Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
:lol: This threads cracking me up. Seriously, thanks's a much needed laugh.

To answer any non-gay questions, I'm a computer administrator/controller/accountant administrator. I know, sounds gay doesn't it? I rather like telling people that I'm a musician and a recording engineer. Sounds better anyways. I've been working really hard on getting 'big' lately. I've dedicated 5 days a week and about 2.5 hours sessions to lifting over the last 6 weeks and still going strong.

Don't you love short hair? It's awesome! Easy to cut, easy to wash, easy to keep looking good. In fact, time to trim it up again. From your username, I would also guess it's nice for wearing helmets also.
Don't you love short hair? It's awesome! Easy to cut, easy to wash, easy to keep looking good. In fact, time to trim it up again. From your username, I would also guess it's nice for wearing helmets also.

Short hair does rock. Being lazy never looked so good! Yes and no on the Helmet head. The hair is fine....but if I have a long ride the pads leave little impressions in my head for a few minutes after I remove the helmet. Kinda like waffle butt.
I have to agree on short hair. My friends always bug me "dude, grow your hair out" but the one time i did, i looked like that mushroom guy from mario, more like an afro really, but without curly hair.

depending on where you live short hair can be your savior. im used to cold weather but was moved to Florida, so whether i like it or not ( which i do :) ) i need to have short hair to stay somewhat cool.
Bee should do a Cristiano Ronaldo mullet.

How many people blow-dry their hair? I used to just towel dry it and comb it back, but since I've started blow-drying it back, it has a better shape and doesn't frizz during the day.
I've been working really hard on getting 'big' lately. I've dedicated 5 days a week and about 2.5 hours sessions to lifting over the last 6 weeks and still going strong.

I can appreciate your dedication, but what do you do with it once you're "big"? How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
I can appreciate your dedication, but what do you do with it once you're "big"? How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

Not sure...just keep going I guess.... I daughter is also 2.5 year old, so I have a few years to get scary for her boy friends. My plan is once I have a good amount of mass then I will start to try and define what's there. It's more of an addiction really. The natural endorphin rush while lifting makes all my problems go away. :) With my body type, I can either be big and fat or big and muscular. I guess I'd rather be the later. For what it's worth, I'm 5'11" and currently 225lbs. I was 230/235 before I started working out again and can honestly say I have added some muscle weight since then, guess that I have lost between 10 and 15 lbs of fat.
depending on where you live short hair can be your savior. im used to cold weather but was moved to Florida, so whether i like it or not ( which i do :) ) i need to have short hair to stay somewhat cool.

I used to keep my hair really short, and after looking at a lot of photos of me like that, I realized how uninteresting it made me look, and generally speaking, I think I look better with longer hair. Granted, I've cut my hair down quite a bit in the past month or so (nearly shoulder-length before), but it is short for me...

...On the subject of short hair working, yes, there are cases when it was necessary. Back when I was racing bikes, I used to cut all my hair off once the weather was consistently above 60 degrees, as it was just too hot to have that much crap on top of your head when you're running around at 20-30 MPH for 40 Miles or more. Beyond that, when the weather gets hot, it isn't the best to have incredibly long hair (particularly at work), but I never cut it completely off either...

I'm planning on keeping it at its current length for a while. When I go down to Miami this summer I'll probably trim it again, but it will still be 'long' by most people's standards...

...And my "girlfriend" (nothing is 'official' between us, but we act like we're going out) hates my long hair. Its a battle, but the trim from not too long ago helped her out a bit I guess...
... With my body type, I can either be big and fat or big and muscular...

I have the same problem. It just sucks because im too lazy spending all my time on the internet when i have a bench press sitting right next to me in my room.

kudos on your muscles though. keep em going arnold
Am I the first just to post something only to remove Rameses Niblick III Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble from "myGTPlanet" as the last poster. War short hair...I'm out!
Seriously need a haircut! I had long hair as well recently but it's all gone now, and I'm glad I got rid of it!

Bee, you always seem to be needing a haircut.

Scruffy boy.

No-one reads the damn small print do they! That was before my little trim, it only just reaches the top of my eyes now..
That's truly fascinating.

I wonder who would take a picture of you while you expell urine from your bladder.