Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
your not rasta unless you have dread locks ............. he used to have them in the 80s and he said he had enough of them so he doesn't have them anymore but he still rasta
west coast dogg


  • picture 4.jpg
    picture 4.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 743
I really should say south-east for london

SHOUTS OUT to my crew in north london y2tuscan and my doggs in west london slip2rock peace!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by keeno_uk
I really should say south-east for london

SHOUTS OUT to my crew in north london y2tuscan and my doggs in west london slip2rock peace!!!!!!!!

Repprreesse... - Errr, no.
Ok what the heck, we all friends here right ? ;)

Here's me a few months ago! crap quality cheap cam is best I got though :P
Originally posted by risingson77
Hooray! At last we see the elusive Lotus 350! :D

Now we need to see Mr P and the rugrats....

Yes Indeed I'm feeling brave :D

Rugrats! sure, soon as I get one scanned ;) Mr P! well I doubt it somehow :P
Originally posted by bird2rock
nice to see you lotus :) One of the rugrats would be cool!

Yes, very nice to see Lotus out of the closet as well as troy1! It's cool to finally put the name to the face for sure....

There, now that wasn't so hard was it? :D
