- 647
- South Australia
- TH137Z
Slab, I'm loving the new set up. Heaps more control. I did have to turn my FFB up tho, I think its on about 8 to keep the wheel nice and firm. I did run FFB on 3 before hand. I needed it, but heaps more feeling, I'm starting to feel where the car is now so I can be softer on the steering. The pedals feel alot more comfortable being upside down now, and because I removed the pedals from the plastic case I can move them easier if need be. I found the clutch seems to be a little better, not sure it that had something to do with the plastic, my driving style or another hidden factor. I am tempted to put a harder spring behind the clutch tho. Maybe a throttle spring. Might slow my clutch foot down enough to allow me to get it into gear. I've taped the exposed wires to the frame so they can't be damaged or pulled in any way. My only problem with this set up is that I've lost my 6 wheel buttons. I have a thing for looking behind me all the time. I highly recommend the steering wheel mod, and I look forward to more dirty NASCAR
pity my wheel is too far from the paddles.