Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Better be glad we know how you lean, Zox, because you happen to have a fat old man dressed as Sailor Moon in your avatar. That is whack!

But, of course, I actually know who Sailor Moon is... :scared:


But at full moon, I turn into....



Alright, I'll go to bed...
Not sure...just keep going I guess.... I daughter is also 2.5 year old, so I have a few years to get scary for her boy friends. My plan is once I have a good amount of mass then I will start to try and define what's there. It's more of an addiction really. The natural endorphin rush while lifting makes all my problems go away. :) With my body type, I can either be big and fat or big and muscular. I guess I'd rather be the later. For what it's worth, I'm 5'11" and currently 225lbs. I was 230/235 before I started working out again and can honestly say I have added some muscle weight since then, guess that I have lost between 10 and 15 lbs of fat.

I just noticed the increase above your avatar. Hey congrats on the 18.25" bro!!! Seems like only a couple days ago it was 18.125" Keep up the good work. 👍
The fact that you can see some of his face is proof enough that he's had some of it cut off. Lee, you were beginning to look like a relative of cousin Itt :sly:;).
A couple summers ago playing with my band at the time (don't dis the 15W setups, we were purposely trying to be terrible that night).

I just sold that bass the other day.
Awesome picture. I'm loving the whole Puma shorts/ boots with socks thing... I thought us weirdos in Michigan were the only ones to do it...

Hairy legs too. Mine are just as bad (if not, worse)...
A couple summers ago playing with my band at the time (don't dis the 15W setups, we were purposely trying to be terrible that night).

In the spirit of posting bass player pics wearing shorts outside at a gig, here's one from a while ago.... circa '98/'99.


I don't wear shorts at gigs anymore. :)
Yup, that is me double fisting in the back. . . It is just one of our famous drunken moments at Club 960 in Hartford. Funny we end up going there to just have a good time and it turns out to be a shot and champagne fest. . .