Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Here's a better list for you to make. Which nations are the leading suppliers of oil to the United States? Break them down by percentage. Now, which of these nations are in the Middle East?
Don't worry. I saved you the trouble and found one.
While it is true countries in the Middle East produce quite a bit of oil, they certainly don't hold a monopoly on it. In fact, the US produces quite a bit on its own, and Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC and one of the largest crude oil producing nations in the world, is fairly stable and doesn't particularly hate us this week.
Plus, there is a small matter of the various strategic reserves the federal government keeps around in case of emergancy. So, you see, the US economy isn't quite tettering on the edge of collapse at the mercy of OPEC whims as you suggest it would.
Oh really? Please show me someplace credible that says such a thing would be possible. You are talking about either finding a substitute that will work in current machinery with no modification and whos byproducts can also support the manufacturing of plastics, gasoline and everyother thing we get from oil. Of which none exists. Suppose a product was found would work with some modifications, you are still taking about performing this modification on every single car, truck, SUV, plane, boat, tank and every industrial peice of machinery in the entire united states. Do you have any idea how long that would take? Do you also expect this to be free? How many people can afford to do these things? Even if it was free how long of a wait would you have? Don't you think that is the US had a viable replacement for oil it would have stopped spending billions of dollars on importing it?Oil is something that would be replaced in very little time if we were to not have affordable access to it any longer.
Try having a little faith in humanity.
Originally posted by James1985
i dont think the americans and others have no right to interfear with other countrys affairs thsi iraq conclift may turn into vietnam 2. Tony Blair and George Bush are almost like dictators.
Originally posted by James1985
America uses over 50% of the worlds oil its a disgrace that a country can be so greedy. And produces the most green house gases.
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Ok then, we will let countires continue to defy us and seeing that we are all talk and no action will give them further inclination to defy becasue there are no concequences. It's like telling a kid that stealing is bad but every time he steals you don't do anything.
Originally posted by Famine
And if it's not your kid?
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Is that what you truly think JP? That the US is going to send a bunch of people to Iraq, build some pipes, shoot the oil into several thousand Halliburton tankers docked in the gulf and just haul it all away??
You're changing the subject. Let's bash one aspect of American foreign policy at a time here.
I'm seeing a lot of post in here that remind me of some trouble makers from the past.
I don't think anyone will get banned here, but I do think there are some serious anti-americans here and I can tell you this much, I will always remember who they are.
btw, I have lost all hope in all of the middle east and where I once cared, I do not, now I want death and distruction until the end comes for our enemies.
I used to care, but people like the aljezzera (sp?) network convinced me that there is no hope for that part of the world. ... I say leave them to the nerve gas and the extremist.
I hate them, and if you support anti-american muslims, I hate you
God help us all.
Why haven't we invaded Yemen after what happened to the USS Cole in 2000? Don't you think Al Quaeda members are more likely to be there? At the time the US rushed to invade Iraq because of WMD, North Korea admitted that they had a nuclear program running... and I don't recall any serious thoughts of invading this country.
Originally posted by danoff
Oh, and yes we could replace oil. 75% of our oil consumption is from transportation? Electric cars would be a lot more popular if gas cost more. Where does the electricity come from? The cleanest most environmentally safe source... nuclear power! Still need a little oil for the rest of the 25% of the usage? Comes from our natural resources in America (which supply roughly half of our current need) until we find another way.
I don't understand the refusal to acknowledge humanity's history for solving problems.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
anti-americanism... I was 100% with the decision of Desert Storm, or Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, now if I question the Shock and Awe operation goals and motivations, that makes me an anti-american?? Does an american with the same opinions is an anti-american too, an ennemi? Men, Pinochet must be your idol... ...
Strange that my ideas follow UN and NATO opinions... are they anti-american organisations too, united against the US???
(My Response)
(Oddly, the UN had the same ideas as the U.S. until it came time to actually enforce the conditions of various UN resolutions.
You're either with us or against us... don't even try to question what we think is right... not very far from dictatorship isn't it?
(My Response)
sorry, but I really do feel that ultra-conservative muslim, non-secular goverments (often the very dictatorships you speak of), are not on the side of right, just, or moral. Just my opinion though.
That's what I liked about GI Joe as a kid, the cobras are so evil and the GIs are so good... unidimentional people make things so much easier to decide...
I don't support anti-american muslims, I just disagree with our actions that will bring their extremist to us like on september 11 for something worst. But since your judgement is as complex as a binary variable, I guess I fall into the enemy category... everything seems to be either black or white.
(My Response)
Green would be your own prediction: I disagree about that since we did see with 9/11 the exact opposite of what you are suggesting... Don't take the fight to them since it may get them to attack us even worse than before.![]()
Sorry, thought they attacked us on the 11th without us attacking them. (unless your ready to blame clinton, which is totally possible.)
Blue would be a simple personal insult to try and suggest that my intellect is incapable of complex, rational judgments.
Originally posted by milefile
I'm not even going to read this thread. This guy is just another Allah Almighty. And this thread should be in the Opinions forum.
"Thinking with greed." Heh. Asshole.
Originally posted by James1985
i dont think the americans and others have no right to interfear with other countrys affairs thsi iraq conclift may turn into vietnam 2. Tony Blair and George Bush are almost like dictators.
I never qouted you, I never even mentioned your name or even as much as a concept that you had spoken of earlier. I do not know why you chose to directly qoute me, then attempt to attack, and attempt to refute everything I said, but... I do not like your attitude. It seems you are more interested in arguing than you are making a good point.
Originally posted by halfracedrift
o.O The US doesn't produce half of its oil supply.. they get half of it from Canada..
Originally posted by James1985
America uses over 50% of the worlds oil its a disgrace that a country can be so greedy. And produces the most green house gases.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Yes, GoKents. I see a lot of anti-Americanism. Whether it's ignorance or maybe even jealously, it seems to bleed over into this discussion about Iraq.
Originally posted by VIPERGTSR01
i change my oil every 5000km's to stop it from gunking up and keeps it a nice golden colour. i dont like black oil
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Its both. If the shoe was on the other foot and THEIR country was the lone superpower making the uncomfortable decisions, they wouldn't have a damn problem with it.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
Not exactly, but are you saying that they won't make any profit over it and that they'll leave it all into the hands of Iraqi people?
Originally posted by jpmontoya
Why haven't we invaded Yemen after what happened to the USS Cole in 2000?
Originally posted by jpmontoya
It's pretty much the same subject... that's what sparked anti-americanism resentment through the middle east in the first place, and gave munitions to radical extremist groups, helping them to expand.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
Men, Pinochet must be your idol...
Originally posted by GoKents
Finally... danoff, I can't imagine how you can deal with a thread like this for long, I just don't have the energy any more.
And good luck fellas, I don't see this thread going anywhere beyond the corner of frustrating and lame. (Isn't bull**** political analysis done in the corner building there?![]()
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Let's thank the existence of the U.N and Nato, because without them, this country would be all over the world. It would almost be the next Soviet Union.
Originally posted by K_Speed
I just have to say this about the US. They are ****ing crazy about changing the oil of their car. It is total bull****.
in the US they freakin get more and new oil every time, what a waste
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
And you Germans drink too much friggin beer. Damn waste if you tell me. All you do is piss it out in the end. And wtf is Riesling? You people call that wine?