Photos from Iraq

  • Thread starter rinard
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Here's a better list for you to make. Which nations are the leading suppliers of oil to the United States? Break them down by percentage. Now, which of these nations are in the Middle East?

Don't worry. I saved you the trouble and found one.

While it is true countries in the Middle East produce quite a bit of oil, they certainly don't hold a monopoly on it. In fact, the US produces quite a bit on its own, and Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC and one of the largest crude oil producing nations in the world, is fairly stable and doesn't particularly hate us this week.

Plus, there is a small matter of the various strategic reserves the federal government keeps around in case of emergancy. So, you see, the US economy isn't quite tettering on the edge of collapse at the mercy of OPEC whims as you suggest it would.


I was being a bit too dramatic with the whole collpase thing. It would take a major event to collpase the economy. However with oil prices the way they are a loss of even what the middle east supplys us with would raise prices quite a bit something people would really be pissed at. That in conjunction with OPEC wanting to convert to the transactions into Euro would be a bad thing for the economy.

Oil is something that would be replaced in very little time if we were to not have affordable access to it any longer.

Try having a little faith in humanity.
Oh really? Please show me someplace credible that says such a thing would be possible. You are talking about either finding a substitute that will work in current machinery with no modification and whos byproducts can also support the manufacturing of plastics, gasoline and everyother thing we get from oil. Of which none exists. Suppose a product was found would work with some modifications, you are still taking about performing this modification on every single car, truck, SUV, plane, boat, tank and every industrial peice of machinery in the entire united states. Do you have any idea how long that would take? Do you also expect this to be free? How many people can afford to do these things? Even if it was free how long of a wait would you have? Don't you think that is the US had a viable replacement for oil it would have stopped spending billions of dollars on importing it?

for those too lazy to click:
How much oil we import affects our economy and our national security. Today, more then half of the oil we use is imported. This level of dependence on imports (55%) is the highest in our history, and will increase as we use up domestic resources. The vast majority of the world's oil reserves are concentrated in the Middle East (65% to 75%), and controlled by the members of the OPEC oil cartel.

The U.S. depends on oil to move people and goods. Ninety five percent of the energy for transportation in the United States comes from oil. Transportation's demand for oil drives the market. Transportation accounts for two-thirds of total U.S. petroleum use, and nearly all of the high value petroleum products, like gasoline and distillate fuel.

In the past, dependence on oil has cost our economy dearly. Oil price shocks and price manipulation by the OPEC cartel from 1979 to 2000 cost the U.S. economy about $7 trillion, almost as much as we spent on national defense over the same time period and more than the interest payments on the national debt. Each major price shock of the past three decades was followed by an economic recession in the United States. With growing U.S. imports and increasing world dependence on OPEC oil, future price shocks are possible and would be costly to the U.S. economy.
Originally posted by James1985
i dont think the americans and others have no right to interfear with other countrys affairs thsi iraq conclift may turn into vietnam 2. Tony Blair and George Bush are almost like dictators.

Ok then, we will let countires continue to defy us and seeing that we are all talk and no action will give them further inclination to defy becasue there are no concequences. It's like telling a kid that stealing is bad but every time he steals you don't do anything. If you don't like your government then move. No one is stopping you.

Originally posted by James1985
America uses over 50% of the worlds oil its a disgrace that a country can be so greedy. And produces the most green house gases.

So? We also pay for what we use, It's not like we steal it. You are mistaking greed for necessity. Complaining about that is like complaining that fat people eat more food than the rest of us. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Ok then, we will let countires continue to defy us and seeing that we are all talk and no action will give them further inclination to defy becasue there are no concequences. It's like telling a kid that stealing is bad but every time he steals you don't do anything.

And if it's not your kid?
I'm seeing a lot of post in here that remind me of some trouble makers from the past.

I don't think anyone will get banned here, but I do think there are some serious anti-americans here and I can tell you this much, I will always remember who they are.

As far as I'm concerned, what's been said here is written in stone and many of you will never be the same in my eyes.

btw, I have lost all hope in all of the middle east and where I once cared, I do not, now I want death and distruction until the end comes for our enemies.

I used to care, but people like the aljezzera (sp?) network convinced me that there is no hope for that part of the world. ... I say leave them to the nerve gas and the extremist.

Hate has grown into my heart in the last 3 years. (I do not deny it.)

I have no love left in me besides that of my love for my family and my woman, as well as some of my country men. (and I stress some)

The bottom line is that I have lost hope, hope for a better world, hope for peace. Hope for a world where leaving people be, will lead to them leaving you be... instead, I live in a world where all that is good and all that is important is destroyed by extremist muslims. I hate them, and if you support anti-american muslims, I hate you.

Btw, you can be sure I know how en-raging this post can and will be, and you know what... take it and live with it... since september 11th, I have been living with that hate and dispair to no end.

God help us all.
Not just America, not just our allies, but all of us. Help us to see and understand our wrongs, and help them to see and understand their wrongs.
Yes, GoKents. I see a lot of anti-Americanism. Whether it's ignorance or maybe even jealously, it seems to bleed over into this discussion about Iraq.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Is that what you truly think JP? That the US is going to send a bunch of people to Iraq, build some pipes, shoot the oil into several thousand Halliburton tankers docked in the gulf and just haul it all away??

Not exactly, but are you saying that they won't make any profit over it and that they'll leave it all into the hands of Iraqi people?

Why haven't we invaded Yemen after what happened to the USS Cole in 2000? Don't you think Al Quaeda members are more likely to be there? At the time the US rushed to invade Iraq because of WMD, North Korea admitted that they had a nuclear program running... and I don't recall any serious thoughts of invading this country.

You're changing the subject. Let's bash one aspect of American foreign policy at a time here.

It's pretty much the same subject... that's what sparked anti-americanism resentment through the middle east in the first place, and gave munitions to radical extremist groups, helping them to expand. It's also the sad reason why these atrocious pictures from Al Jazeera are so popular there. And if you say that Iraq case (and middle east stability in general) will be solved in 25 years, when I look at what's still happening in Israel, i think we are just spreading the issue.

I'm seeing a lot of post in here that remind me of some trouble makers from the past.

I don't think anyone will get banned here, but I do think there are some serious anti-americans here and I can tell you this much, I will always remember who they are.

anti-americanism... I was 100% with the decision of Desert Storm, or Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, now if I question the Shock and Awe operation goals and motivations, that makes me an anti-american?? Does an american with the same opinions is an anti-american too, an ennemi? Men, Pinochet must be your idol...

Strange that my ideas follow UN and NATO opinions... are they anti-american organisations too, united against the US???

You're either with us or against us... don't even try to question what we think is right... not very far from dictatorship isn't it?

btw, I have lost all hope in all of the middle east and where I once cared, I do not, now I want death and distruction until the end comes for our enemies.

I used to care, but people like the aljezzera (sp?) network convinced me that there is no hope for that part of the world. ... I say leave them to the nerve gas and the extremist.

That's what I liked about GI Joe as a kid, the cobras are so evil and the GIs are so good... unidimentional people make things so much easier to decide...

I hate them, and if you support anti-american muslims, I hate you

I don't support anti-american muslims, I just disagree with our actions that will bring their extremist to us like on september 11 for something worst. But since your judgement is as complex as a binary variable, I guess I fall into the enemy category... everything seems to be either black or white.

God help us all.

I don't believe in any God, but if he exists, yes he could give us a hand, that I agree with you... I just hope you wouldn't think that God is anti-american if he said you could see things differently.
Why haven't we invaded Yemen after what happened to the USS Cole in 2000? Don't you think Al Quaeda members are more likely to be there? At the time the US rushed to invade Iraq because of WMD, North Korea admitted that they had a nuclear program running... and I don't recall any serious thoughts of invading this country.

Over and over and over (and over) I see this argument. Why haven't we invaded north korea? why haven't we invaded yemen now. Why haven't we invaded Iran?

The difference? 12 years of disregard for UN resolutions and the breaking of the cease fire agreements from the first gulf war. Disregard what Bush keeps saying, his spin on it is crap, the history with Iraq is the difference.

I know I'll hear it again, but that's the answer.

Oh, and yes we could replace oil. 75% of our oil consumption is from transportation? Electric cars would be a lot more popular if gas cost more. Where does the electricity come from? The cleanest most environmentally safe source... nuclear power! Still need a little oil for the rest of the 25% of the usage? Comes from our natural resources in America (which supply roughly half of our current need) until we find another way.

I don't understand the refusal to acknowledge humanity's history for solving problems.
Originally posted by danoff
Oh, and yes we could replace oil. 75% of our oil consumption is from transportation? Electric cars would be a lot more popular if gas cost more. Where does the electricity come from? The cleanest most environmentally safe source... nuclear power! Still need a little oil for the rest of the 25% of the usage? Comes from our natural resources in America (which supply roughly half of our current need) until we find another way.

I don't understand the refusal to acknowledge humanity's history for solving problems.

Yup, lots of people out there can afford to go out and replace all thier cars with new electric ones especially considering the fact that their current cars value will have dropped to zero because no one wants to buy a car they cant afford to maintain/run. Also you said they would be nuclear powered? How so? You mean we have to plug them in? So at night when everybody is sleeping energy use skyrockets and keeps the electrical system under strain 24 hours a day? Even the electric cars still need oil, after all you still have to lubricate the car. Then we will also need electric trucks, electric planes....Gee I wonder how effective an electric tank will be with nowhere to plug it in? Oh not to mention that electricity doesn't make plastics or other petrolium products.

I acknowledge that humanity can solve problems and eventually we will have to solve this one but not as rapidly as you seem to be suggesting and at this time we do not have the technology or the ability to do what you are suggesting if we did we already would have done so.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
anti-americanism... I was 100% with the decision of Desert Storm, or Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, now if I question the Shock and Awe operation goals and motivations, that makes me an anti-american?? Does an american with the same opinions is an anti-american too, an ennemi? Men, Pinochet must be your idol... ...


Strange that my ideas follow UN and NATO opinions... are they anti-american organisations too, united against the US???

(My Response)
(Oddly, the UN had the same ideas as the U.S. until it came time to actually enforce the conditions of various UN resolutions.

You're either with us or against us... don't even try to question what we think is right... not very far from dictatorship isn't it?

(My Response)
sorry, but I really do feel that ultra-conservative muslim, non-secular goverments (often the very dictatorships you speak of), are not on the side of right, just, or moral. Just my opinion though.

That's what I liked about GI Joe as a kid, the cobras are so evil and the GIs are so good... unidimentional people make things so much easier to decide...

I don't support anti-american muslims, I just disagree with our actions that will bring their extremist to us like on september 11 for something worst. But since your judgement is as complex as a binary variable, I guess I fall into the enemy category... everything seems to be either black or white.

(My Response)
Green would be your own prediction: I disagree about that since we did see with 9/11 the exact opposite of what you are suggesting... Don't take the fight to them since it may get them to attack us even worse than before. :confused:
Sorry, thought they attacked us on the 11th without us attacking them. (unless your ready to blame clinton, which is totally possible.)

Blue would be a simple personal insult to try and suggest that my intellect is incapable of complex, rational judgments.

Seeing things differently.

Well let's get this straight.

I never qouted you, I never even mentioned your name or even as much as a concept that you had spoken of earlier. I do not know why you chose to directly qoute me, then attempt to attack, and attempt to refute everything I said, but... I do not like your attitude. It seems you are more interested in arguing than you are making a good point.

Please, don't start flaming me when I never said a word to you.

Did I ever say you were anti-american?
Did I ever say you supported extremist muslims?

Never once did I even mention your name and I actually had overlooked most of your post to this point. At this point I'm glad I did overlook those post, I can imagine what they are like. :rolleyes:

Basically dude, take your argument to someone else... I didn't stop in to argue any points... I stopped in to vent my frustrations, not to defend why I feel them.

Finally... danoff, I can't imagine how you can deal with a thread like this for long, I just don't have the energy any more. Maybe back in the day when I had hope about naive idealism and the good hearts of men, but now... no way jack. :indiff:
Keep it up though, all of you... I support freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean I have got to like what your gonna say... Maybe you should think about that when I say something too? :irked:
Of course, I guess it's a little late for that since jpmontoya already acted like an ass and took everything I said as personal arguments directed at him as an individual... :odd:
I guess you were just lookin for a fight huh?

Whatever. :rolleyes:
And good luck fellas, I don't see this thread going anywhere beyond the corner of frustrating and lame. (Isn't bull**** political analysis done in the corner building there? :confused:

Bye. :D
I'm not even going to read this thread. This guy is just another Allah Almighty. And this thread should be in the Opinions forum.

"Thinking with greed." Heh. Asshole.
Originally posted by milefile
I'm not even going to read this thread. This guy is just another Allah Almighty. And this thread should be in the Opinions forum.

"Thinking with greed." Heh. Asshole.

That's it, damn your right!

I was trying to remember his name but couldn't do it.

Should have known. :D

Good call though. 👍
Originally posted by James1985
i dont think the americans and others have no right to interfear with other countrys affairs thsi iraq conclift may turn into vietnam 2. Tony Blair and George Bush are almost like dictators.

James is totally right, I agree mate.
The first time I saw a picture of Bush I saw in his face that he was a lier. I mean, his smile was so fake. You guys want some info about Bush, read this:

George W. Bush's record, just so you know:

• I attacked and took over 2 countries.

• I spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the US Treasury.

• I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history (not

• I set an economic record for the most personal bankruptcies filed in any 12
month period.

• I set all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the stock

• I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

• In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on
vacation by any president in US history (tough to beat my dad's, but I did).

• After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over
the worst security failure in US history.

• I set the record for most campaign fund raising trips by any president in
US history.

• In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their jobs.

• I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other
president in US history.

• I set the all-time record for most real estate foreclosures in a 12-month

• I appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any
president in US history.

• I set the record for the fewest press conferences of any president, since
the advent of TV.

• I signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any
other US president in history.

• I presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to
intervene when corruption was revealed.

• I cut health care benefits for war veterans.

• I set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take
to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for
protest against any person in the history of mankind.

• I dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.

• I've made my presidency the most secretive and unaccountable of any in US

• Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history.
(The poorest multimillionaire, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker
named after her.)

• I am the first president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union
simultaneously struggle against bankruptcy.

• I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market in
any country in the history of the world.

• I am the first president in US history to order a US attack AND military
occupation of a sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the
United Nations and the vast majority of the international community.

• I have created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history
of the United States, called the "Bureau of Homeland Security"(only one
letter away from BS).

• I set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases,
more than any other president in US history (Ronnie was tough to beat, but I
did it!!).

• I am the first president in US history to compel the United Nations remove
the US from the Human Rights Commission.

• I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove
the US from the Elections Monitoring Board.

• I removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of
congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

• I rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant. I withdrew from the World
Court of Law.

• I refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default
no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.

• I am the first president in US history to refuse United Nations election
inspectors access during the 2002 US elections.

• I am the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign

• The biggest lifetime contributor to my campaign, who is also one of my best
friends, presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in
world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).

• I spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US

• I am the first president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and
then lied, saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)

• I am the first US president to establish a secret shadow government.

• I took the world's sympathy for the US after 9/11, and in less than a year
made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest
diplomatic failure in US and world history).

• I am the first US president in history to have a majority of the people of
Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and

• I changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government

• I set the all-time record for the number of administration appointees who
violated US law by not selling their huge investments in corporations
bidding for gov't contracts.

• I have removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any
other president in US history.

• I entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than
two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.

• RECORDS AND REFERENCES: I have at least one conviction for drunk driving in
Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available).

• I was AWOL from the National Guard and deserted the military during time of

• I refuse to take a drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.

• All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my
fathers library, sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

• All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt
companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

• All minutes of meetings of any public corporation for which I served on the
board are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

• Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public
energy policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public review.

• And I did all of this without even winning the popular vote in the 2000 election!

With Love,
The White House, Washington, DC

Ask yourself: "Are we better off now than we were before this administration took office, and can we afford four more years of slash and burn politics?"

Further more, read the book "stupid white men", its an incredible book about what bush and his friends. He took black people with a police warning out of the voting register and all kinds of stuff. When I hear something like that, im dont know who the dictator is anymore!? Saddam or George?

He wouldnt have been the president, what a bastard he is.....
I never qouted you, I never even mentioned your name or even as much as a concept that you had spoken of earlier. I do not know why you chose to directly qoute me, then attempt to attack, and attempt to refute everything I said, but... I do not like your attitude. It seems you are more interested in arguing than you are making a good point.

Sorry... I'm just the top poster against the war in this thread, you didn't gave any example or quote of what you defined as anti-american talk that angered you, and being against the war or disagreeing with American Policies is most often considered as anti-americanism or pro-terrorism lately... so yes, I felt I was part of the people that you talked about, then I guess I just vented off as you did... and unfortunatly yes, venting off is most likely to start a flaming war, just look at Milefile's post and your answer to that.

Thanks milefile, you exactly illustrated my point in your post, I am such an "Allah Almigty"... you should launch a Tomahawk missile on my house. Dumbass

This thread is heading toward pointless venting-off flame war and posting diarrhea, nothing constructive and it should be closed.
Originally posted by halfracedrift
o.O The US doesn't produce half of its oil supply.. they get half of it from Canada..

Wrong. The United States supplies half of its own demand and in fact produces THREE TIMES MORE THAN CANADA.


Let's thank the existence of the U.N and Nato, because without them, this country would be all over the world. It would almost be the next Soviet Union.

Then, they knew that North Korea had nuke bombs, and went there to advise them to shut them off. Wtf? Every country has their own defense program. They have no right to tell any country to just shut their defense program.

According to the American thought:

Nobody can have nuke bombs but us.

Sure, after what they did in Hiroshima, they are afraid to get a big turd up their asses.

And they complain why all the countries hate them.
Originally posted by James1985
America uses over 50% of the worlds oil its a disgrace that a country can be so greedy. And produces the most green house gases.

If we use over 50% of the world's oil supply, that would mean we are consumer. Is the person who buys the goods greedy or the person selling the goods and making money off the consumer greedy? That would make the Middle East, Argentina (and Canada, if you ask halfracehalfdrift) the greedy bad guys, wouldn't it?

Or does it not matter because you're just another rabid anti-American critic who will try to twisy anything around to try and make the country look bad?

Originally posted by Viper Zero
Yes, GoKents. I see a lot of anti-Americanism. Whether it's ignorance or maybe even jealously, it seems to bleed over into this discussion about Iraq.

Its both. If the shoe was on the other foot and THEIR country was the lone superpower making the uncomfortable decisions, they wouldn't have a damn problem with it.

I just have to say this about the US. They are ****ing crazy about changing the oil of their car. It is total bull****. Some people change their oil every year, I mean, why for gods sake. In Germany we change the oil every few years. My dad has 911 Carerra and he changed his oil once now in 8 years. Even the car mechanics here say that you dont have to change youre oil much at all. German car makers and mechanics know what theyre doing, I mean, they invented the car.

in the US they freakin get more and new oil every time, what a waste
i change my oil every 5000km's to stop it from gunking up and keeps it a nice golden colour. i dont like black oil
Originally posted by VIPERGTSR01
i change my oil every 5000km's to stop it from gunking up and keeps it a nice golden colour. i dont like black oil

see das what im talking about, you dont need to change youre oil.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Its both. If the shoe was on the other foot and THEIR country was the lone superpower making the uncomfortable decisions, they wouldn't have a damn problem with it.

Again, I am not against all American decisions, and a lot of Americans are against the war too... We still have have soldiers in Afghanistan, and I'm not against it in any ways. And I'd still disagree with it even if I were living in the US or the UK.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
Not exactly, but are you saying that they won't make any profit over it and that they'll leave it all into the hands of Iraqi people?

Of course they will. And what's wrong with that? Its not like the crude oil is just bubbling up from ground and you can scoop it up with a Dixie cup and sell it.

The entire Iraqi oil industry will probably be nationalized at first. The government will have direct control over production and distribution. The MONEY to make it all happen --the wages, the capital investment for trucks, pipes, offices, computers, etc. will probably come from both the Iraqi treasury and US companies. Americans will probably be very involved in modernizing and bringing up the service as soon as possible. It is entirely possible the Iraqi government will simply contract American companies to do the job and split the profits. But doing this costs money. So of course American companies will make a profit out of this or even buy the oil at cost. And there'd be nothing wrong with that.

Eventually, the various industries will probably go public, once the economy is strong enough to attact investers and individual Iraqis can buy stock. So yes, eventually it will return to the Iraqi people.

Originally posted by jpmontoya
Why haven't we invaded Yemen after what happened to the USS Cole in 2000?

Because there was no need. The Yemeni government was not hostile to us. There was no indication that it harbored, protected or sponsored terrorists.

Originally posted by jpmontoya
It's pretty much the same subject... that's what sparked anti-americanism resentment through the middle east in the first place, and gave munitions to radical extremist groups, helping them to expand.

Is it right? I mean, is it okay that some Arabs want to kill random Americans because the US is seen a supporter of Israel?

The 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian. I don't want to blow up random Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians because of that. I haven't called for a Christian Crusade against the warmonger Islamic pig-dogs because they threatened to kill the Pope. That's because I know that while a lot of Arabs and muslims don't like us, the majority of them are not interested in violence.

Why is it unreasonable to expect that someone in the Middle East understands that just because we don't condem Israel's actions doesn't mean we want to kill them all and steal with oil?

Originally posted by jpmontoya
Men, Pinochet must be your idol...

That is really uncalled for. You've been far more reasonable in the past. I think you should retract that statement, if you want to keep the thread productive. Otherwise you're going to get nothing but a lot of flak from people.

Originally posted by GoKents
Finally... danoff, I can't imagine how you can deal with a thread like this for long, I just don't have the energy any more.

And good luck fellas, I don't see this thread going anywhere beyond the corner of frustrating and lame. (Isn't bull**** political analysis done in the corner building there? :confused:

Acutally, I'm convinced that danoff likes this kind of stuff. Don't you, danoff? :D

I hear your frustration, GoKents. Sometimes I feel the same way.

Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Let's thank the existence of the U.N and Nato, because without them, this country would be all over the world. It would almost be the next Soviet Union.

Don't you have a rubber doll to pine over or something? Why don't you go start a thread about that and leave the thinking stuff for people with a clue? Don't forget your sign.

Originally posted by K_Speed
I just have to say this about the US. They are ****ing crazy about changing the oil of their car. It is total bull****.

in the US they freakin get more and new oil every time, what a waste

And you Germans drink too much friggin beer. Damn waste if you tell me. All you do is piss it out in the end. And wtf is Riesling? You people call that wine?

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
And you Germans drink too much friggin beer. Damn waste if you tell me. All you do is piss it out in the end. And wtf is Riesling? You people call that wine?


Well mate, gotta make somethin clear, I aint german sooo....and you can always make beer stupid its not something that we will run out of, not like OIL