Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Nahh, I don't need to learn things from people like them.
And yet, you don't seem to be very well liked or (more importantly) respected here. Nor, based on many of your posts here, in real life either.

Coincidence? I don't think so, but you decide.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
I don't hold every Saudi personally responsible for bin Laden. Why should an Arab hold me responsible for Sharon and his hawk government??

You know, Americans have taken a lot of crap here. So for all the hate we've had to endure, at least one of you punters should answer this very simple question.

Im biased towards americans. Fat lazy slobs always butting into everyone elses business. I cant wait till I get out of here.
:lol: ///M-Spec I love you. This is one of the best threads in a long time, thanks for not closing it duke!

Trecel....just give it up...

Back on topic,

I'm with GoKents on this one, I'm generally for peace and all that crap but this anti americanism is utter bull crap. Americans are always the fat ignorant ones who are always in people business. Ok sure, whatever, why is it that the "fat lazy" ones are the only ones who have the balls to do anything? Saddam didn't defy the US he defyed the entire UN, yet they didn't do **** about it. It's always the US who has to step up and take action, so of course we are the bad guys. And when any disaster happends we are always the first to send help, if we were so ignorant and lazy would we really give a crap what happends to your ****hole country? No. It's not like we invaded iraq, leveled it to the ground and left. We are rebuilding thier economy and helping them establish a stable government. People always complain that the US is sticking their nose in other peoples business, well what the hell are you doing sticking your nose in the US's business?

Oh and on to Trecells comment. WTF are you thinking? Do you really think that if Korea gained nuclear weapons that would solve anything? It would just contribute to more things to worry about it. With all this war crap going on I wouldnt be surprised if Korea was next on the **** list.

As for Bush, I love him, atleast he has some balls and does what he thinks is right unlike all these other spinless politicians who are so busy worrying about getting re-elected that all they listen to are gay polls.
man half of my family is american. It is just that sometimes I think about how much energy the people in the US waste. I mean, I used to live there and one of my neighbors for example you know he leaves his tv on the whole day. And theres so many other people keeping their stuff on for no reason. In Cali the electricity prices went up like hell, and its like, no one cares about it.
And changing their oil the whole is what I dont understand. WE know theres not much left of it (of course no one gives a **** now, but when the time comes that in runs out, we are all going to be like, oh man why did we use all of it like that).

In my oppinion George W. Bush is just a shame for the US. I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.

p.s. I hope Germany gets back in shape, we need someone else on top too

Originally posted by K_Speed
man half of my family is american. It is just that sometimes I think about how much energy the people in the US waste. I mean, I used to live there and one of my neighbors for example you know he leaves his tv on the whole day. And theres so many other people keeping their stuff on for no reason. In Cali the electricity prices went up like hell, and its like, no one cares about it.

Please tell me how the fact that I waste electricity that I PAY for affects you in any way? The power to my house comes from a nuclear power plant, it's not like were lacking it. Why do you complain about the stupidest things? Instead of wasting electricity typing stupid off topic crap on the internet why don;t you go turn off your computer and chain yourslef to a tree?

Originally posted by K_Speed
And changing their oil the whole is what I dont understand. WE know theres not much left of it (of course no one gives a **** now, but when the time comes that in runs out, we are all going to be like, oh man why did we use all of it like that).

Once again I pay for my oil and I'm going to take care of my car the way I damn well please. It's not my fault some person who owns a porche is too cheap to buy oil for it. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do to my car?

Originally posted by K_Speed
In my oppinion George W. Bush is just a shame for the US. I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.

Well opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and some of them stink.

I don't have time to waste on people like you....I'm going to go chinge may oil....and leave my computer and stereo on while I do it.
Originally posted by K_Speed
man half of my family is american. It is just that sometimes I think about how much energy the people in the US waste. I mean, I used to live there and one of my neighbors for example you know he leaves his tv on the whole day. And theres so many other people keeping their stuff on for no reason. In Cali the electricity prices went up like hell, and its like, no one cares about it.
And changing their oil the whole is what I dont understand. WE know theres not much left of it (of course no one gives a **** now, but when the time comes that in runs out, we are all going to be like, oh man why did we use all of it like that).

In my oppinion George W. Bush is just a shame for the US. I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.

p.s. I hope Germany gets back in shape, we need someone else on top too


Those highlights show a major inconsistancy in your story. :odd: ;)
:mischievous: :lol:

"used to" implies no longer, and "this country" implies your current place of residency... otherwise it would be "that country."

Btw, Kerry is an opinion poll candidate whose most trusted Senate partners are calling Iraq the next vietnam.
He is also an elitist that would never understand where this poor, white, community college student is coming from.
Kerry knows what's best for himself, not the country or the world.

There is a reason that the world's worst dictators all fell on your side in wanting him to become the next president... it's because that is what is best for them, not America.
Originally posted by K_Speed
Ah whatever

Bush sux

oil res are getting low

time to play gt3


All of that sounds a lot like "uncle uncle" cause I think you just got pinned and counted out. :mischievous:

btw, you "sux" ... And big time too.

but just so you know, this post above really speaks tons for you... keep it up. ;)

Btw, I didn't see a response to this...
Originally posted by K_Speed
I mean, I used to live there and one of my neighbors for example you know he leaves his tv on the whole day.

I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.

(my response)
Those highlights show a major inconsistancy in your story. :odd: ;)
:mischievous: :lol:

"used to" implies no longer, and "this country" implies your current place of residency... otherwise it would be "that country."
Originally posted by K_Speed
I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.
Yeah, Kerry's just what we need: the attitude that everybody thinks Bush has, combined with the intellectual backbone of, oh, Spain?

My worst freaking nightmare.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Thanks to danoff, skylineGTR_guy and others for the kind words. :cheers: Can we get a 'hoo-ah' here for America NOT sucking?


If you think Kerry will pull out the troops from Iraq, you're dead wrong.
What I don't get is all the so called americans who don't support our country's decisions. All they do is ***** and moan about how everything is wrong with this country. It's very simple, if you dont like the way things are run LEAVE no one is forcing you to stay and you are obviously not contirbuting to anything. Bunch of hypocrites, you were there on sept 11th waving flags and saying how great our country was but now you refuse to support our leader? You complain about everything our country does. Since when have the ideals of life,liberty and the persuit of happiness been so evil? You wouldn't be living here if you didn't like them, yet when we try and spread these things to the iraqi people by freeing them from an oppressive dictator you complain like a bunch of sissys. Your not the one out there fighting for your country, your just the critic who thinks he knows everything. Its easy to judge when your not the one making decisions. I don't hear the soldiers complaining and they are the ones whos life is in harms way. I read the other day of a soldier who had lost both legs in an attack and even though he had lost his legs he was proud that he had serverd our country and had no regrets. So if he didn't complain what the hell gives you the right to pass judgement? You just sit there typing away and critisising everything but never once put yoursleves in the shoes of the iraqi people. You speak out about the leaders of our country with no worries about being killed for what you say, something the iraqi people, untill recently did not have the opportunity to do. I may not agree 100% with what our country does but whatever they do, I support them, thats what america is all about. So sit down and shut up or leave, and good riddance if you do.
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
What I don't get is all the so called americans who don't support our country's decisions. All they do is ***** and moan about how everything is wrong with this country. It's very simple, if you dont like the way things are run LEAVE

I thought that the whole point of a democracy was that you can voice your opinion. Just because people dont aggree with what their leader is doing does not make them "so-called" americans they just dont like what their leader is doing. That is what elections are for.
I think Skyline Guy is talking about the people who complain about America, no matter who the president is.

BTW: Your sig is too long.
Originally posted by GoKents

All of that sounds a lot like "uncle uncle" cause I think you just got pinned and counted out. :mischievous:

btw, you "sux" ... And big time too.

but just so you know, this post above really speaks tons for you... keep it up. ;)

Btw, I didn't see a response to this...

(my response)
Those highlights show a major inconsistancy in your story. :odd: ;)
:mischievous: :lol:

"used to" implies no longer, and "this country" implies your current place of residency... otherwise it would be "that country." [/B]

Yes I know, you guys are perfect....
I have read alot of the threads, now here is my opinion. First off I support the war efforts but am getting sick of hearing how bad the USA is! so this is what we need to do. Say screw every country we have troops, red cross releifs,funding and financial aid in and bring all of our unwanted help back into our own borders. Use our troops to protect our borders and our borders only! Step over the line without a weekly pass port and you will be pointed in the direction you came from. You get your passport and if your not coming back out at the exact time it says we then hunt you down and kick you out. We need to quit babysitting the whole world! Doesent anyone remember Hiroshima? I don't wish this on any country but if you mess with the United States of America you will pay the consequences! I have served for this great country as my four brothers have. My Father served for this country as his father did and gave the ultimate sacrifice, his life. I have been to Iraq in Desert storm and would go back in a heart beat if needed and its not just for pride in my country but for those people who lived there and begged us to help them find the freedom that most take for granite. If these people are so religeous then why are they killing innocent people their own people innocent soldiers and themselves? It says in the BIble that one shall not harm another or one shalt not inflict pain on one's self. You see they are not religeous but are fighting for the right to bring this world unjust and flat out hatred to any nation which has a government that lets their people have a say in governing bodies in which all can agree and rule out an unjust society.
Originally posted by DQuaN
I thought that the whole point of a democracy was that you can voice your opinion. Just because people dont aggree with what their leader is doing does not make them "so-called" americans they just dont like what their leader is doing. That is what elections are for.

Viper zero is correct, I'm refering to the people who always complain no matter who is leading the country. If they think they can do better why don't they run? You are correct they are free to disagree but just because they disagree doesnt mean they have to trash the president and say bad things about our country. As I said, if the people risking their lives in the war are not complaining, why is everyone else?
There are a lot of people I know that are just upset with George Bush. You know its not the americans, it is George Bush. The marines etc are just doing their job.
Of course there are always some people who say oh those stupid americans, and they are usually elderly people who dont have a life themselves (dude, no kidin).
Dude, K_Speed,

You're still around?

I thought that you gave up on this after you totally dodged my question about the holes in your story, none the less the overall lack of responsibility you are taking for your comments.

I want to mention to you that none of us are perfect, but that is no reason to lie to us.

So what's your response?
Originally posted by K_Speed
I think about how much energy the people in the US waste. I mean, I used to live there and...

In my oppinion George W. Bush is just a shame for the US. I want Kerry to take his god damn place and get this country back in shape.

Originally posted by GoKents
Those highlights show a major inconsistancy in your story. :odd: ;)
:mischievous: :lol:

"used to" implies no longer, and "this country" implies your current place of residency... otherwise it would be "that country."

Btw, Kerry is an opinion poll candidate whose most trusted Senate partners are calling Iraq the next vietnam.
He is also an elitist that would never understand where this poor, white, community college student is coming from.
Kerry knows what's best for himself, not the country or the world.

There is a reason that the world's worst dictators all fell on your side in wanting him to become the next president... it's because that is what is best for them, not America.

Originally posted by K_Speed
Ah whatever

Bush sux

oil res are getting low

Um yeah... real smart, way to put in that final blow that shows us all how informed and trustworthy you are. :lol:

Basically, I don't trust you and I have little respect for you thanks to your overly obvious anti-americanism coupled with your overall lacking post quality... none the less the fact that you still have not taken the time to address the points above.

So what's up?

btw, I'm getting the impression that you are nothing more than a highly partisan democrate with an ethical code that permits lies and insults to further your own political agendas. ;)

Later. :D
only time will tell, we can go rambling about the war in iraq, but the truth is it was unjestified and it was a means to revive the american economy and only the american economy, becase war have always menta prosperity to any kind of economy, except in the case of vietnam and now this. the whole thing is just back firing all around the world and it's only we the americans who don't care about what happens in that war.:odd:
Originally posted by RallyF1
only time will tell, we can go rambling about the war in iraq, but the truth is it was unjestified and it was a means to revive the american economy and only the american economy, becase war have always menta prosperity to any kind of economy, except in the case of vietnam and now this. the whole thing is just back firing all around the world and it's only we the americans who don't care about what happens in that war.:odd:

the truth is it was unjestified

No, actually, that is just your opinion. This war is and was Justified on several levels.

Several levels: (just a few I can think of)
1.Violation of U.N. resolutions (17 to be exact), which had severe & stated repercussions.
2. Known ties to and monetary support for suicide bombers/ terrorist as well as suspected ties to Al Queda with regards harbouring individual terrorist as well as groups in the form of training camps.
3. Crimes against humanity in the form of documented Mass Genocide during both the iran/ iraq war as well as in his own country as a means to suppress rebelion. (rebelion being the open expression of the very views people like K_speed and you are demonstrating)
4. Environmental Crimes as seen in Saddam's burning of oil reservoirs across Iraq and the mass dumping of existing oil supplies. None the less, the destruction of the fertile cresant.
(sorry, I just don't feel like providing links for all of the obvious ones. ;) )

Keep in mind that Saddam also violated the terms of the first gulf war's cease-fire. Along with that, Saddam also engaged American & UN airplanes on a regular basis during the patrol and enforcement of the UN established no-fly zones.

Saddam should have been removed from power long, long ago.


Long live the coalition:

Later. :D
Ok, say that is true and I am mistaken, does that negate any of this.
Originally posted by RallyF1
only time will tell, we can go rambling about the war in iraq, but the truth is it was unjestified and it was a means to revive the american economy and only the american economy, becase war have always menta prosperity to any kind of economy, except in the case of vietnam and now this. the whole thing is just back firing all around the world and it's only we the americans who don't care about what happens in that war.:odd:

the truth is it was unjestified

No, actually, that is just your opinion. This war is and was Justified on several levels.

Several levels: (just a few I can think of)
1.Violation of U.N. resolutions (17 to be exact), which had severe & stated repercussions.
2. Known ties to and monetary support for suicide bombers/ terrorist as well as suspected ties to Al Queda with regards harbouring individual terrorist as well as groups in the form of training camps.
3. Crimes against humanity in the form of documented Mass Genocide during both the iran/ iraq war as well as in his own country as a means to suppress rebelion. (rebelion being the open expression of the very views people like K_speed and you are demonstrating)
4. Environmental Crimes as seen in Saddam's burning of oil reservoirs across Iraq and the mass dumping of existing oil supplies. None the less, the destruction of the fertile cresant.
(sorry, I just don't feel like providing links for all of the obvious ones. ;) )

Keep in mind that Saddam also violated the terms of the first gulf war's cease-fire.

Saddam should have been removed from power long, long ago.

But I do believe it was a un fly zone, reason for that is because I remember other countries (besides the us) having trouble with patrols at the same time as American patrols due to plane differences in which euro nations used various fighters like the mirage. (which is one of the planes that Saddams regime actually had. ) (hard to believe he had any planes, I know, but he actually did. :lol: )

Again... :D

Later. :D
Originally posted by RallyF1
only time will tell, we can go rambling about the war in iraq, but the truth is it was unjestified and it was a means to revive the american economy and only the american economy, becase war have always menta prosperity to any kind of economy, except in the case of vietnam and now this. the whole thing is just back firing all around the world and it's only we the americans who don't care about what happens in that war.:odd:
Go actually learn something about history. Wars are the single easiest way to ruin your economy and bankrupt your country. WWII was a real exception, and there was evidence that the US economy was on its way to recovery anyway, without the artificial boost it got from cranking up our industrial power for involvement.