Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Live for Speed's south City Long track has a remarkable resemblance to a duck.

I knew you looked familiar. See ya at our next bath time!

Rubber ducky, you're the one, you make bath time so much fun... </Ernie>
a6m5, I'm just a figment of your imagination...hahahaha! Errr wait no I'm not, I'm real :(.

And yes shorthand for looking at a fag :lol: guess I walked into that one.
Ya I guess you are right, and if you didn't notice before it is on Big Beaver Rd. and when you are on I-75 the exit for it is 69. So holy lots of sexual innuendos
Look, in order to maintain air speed velocity a Collard Dove has to beat it's wings forty three times every second, right?

I'm not interested!
You guys actaully do sound like you know what you're talking about. It's intriguing and thread-worthy in my eyes.
You guys actaully do sound like you know what you're talking about. It's intriguing and thread-worthy in my eyes.

Wheres a smiley for when a joke goes RIGHT over someones head?

Also, what if they both held one together?
Oh, I got the joke, and I thought it funny. Therefore I decided a thread should be made, probably in the comedy section, where people converse about things they know nothign about but pretend to know. Ya know?
i think this thread should be cleaned up by a moderater, so you dont have to look through 333 pages to see what members look like! it takes the value away from the thread!
Oh, I got the joke, and I thought it funny. Therefore I decided a thread should be made, probably in the comedy section, where people converse about things they know nothign about but pretend to know. Ya know?

Tell me exactly what you think we're talking about, because it still seems like you have no idea what's going on...

That's my best friend doing the Michael Jackson and I'm doing what is known as the JDM pose.