Ok, say that is true and I am mistaken, does that negate any of this.
Originally posted by RallyF1
only time will tell, we can go rambling about the war in iraq, but the truth is it was unjestified and it was a means to revive the american economy and only the american economy, becase war have always menta prosperity to any kind of economy, except in the case of vietnam and now this. the whole thing is just back firing all around the world and it's only we the americans who don't care about what happens in that war.
the truth is it was unjestified
No, actually, that is just your opinion. This war is and was
Justified on several levels.
Several levels: (just a few I can think of)
Violation of U.N. resolutions (17 to be exact), which had severe & stated repercussions.
Known ties to and monetary support for suicide bombers/ terrorist as well as suspected ties to Al Queda with regards harbouring individual terrorist as well as groups in the form of training camps.
Crimes against humanity in the form of
documented Mass Genocide during both the iran/ iraq war as well as
in his own country as a means to suppress rebelion. (rebelion being the open expression of the very views people like K_speed and you are demonstrating)
Environmental Crimes as seen in Saddam's burning of oil reservoirs across Iraq and the mass dumping of existing oil supplies. None the less, the destruction of the fertile cresant.
(sorry, I just don't feel like providing links for all of the obvious ones.

Keep in mind that Saddam also
violated the terms of the first gulf war's cease-fire.
Saddam should have been removed from power long, long ago.
But I do believe it was a un fly zone, reason for that is because I remember other countries (besides the us) having trouble with patrols at the same time as American patrols due to plane differences in which euro nations used various fighters like the mirage. (which is one of the planes that Saddams regime actually had. ) (hard to believe he had any planes, I know, but he actually did.

