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- GTP_Duke
I never would have guessed...Originally posted by RallyF1
beleive it or not i did not read half of the things that where posted
I never would have guessed...Originally posted by RallyF1
beleive it or not i did not read half of the things that where posted
Originally posted by neon_duke
We'll take it as seriously as you frame the question.
Originally posted by GoKents
Well first off... I haven't seen you bashing the UN, The EU, the Clinton Administration or anything else besides George Bush's Administration. [/B]
Originally posted by GoKents
Second, do you really think Israel/ Palestine is the heart of the problem in Islam? [/B]
Originally posted by GoKents
I'm sorry to be the one who tells you this, but the fundamentalist mulisms are not fighting for palestine, they are fighting to change the world.
They are fighting in a jihad, not a political action.
They want the westren world to be destroyed, nothing less.
Originally posted by GoKents
Solving the problems in Palestine will only change the topic, it will not stop the violence. [/B]
Originally posted by GoKents
But for real...
Saying that you wanted saddam removed 14 years ago, and then oppossing that action today is a serious inconsistancy.
Which is it, did you want Saddam in power or out of power?
Originally posted by jpmontoya
I stated actions from The UN, the coalition during Desert Storm, (which includes EU countries and my country), that I don't agree with. And what does the Clinton administration have to do with the validity of my comments? Do you think I would base my opinions on the action of the US government on my on some partisanship for the democrats or the republicans?? What's your point? Is not agreeing on the actions of the candidate you voted for is your definition of an insult? Or is it that you want everyone to accept your government's actions no matter what they are? And by the way I stated that I was 100% with the Enduring Freedom operation in Afghanistan, I don't disagree with every actions of Bush administration...
So could you tell what is more insulting to you: calling the president of your country an idiot for some of his actions, or calling your opinions a "wad of crap"?
So what caused their hatred towards the occidentals to reach such levels in the 20th century, according to you?
Don't be sorry... everyone knows that some radical fundamentalists just wants the western world to be destroyed, but with our recent actions in palestine, and Iraq, my points is we just provide a lot of muslims with arguments to turn on their side. I think that without these mishaps, maybe some muslims group would have already taken care to eradicate these groups by themselves, or at least without support, they wouldn't be a significant threat to us. A Jihad doesn't get much followers without a cause.
Yes, It would change the topic... It would show to the muslim world that we are not their ennemy. It would invalidate the main argument used by fundamentalists to start a Jihad. Better way to stop violence than to keep ignoring it and invading Iraq.
Indeed this is bad for them, but the political atmosphere of the mid-late eighties was entirely different than it is today. Supporting Saddam was the better choice.For real, I'll restate what I see as an example of serious inconsistancy...
- Not taking actions against Saddam for the atrocities that occured during the war with Iran (in fact, fighting Iran was in our interests, so too bad for them...)
This was a mistake, but it was also not known at the time, that Saddam would actually do what he did. Believing the good of man is a weakness, and the American president was willing to believe in Saddams cease fire agrements... Part of those argrements was the end of hostilities to any and all people, foreign or not.- Push some of the ethnic groups from Iraq to a revolution against Saddam during the Gulf War
- Leave Saddam in power after the war, knowing very well how he would deal with these ethnic groups.
The US was not alone in this. It is true that other nations such as france and germany continued commercial & military (mirage fighter jets) trade with Saddam's Iraq, but the UN was also a leader in the sanctions against Iraq.- Choke the whole country on economic sanctions, causing thousands of deaths... sanctions for Saddam's actions, of course.
Well, we are indeed removing Saddam for various reasons, including the liberation of Iraqis as well as the enforcement of international law. However, thinking the Iraqis would appreciate being liberated from a dictator that would actually use "rape rooms" and chemical weapons on his own people.- Finally invade Iraq 14 years later to remove Saddam's, claiming that we're doing it to free the Iraqi people and punish Saddam for his crimes against humanity, and actually believing that they (or the muslim world) will believe us and see us as their great saviors...
Many of us (Americans) believed that an imminent thread could have been possible. (It was the "aims, iowa strand of anthrax that was sold to bahgdad Univ. in the 80's, which is by coincidence the same strand of anthrax used in the letters to more than one American Official.) (It is also coincidence that a miami doctor claims to have seen, as a patient, one of the 9/11 hijackers, claiming that he was suffering skin aggitation) (note that this is all still coincidence and in many ways unsubstantiated.)I don't believe that an imminent genocide or an attack with WMD was about to happen in Iraq. That's why I say the energy would have been better spent in solving the root of the modern crisis between the occident and the muslims instead of throwing some oil on the fire. That would make us more credible as "liberators" for them...
PS: I Frequently use the term "us" to state the fact that most of these actions were taken by the western world (UN, NATO, EU and US), not only the US. I'd be glad if we leave the pointless anti-Bush, pro-Bush, anti-American and pro-American rhetorics out of this debate as they don't bring any constructive arguments to it. The fact that a statement contradicts or not Bush politics doesn't validate, nor does it invalidate any point at all.
Remember what happened in the cold war? Was a nuclear disaster avoided by using the hard line? There were two opposite ways of solving the issue at the White House and the Pentagon, and I'm very glad that we're still here to discuss it because some the US leaders took a rational approach to this threat instead of acts based solely on pride, fear and anger.
- Not taking actions against Saddam for the atrocities that occured during the war with Iran (in fact, fighting Iran was in our interests, so too bad for them...)
- Push some of the ethnic groups from Iraq to a revolution against Saddam during the Gulf War
- Leave Saddam in power after the war, knowing very well how he would deal with these ethnic groups.
- Choke the whole country on economic sanctions, causing thousands of deaths... sanctions for Saddam's actions, of course.
- Finally invade Iraq 14 years later to remove Saddam's, claiming that we're doing it to free the Iraqi people and punish Saddam for his crimes against humanity, and actually believing that they (or the muslim world) will believe us and see us as their great saviors...
Originally posted by neon_duke
So, he's not a public speaker. Big deal. Are you?
I stumble and stutter talking about a $500,000 building design in front of a church committee made up of old ladies and golfers. Would you say I'm a "blethering" idiot? I can write circles around just about anybody I've ever come up against - want me to show you?
I'm just a mediocre public speaker. I can't imagine how I'd sound, talking about a $5 billion dollar war infront of a hundred people I knew were mostly hostile to me. And I don't even have a Texas accent that people love to misinterpret on purpose, because it makes him look like a bigger dolt.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not a huge Bush fan. But he's no idiot by any means, and he's got more stiffness in his backbone than Slick Willie Clinton did in his trousers. [/QUOTE
Hes not a public speaker my ass, hes the ****ing president for gods sake. I know you dont do that when ure nervous. Bush just wasnt able to answer the questions and you could see it in his face. Its incredible how people not accept that their president is crap...., he was not nervous...
There is no point in writing if Bush is good or not. Bush is just the worst president of the United States ever. Just go and read the book "stupid white men". Me personally I was shocked.
Ey yo Bush....go wank youre self off,
and stfu guys Im sick of this ****.....stop ****ting about the cold war and crap, think about the future, think about how many people are dieing out there. And hey my cousin is out there, fighting for his country although his parents are Iranian.
Yo bro, serve well, and when youre done, lets go to the movies, if ure still there...
stupid white men
What do you have to back this up with?There is no point in writing if Bush is good or not. Bush is just the worst president of the United States ever. Just go and read the book "stupid white men". Me personally I was shocked.
Originally posted by K_Speed
Hes not a public speaker my ass, hes the ****ing president for gods sake. I know you dont do that when ure nervous. Bush just wasnt able to answer the questions and you could see it in his face. Its incredible how people not accept that their president is crap...., he was not nervous...[/B]
There is no point in writing if Bush is good or not. Bush is just the worst president of the United States ever.
Yeah, I'm really going to listen to michael mooreJust go and read the book "stupid white men". Me personally I was shocked.
Ey yo Bush....go wank youre self off,
and stfu guys
Thinking about the future is exactly what we are doing, the future of the iraqi people. The only person here not thinking is you.Im sick of this ****.....stop ****ting about the cold war and crap, think about the future, think about how many people are dieing out there.
(From The News & Sentinel)
I recently read that President Bush was our worst president and we needed to elect a Democrat. He certainly did not create our illegal alien problem, our energy dependence on the Mideast or America's moral downfall.
We did not start the war on terror, It was started by terrorists on 9/11. FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us, Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 a year. Truman finished the war and started one in Korea. North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,333 a year.
John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict. Vietnam never attacked us. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without U.N or French consent. Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.
In the two years since 9/11, the Taliban has been crushed, al Qaida has been crippled and nuclear inspectors have been in Libya and Iran. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year. All this while not allowing another terrorist attack at home.
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, al Qaida's purported operations chief, has told U.S. interrogators the group has been planning attacks on the Library Tower in Los Angeles and the Sears Tower in Chicago on the heels of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror strikes. These plans were aborted because of the decisive U.S. response to the New York and Washington attacks.
The scale of the wars are vastly different
Originally posted by milefile
Nice bit of detective work, GTRGuy. 👍
Originally posted by milefile
Oh by the way I'm planning on moving to (having a house built in) Surprise this year. Not sure exactly where yet but I'm sure off of Bell and West of Grand.
I may be a little off on my info here, but they were still all differnt scale wars, more armies involved or more soldiers, like there were different Vietnamese factions in Vietnam and the French, and the US although the French pulled out early, and the number of soldiers was higher.Originally posted by danoff
I was referring to Nam, Korea and Bosnia.
Originally posted by milefile
I just got off the phone with my lender and we're pre-qualified so we'll probably be going to look at models on Saturday. I know one development we want to look at is Bell West Ranch. I think that's right accross Bell from you.
Originally posted by neon_duke
I absoultely forbid you to live in any place called The Villages at Bell West Ranch. That word "at" in the middle of names sends my blood pressure up about 20 points. I'd like to drive over the person who coined that.
Originally posted by milefile
GTR_guy, that would be sweet if they built a Six Flags. No more trips to LA for a roller coaster ride!