Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Whats up with that saraja person? Is it the same person as the person who started this thread? The wording is exactly the same....Anyway it looks like these bums have resorted to scripted posts on internet chat rooms :rolleyes:;f=5;t=000419

No rhyme or reason to where they post, looks like just a spam campaign by anti war freaks....

Indeed, this was excellent work by the detective.

I would say that someone else had it right when they said the poster didn't actually care about the true subject.

If you ask me, this is probably someone from a nasty leftist internet site. Something like

I'm sick of it, but it should serve as a reminder to us all as to what these people's real motives are... by that I mean, their motives are not pure of heart or based on the betterment of America... rather, they are based on simple partisan politics to keep power within a specific party.

Sad if you ask me because it perverts the subjects at hand and in the end only contributes to a more hostile political atmosphere.

btw, I also think this serves to show us all why we must keep our wits about us and always think through our decisions... who will really benefit from what we decide.

I can tell you now that supporting the anti-war campaign will not help the situation in the world, and it will not help America.

But like always, that's just my opinion. ;)
Speaking of subdivision names....why the hell did they name it kingswood parke? what the hell is up with that e? I've always wanted to take a hammer and knock it off the sign....

Anny reference to "wood" in Maricopa county is laughable. Or lakes, or meadows or anything but rocks and hard, prickly succulents.

Is it on a knoll? Or a Glen? Is it near a towne centre? Surprise isn't that olde so that "e" is a little weird.

I have heard there are companies that are paid to make up these stupid names.
Originally posted by milefile
AIs it on a knoll? Or a Glen? Is it near a towne centre? Surprise isn't that olde so that "e" is a little weird.

It's near Surprise towne center but kingswood was there way before anything but orange trees inhabited that part of town. The elementary school is also named kingswood elementary.

Originally posted by GoKentsI can tell you now that supporting the anti-war campaign will not help the situation in the world, and it will not help America.

Exactly If all we do is argue amongst one another how are we supposed to get anything done at all.
yep, they do there here too...they knock down and old gas purification factory in ethe middle of town and build a block of 'luxury' flats and call them Kelvin Meadows.

At least it makes them sound nice in the brochure...they are hoping people will but them just for the gotta laugh at some peoples gullibility.
Actually, thats only if youre a Brit or an Aussie. If you are Irish or Kiwi or Indian - or a citizen in pretty much any other country on earth who didnt join our little invasion party-well, what the hells the matter with you? Didnt you know that youre supposed to do what youre told when the worlds only superpower barks? We bark, you jump -- thats the rule. Didnt Mr Bush offer you a big enough bribe to sign up and bomb the people of Iraq? Didnt you know that Saddam the Evildoer had weapons of mass destruction? BIG weapons! YES! Scary ones! He....he....he cold make himself invisible and he had secret evil powers like, he, he um, he could turn you into a moth! And, and....he could fly, too! I saw him land on the Empire STate Building and he looked like he was going to kill us all!

Sound like an 8th grader?

hehe yea gtr guy go and vote for ure Bushy again, oh yea, he'll defenetly get the country in shape...hehe, and yea Iraq too, by bombing up the buildings, yea good idea

"The Majority of Americans did NOT vote for George W. Bush!"
I hope he gets all black people out of the register again for driving too fast...

"Perhaps the biggest succes in the war on Terror has been its ability to disctarct the nation from the Corporate War on Us. In the two years since the attacks of 9/11, American businesses have been on a punch drunk rampage that has left millions of average Americans with theirs savings gone, their pensions looted, their hopes for a comfortable future for their families diminished or extinguished. The business bandits who have wrecked our economy have tried to blame it on Clinton, and they have tried to blame us."
It's amazing, K_Speed does exactly what he accuses people of doing - Babbling on and on with useless, untrue rhetoric. Over and over and over and over.

Someone should ban him for being so ig'nit.
K_speed is definitely an ignoramus. But Shhhhh.... He might stop posting his rather humorous rants. I've been enjoying the laughs. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by K_Speed
Sound like an 8th grader?
No, that would be an insult to all 8th graders, you oviously flunked out of pre-school and have no sense at all. I mean honestly WTF is this:

He....he....he cold make himself invisible and he had secret evil powers like, he, he um, he could turn you into a moth! And, and....he could fly, too! I saw him land on the Empire STate Building and he looked like he was going to kill us all!


Yes, lets all be cowards like spain! Look at them, they get bombed once and pull back like little girls. Real great message they are sending to the world, "Hey guys, just bomb one of our trains and we will pretty much do anything you want" HA! And I thought I had a good time picking on the French! The idiots will risk their lives every year running in front of an enraged bull, but are too cowardly to stick up for themselves. Way to go spain! :rolleyes: Not only that, but the terrorists, now seing that an attack on spain right before an election, led to their demands being met of spain pulling out may try the same thing in the US to try and get bush out of office. Gee thanks again spain......

hehe yea gtr guy go and vote for ure Bushy again, oh yea, he'll defenetly get the country in shape...hehe, and yea Iraq too, by bombing up the buildings, yea good idea

Sounds great, can't wait till election day!

"The Majority of Americans did NOT vote for George W. Bush!"
I hope he gets all black people out of the register again for driving too fast...
I still don't see how the hell our choice of a president affects you personally in any way. You said you don't live in the US, or if you do are too scared to admit it. So STFU ;) :)
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Yes, lets all be cowards like spain! Look at them, they get bombed once and pull back like little girls.

you really are in insolent little idiot who knows nothing about terrorism or Spain.
Spain were there in the front line shoulder to shoulder with the UK and the US for a year showing the same committment. They changed governments and they get pulled home but its not because of the bombings in Madrid nor it it a matter of cowardice. Its a case of not fighting a war that has nothing to do with them.

The election policy of the current prime minister of Spain was a withdrawal of troops from this particular confilct well before the statement was issued to Spain that the country will be spared from terrorist attacks.

You bleat on about democracy like a woulded pig and when Spain (a democratic country in principle) decide to exercise democracy by listening to its people, you start your childish insults and forget one of your closest allies and all they did for you when the war have a short memory and you should be ashamed of yourself and your last post my friend..
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
you really are in insolent little idiot who knows nothing about terrorism or Spain.

I know one thing...

Spain got hit one time and is now pulling out all of their troops.

Sounds to me like they are foolish enough to believe terrorist will stop. :lol:

Btw, if you wanna look good in this, don't call other people idiots.

Also, I think spain is doing the wrong thing, and just like the UN, they are going to be the victim of future attacks, even though they withdrew all forces before they could do anything good.

Spain is a bunch of ... (don't really know what to call them)..., not because they wouln't stay in Iraq, but because they will not stand up and fight terrorist. That's why they elected a socialist that would get them out of Iraq instead of taking a stand against terrorist.

I mean, the terrorism in spain didn't stop once they announced they were getting out of Iraq. (the bomb on the bus in madrid found only days after the announcment.)

So what was spain thinking?

Did they actually trust in the ethics of terrorist?
Even if the were going to pull back before, the timing was horrible. Now it looks like they have listend to the terrorists, which gives the terrorsits incentive to try somethign similar in the US to get bush out of office and of course were such a thing to happend everyone would blame bush and as a knee jerk reaction, similar to the one sapin had, everyone would vote for someone against the war.
What Spain has done can only be perceived as weakness. Every time I hear about it I feel angry that Al Qaida has gotten it's way. And that is the result, Spain caved in for Al Qaida. It is cowardly and embarassing.

Congratulations to Spain for Supporting Al Qaida. It's despicable.
Originally posted by GoKents
I know one thing...

Spain got hit one time and is now pulling out all of their troops.
Did they actually trust in the ethics of terrorist?

these two statements are made on the assumption that the in incoming prime minister suddenly came up with the idea of withdrawal after the madrid bombing...which of course is false...

Spain has been subject to frequent terrorist attacks for many many years, it wasnt just one hit...true that this is a fairly unique event up till now in that it was Islamic extremists that planted the bomb and not ETA but it still makes you sick of terrorism...

did Spain think they could trust terrorists? didnt even come down to that, the decision was made before the boming and the supposed statement.

not to make light of the recent events but America is new to the phenom of Europe, Spain and the UK etc its been part of out lifes for decades...perhaps we are sick of it..
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Even if the were going to pull back before, the timing was horrible. Now it looks like they have listend to the terrorists,

not if you had been paying attention to the media and read the newspapers, then you would have been informed well before hand..

okay, i would say its despicable for any county to give into terrorism, but to come out and call them girls and cowards after they rallied round for support in Europe for you least a little gratitude for what they have done for you up till now would be nice...
The liberal party's position on pulling out may have been in place before the attack in Madrid, but the election was after, and that is where the cowardice occurred, in the voters on election day. And Al Qaida knows this.

Will they try it again? Will they try it in America? I almost hope so because I thoroughly believe that most Americans will only be hardened by it.

What people seem to not realize is that this is a war on terrorism, and wars are unpredictable, sometimes long, always brutal and ugly, and always fought to be won. Spain took a blow from Al Qaida, as have we. Spain ran away, but America will never run away, concede to terror, or even compromise.

America does not have to apologize for having a vision and stated goal, believing in it, and carrying it out.

Those who are against the war are unable to comprehend it's place in the larger context. It is bad and ugly, and necessary.

Even if I hated every one of Bush's policies I'd still vote for him just to let him finish Iraq. Kerry will only pull a Spain, and don't think Al Qaida will suddenly be our friends. They will smell the weakness and pounce like any predator.
Originally posted by milefile
Even if I hated every one of Bush's policies I'd still vote for him just to let him finish Iraq. Kerry will only pull a Spain, and don't think Al Qaida will suddenly be our friends. They will smell the weakness and pounce like any predator.

so what if Kerry pulled a Spain? would i be justified in calling all of America cowards and girlies? and would you come on here and defend me when Americans start saying they are not cowards?

the people of America know what they will be voting for when they vote Kerry so its the same situation with Spain right now..

explain yourself...

i have to go, its home time for me but i may be back later tonight..

bye folks.
so what if Kerry pulled a Spain? would i be justified in calling all of America cowards and girlies? and would you come on here and defend me when Americans start saying they are not cowards?

the people of America know what they will be voting for when they vote Kerry so its the same situation with Spain right now..

explain yourself...

There are plenty of cowards in America. If Kerry wins in November and America hastily pulls out of Iraq then I would have to say that cowardly, weak Americans won the election.

If Kerry is voted president then I would have to say that "America" has been reduced to a mere geographical name (what socialists seem to want for all countries), having lost what made it the last and greatest aspiration of humanity.
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
No, that would be an insult to all 8th graders, you oviously flunked out of pre-school and have no sense at all. I mean honestly WTF is this:


Yes, lets all be cowards like spain! Look at them, they get bombed once and pull back like little girls. Real great message they are sending to the world, "Hey guys, just bomb one of our trains and we will pretty much do anything you want" HA! And I thought I had a good time picking on the French! The idiots will risk their lives every year running in front of an enraged bull, but are too cowardly to stick up for themselves. Way to go spain! :rolleyes: Not only that, but the terrorists, now seing that an attack on spain right before an election, led to their demands being met of spain pulling out may try the same thing in the US to try and get bush out of office. Gee thanks again spain......

Sounds great, can't wait till election day!

I still don't see how the hell our choice of a president affects you personally in any way. You said you don't live in the US, or if you do are too scared to admit it. So STFU ;) :)

Well I dont live in the US anymore, but my family still lives there. My cousin is in the War right now and that affects me. It affects the whole world, since Bush started the War, there were a lot of terrorist warnings in Europe because we are the Friends of the US. Take Spain for example, they helped Bush, they helped the US, and look what happened. Over a thousand people killed and a letter or video saying if you take youre people out of our country now, you'll get more attacks. So it affects a lot of people.

"PUll of like little girls......", for ****s sake. I mean, that is such bull****. Do you think the spanish are so god damn stupid and they get this warning and dont take back their troops?? And get the risk of getting thousands of their people killed? No, I dont think so.

"Pull of like little girls.....", god damnit it has nothing to do with that, do you think this is some fight at school or something?
Geez man, I dont think Spain wants to loose more people than they already did.

These terrorists are Muslims, and you just cant get rid of the terrorists, in fact Bush is making it worse. Now there is even more people that hate the US and Co.

I was just trying to make him more upset with the evil Americans so he'd post even funnier stuff.

see you just dont get it. Im not anit american for gods sake, like I said most of my family are born americans ffs.
Bush is just making the wrong decisions and lies to his own people. Here a quote from Britney Spears :" We should be nice and believe what Bush sais.", oh for gods sake what the hell does she now about politics. Shes just a stupid disney ***** with big tities who left school in 8th grade. Its those people that annoy me.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
so what if Kerry pulled a Spain? would i be justified in calling all of America cowards and girlies? and would you come on here and defend me when Americans start saying they are not cowards?


I will be saying the same things as you if that is how you feel.

Right now, leaders like Kim Jung Il are actually looking forward to America's election in hopes of getting a Kerry win. (this was already publicly acknowledged)

All of the Fundamentalist groups and all of the rouge nations want to see Bush out of office.

If American voters (which I fear they may) have such weak back bones as to vote for Kerry, then I will certainly be dissappointed in the idealism of the average American.

The terrorist will never stop hating America, they will never stop hating "democratic western societies", and they will never ever stop hating the Hebrews. ;)

On that note, I want to mention something about America's experience with terrorist. You said it was something relatively new to us, but I think you are wrong.

Americans have a history with terrorism you are not mentioning... just off the top of my head...

Marine Barracks, Beirut, early 1980's (1982 I think)
Assasination of RFK for his pro-Israel views by (jerusalem born) sirhan sirhan
1993 wtc attack
(199?) Oklahoma city bombing
1997? USS Cole bombing
(199?) Atalanta Olympics bombing
1998, terrorists exploded bombs outside the United States embassies in the capitals of two East African countries, Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (encarta) (had to cite the copied text. ;) )
(I also bolded the attacks related directly to fundamentalist muslims)

That's just off the top of my head, but it should still serve to show that a man of my age is old enough to remember terrorist attacks being a threat in America and outside of America. Always still, against the American government and people. (but not to the extent that Israel endures)

But indeed, this should show you that America has dealt threats from various terrorist organizations, as well as threats from the fundamentalist.

And that is the most important part... the fundamentalist are not new to many Americans. People of my parents' generation have even more memories of terrorist events.

So, yeah, America's not new to the game entirely. Now we are taking an active role in the game, not siting and waiting for the ball... I think now we're going out, getting the ball and scoring.

We need to be active in this war because either you take it to the terrorist, or they take it to you.

Posted by K_speed
These terrorists are Muslims, and you just cant get rid of the terrorists, in fact Bush is making it worse. Now there is even more people that hate the US and Co.

Actually no, they all hated us, now they are just all vocal and open about it. (more so than ever before)
Originally posted by milefile
There are plenty of cowards in America. If Kerry wins in November and America hastily pulls out of Iraq then I would have to say that cowardly, weak Americans won the election.

If Kerry is voted president then I would have to say that "America" has been reduced to a mere geographical name (what socialists seem to want for all countries), having lost what made it the last and greatest aspiration of humanity.

Very well said.


Btw, K_speed, I do believe you were found to be in a complex predicament only to say something along the lines of...

Originally posted by K_Speed
Ah whatever

Bush sux

oil res are getting low

time to play gt3
Originally posted by K_Speed
I mean, I used to live there and one of my neighbors for example you know he leaves his tv on the whole day.

I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.

How can I take the validity of anything you say as being serious after these post, none the less, the amazingly partisan bush post at the being of this where you used that pre-written "I did _____" speech that was never given. (leftist anti-bush essay)

So I mean, what's up, can you clear up your own biases from the past in this thread, or for that matter clear up your credibility in general?
(I mean who gets caught with the story inconsistancy from above and then doesn't even bother to respond? )

Anyway, if this thread is coming back down to you, K_speed, cursing people out and stating things that are insulting to other members, you may want to drop the attitude, nothing will be hurt except your own membership in that scenerio.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
Spain were there in the front line shoulder to shoulder with the UK and the US for a year showing the same committment. They changed governments and they get pulled home but its not because of the bombings in Madrid nor it it a matter of cowardice. Its a case of not fighting a war that has nothing to do with them.

The election policy of the current prime minister of Spain was a withdrawal of troops from this particular confilct well before the statement was issued to Spain that the country will be spared from terrorist attacks.
You are correct in one part of this only. The current PM did make withdrawal from Iraq part of his platform prior to the Madrid bombing.

He was also trailing massively in the polls until just a few days after the attack - about 10 days prior to the election - with no sign of being able to marshall enough support to win.

He didn't win the election because of that platform until Al-qaeida put the fear into the Spanish public. If the prior cabinet had not waffled badly about the suspected perpetrators - if they had continued to be direct and up front with their people - they would still be in power. The were voted out due to a feeling of being misled that appeared entirely after the bombings occurred, not before. Until they blew it, the prior governtment was running 65 to 35 or so in the polls.

You are badly misstating your case, TS. The prior Spanish government blew their handling of the attack, and the Spanish public's resolve broke because of it. That demonstrates in a very direct way that intimidation works in Europe, as if France and Germany hadn't already proved that point.
Well why dont you answer to me? I mean im not the one saying pulling of like little girl. These are people dieing out there. What about the Spain and US friendship, why dont you answer to my oppinion on that?

And no, they never all hated you/us, now it really broke out. I know that, my father is persian. There is a reason why the immigrants in Iraq suddenly move out of the country.

I mean what do you say about the terrorist attacks happening more often? Nothing, the only thing you say is. "They pull of like little girls", yes man, that is 8th grade.

If I hear people saying stuff like that, its like, is this a football game or a war against terrorism?

I mean look what the war has done to us....

economy gone down
mid american citizens lost most of their savings
deaths and lots of them
terrorist attacks

and where did we get now? nowhere, nothing has changed to anything good. There is more deaths and hatred on earth now.

I say, if we win the war against Terrorism, that'll be great, but then think about what it took to get there. And if we dont make it look what it took and what changed.

The first time I heard Bush talking about the war (at the beginning), he said the war would be over quickly, well look how long its taking. He should have said Were going in the war, and it wont be easy for any of us. And that is the truth.
Originally posted by K_Speed
And no, they never all hated you/us, now it really broke out. I know that, my father is persian.
I'll take your word for it that your father doesn't hate the US. Here in America I work with many Middle Easterners from many countries, none of whom appear to hate the US and most of whom were outraged by the 9/11 attacks. However, given the long history of Muslim extremist attacks and rhetoric against the US, there is no possible sane way you can deny a long standing hatred against America.

I mean, what, Osama was just bored so he decided to knock down the WTC? Anybody remember the 1992 truck bombings that failed to accomplish that?

So don't give us any crap about how we were not hated until we invaded Iraq. That's a flat out lie.
I mean what do you say about the terrorist attacks happening more often? Nothing, the only thing you say is. "They pull of like little girls", yes man, that is 8th grade.

If I hear people saying stuff like that, its like, is this a football game or a war against terrorism?
So, the Muslim extremists kill innocent people, and we're supposed to let that go? Let's let them kill any innocent Westerners they want, until we're all gone, just to avoid the possibility that we might accidently kill some innocent Iraqis. That's got to be more moral than anything else we could do, right? You are the one who seems to be treating it like a football game - it should be over in a few hours, and it doesn't really matter if we win or lose, right?

WRONG. Dead wrong.
I mean look what the war has done to us....

economy gone down
mid american citizens lost most of their savings
deaths and lots of them
terrorist attacks
This is so naive and unconnected to reality as to be idiotic.

1) The US economy was in recession well before 9/11, which only made it worse. In fact, the US economy is currently in better shape than it has been since 9/11.

2) The vast majority of middle American citizens have NOT lost most of their savings. I should know - I am one. The market being down has cost me some money on paper. Unless I am stupid and chicken out, I'll weather the recession and come out ahead of where I was in 1990 as soon as the market recovers- which it will. I'd like you to cite even the SMALLEST shred of evidence to back up your claim that "mid american citizens lost most of their savings".

3) depth :confused:

4) Yes, there are deaths. That happens in a war. Did you know that fewer people - only about 25% of the number - have died in Iraq in the last year than died in the 9/11 attacks on ONE MORNING?! Your lack of perspective is incredible.

What, do you think that terrorist bombs are magic and don't kill anybody? Here's a little tidbit for you from today's news wire:
BASRA, Iraq (AP) - Five suicide attackers detonated car bombs against police buildings during rush hour Wednesday in this British -controlled southern Iraqi city, killing 68 people, including 16 children burned to death in their passing school buses.

Iraqi officials blamed al-Qaida for the bloodiest attack in Basra, a mainly Shiite city, since the U.S.-led occupation began a year ago.

The attacks wounded about 200 people and marked a revival of the terror threat as U.S. forces battled guerrillas across the country since the beginning of the month.

Bombers simultaneously detonated four cars packed with missiles and TNT just after 7 a.m. in front of three police stations - one of them next to Basra's main street market - and a police academy. An hour later another car bomb went off outside the police academy, located in Zubair, a suburb of mainly Shiite Basra.

Two bombers were captured before they could attack, Basra Gov. Wael Abdul-Latif said, adding that he believed al-Qaida was behind the bombings. He said 16 children and nine policemen were among the dead.

Iraqis pulled charred and torn bodies from mangled vehicles in front of the Saudia police station, located by Basra's crowded main street market - one of three stations and a police academy hit by a total of five car bombs, according to Basra's governor.

Two vans passing the Saudia station were destroyed - one carrying kindergartners, the other taking girls to middle school. Dead children, burned beyond recognition, were taken to hospital morgues.
Got any reply to that? If you don't, you can lose your attitude right NOW.
and where did we get now? nowhere, nothing has changed. There is more deaths and hatred on earth now.
So you're still claiming that terrorists don't actually hate or kill people. Then what are all the fundamentalist shouting and suicide bombings about?
The first time I heard Bush talking about the war (at the beginning), he said the war would be over quickly, well look how its taking. He should have said Were going in the war, and it wont be easy for any of us. And that is the truth.
Bush has never claimed the war would be over quickly and easily. He's always said it will be a big committment of time, money, and lives. He's never claimed anything but that, which is why he's been trying so hard to get everyone to stay the course.

It's simply amazing how much untruth and illogical emotion people will believe when it comes to bashing America.
Well why dont you answer to me? I mean im not the one saying pulling of like little girl. These are people dieing out there.
Are you saying that because people are dying we should leave Iraq? If you are then you are weak. It takes strength to face death and rise above it for a greater good. Only cowards cringe in the face of adversity and death.

What about the Spain and US friendship, why dont you answer to my oppinion on that?
What is your opinion on it? I missed that.

And no, they never all hated you/us, now it really broke out. I know that, my father is persian. There is a reason why the immigrants in Iraq suddenly move out of the country.
Were you trying to say something there?

I mean what do you say about the terrorist attacks happening more often? Nothing...
Actually this has been addressed over and over. Go back, read the posts, and you will see.

the only thing you say is. "They pull of like little girls", yes man, that is 8th grade.
This is only an example of other posters meeting you at your level. You started this inane back and forth.

If I hear people saying stuff like that, its like, is this a football game or a war against terrorism?
Let's see... strategy, endurance, strength, victory or failure, winners and losers... I guess it is a lot like a footbal game, eh? Except there is so much more at stake, many more reasons not to quit.

I mean look what the war has done to us....

economy gone down
And coming back nicely. You must not be paying attention.
mid american citizens lost most of their savings
I have lost nothing. I do not know anyone who has lost anything, not even a job. Do you?
deaths and lots of them
This is not a reason to run away, it is the primary reason to fight harder and win decisively.
terrorist attacks
Didn't we have these before?
Okay..? what else?

and where did we get now? nowhere, nothing has changed to anything good. There is more deaths and hatred on earth now.
No, there isn't. Iraq is better off now than it was before the war. The people are free. They have an interim constitution, the most criminally insane dictator on Earth is in prison, his sons are dead and his henchmen are all gone, too.

There is powergrab happening in Iraq. This is to be expected. There is no general insurection, merely a limited power grab in the vacuum left by the Sadam regime.

I say, if we win the war against Terrorism, that'll be great, but then think about what it took to get there. And if we dont make it look what it took and what changed.
We will make it. And it will all have been worth it. There is no price to great to defeat organized, global terrorism.

The first time I heard Bush talking about the war (at the beginning), he said the war would be over quickly, well look how long its taking. He should have said Were going in the war, and it wont be easy for any of us. And that is the truth.
I agree. But is that a reason to pull out? Go ahead an be mad at him, but don't say we should leave over it.
Bush never said this would be a quick and easy win...

But still.

Neon_duke, milefile, excellent postings. 👍

Logical, supported and moderate.

Very good work.

This K_speed wants nothing more than a fight and a chance to express his hate.

Sorry K_speed, but I already posted my thoughts on your credibility and charactor.

I don't like you, but hey, atleast I'm being honest with you and not putting it in the words of a salior or an eighth grader. ;)
I said that not all hated us before, but now its worse. And its not just some Iraqi people getting killed and its not an excuse thats true, but its not just some people dieing out there now the chances of having terrorist attacks are worse, which country is next? England?

Ahh great we killed his sons, great, muslims are like big family, theyll protect their "brothers". They all act like Saddams sons, they run into bars and kill themselves for him. Do you think just because their his sons were killed its gonna end? There is so much the Marines have to go through, the Iraqis are not giving up their country (not all of course, before you quote me on that again).

And no IM not saying my dad is against americans. He went to visit Iran a couple of times. And the people over there are scared of the US. There country is already ****ed up and they couldnt survive an attack. He's basicaly upset. Like me.