,. then went into baghdad and patroled the streets for 10 months. In the army national gaurd Infantry. totall activation time was over a year and 4 months
First off, who has been to Iraq, and seen how the people live and how they act and react? hmmm... I have, and so has 5LRE.

First off, anyone saying AL Jezeera is a good news source, is either very ignorant, muslim, and/or anti-Western Civilization.

Now, NO news agency is perfectly objective. But some are more than others.

But what do you think sells better, pictures like the ones at the begining of the thread, or pictures of soldiers standing outside of schools and gas stations and hospitals.... i think pictures of guys on fire would get more attention, don't you?

And to say that because some innocents were hurt by American weapons is Horrific and obvious reason to be against us is well, pure ignorance. Would you like to hear the story of how i pulled about 48+ hours of guard duty in a Iraqi Gymnasium guarding squatters because two 500lb, BRITISH bombs were stuck in the destroyed building they were living in. Now, i'm not anti-brittish, but America is not the only one helping to rid the world of Terrorism and Tyrants. Would you like to hear how i spent 20 hrs in an Iraqi walk-in clinic, to protect it from a mob of upset Iraqis. Or how we walked to school after school finding out what they needed and how it was going, if they had problems or not.

How bout how the Army distributed electricity to more than just baghdad. before only baghdad had 24hr electricity. Bashrah got a lil of it.

Do you think we should have stopped the war against Hitler because innocent Germans were dying???

Iraq will not FALL, we may pull out. But they will not overcome the Coalition. And you people do not know how fickle they are. The people of Iraq are a mob that will go with what ever gets them fired up that day.
Maybe we should put Sadam back in power? Would that make you happy????

get educated.