Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
The cabling goes under the floor, up the wall to a plug which the speakers plug into.

It's handy having an electrician for a father...


  • speakers.jpg
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Oh, and it was my sisters room, hence the flowery wallpaper and the stickers on the warddobe door.

And as you can see through the door, we are in the middle of an 18 month painting the inside of the house job.

It's annoying having a procrastinator as a father...
Haha. First its handy to have an electrician as a father, and now hes a procrastinator so you think hes annoying. Haha.
But we all agree that my room and house are the coolest on GTP? Just making sure.

Aside from the actual electrical and TV(Dish and our antennia) wall outlets in my room that my dad wired(the last thing was converting a 2 prong outlet to a 3 prong, but my dad deemed it un-necessary to properly run the ground, so when I am using the Sharkport from my PS2 to the Presario under my bed, there's a buzz through the audio, and if I disconnect the shark port it goes away, and if I touch the metal part of the USB cord to the back of the computer, there's sparks which is hilarious since it doesn't really cause any problems), I've wired everything else on my own. I seem to be the only person here and only person my age that I know of to have an actual stereo reciever instead of the stereos posted. For speakers I use a Boston Acustics 3 piece computer speaker set, and as an aditional surround sound, I have an Altec Lansing 3 piece speaker set. They both plug into the reciever's headphone jack(with an adapter ofcourse), and they sound excellent. bassy too. My BA sub is right on a shelf which is part of my bed right below my pillow, so at night since I sleep listening to the radio, it sounds good.

The other day I got bored so I decided to bring upstairs a shelf unit so that I could organize my magazines and Mazda stuff. I don't have a pic of it...though if anyone wants to see it I can take a pic tomarrow and post it.
Originally posted by MazKid
I touch the metal part of the USB cord to the back of the computer, there's sparks which is hilarious since it doesn't really cause any problems)

I used to do stuff like that. I quit doing it during gym class in 9th grade. Me and a friend were sitting on the top row of some bleachers, and there was a small metal pipe running down the wall, and towards the bottom there was a little box without a cover on it. We removed these little caps that twisted onto the ends of two wires, and started touching the wires together, and onto metal bolts on the bleacher, etc. because it made some pretty cool decent sized sparks. We touched both the wires to the box at the same time, and it made a really loud explosion/flash. I saw an extremely bright blue flash, then some orange, then all I could see for about 4 minutes was black. We couldn't see normal for about 2 weeks afterwards. It sort of sunburned our eyes, or something.:odd:
Originally posted by Josh
It sort of sunburned our eyes, or something.:odd:

Yeah, if you were to stare at it for a while, it would burn the surface of your eye. Thats why welders have to wear helmets when welding.

I should get Dad to take a pic of me welding, it looks hella cool.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Yeah, if you were to stare at it for a while, it would burn the surface of your eye. Thats why welders have to wear helmets when welding.

I should get Dad to take a pic of me welding, it looks hella cool.

My friend Robert's Dad is always welding something. He does bodywork on cars. Everytime we were at his house, and his Dad was welding, we couldn't help but stare at the cool blue light. It's kind of like looking at the sun - you know you're not supposed to, but you do it anyways.

Or maybe I'm the only idiot who looks at the sun.
Originally posted by Josh
Or maybe I'm the only idiot who looks at the sun.

When I was young, I was the only person in my class who could hack looking at the sun.

Maybe thats why my vision is going blurry now.

But the Oxy-Acetylene (gas welder) at school is cool, I'm the only student (in my class) allowed to light it, I sometimes light it with glasses sometimes without them, but it's pretty cool. When the acetylene is burning it's orange, but when you introduce the oxygen it slowly turns blue, and when you've got a ****load of oxygen running, it goes white.
Originally posted by Ghost C
I never claimed I made that up, but hell, if someone else has said it better, why waste time trying to outdo them? I've actually got that saved to a text file so I can copy and paste it, because it gets the point across, and I like it.

I forgot what the point of this was, if I even had one...

Maybe you should add, the point is, I have a Kalishnikov and you don't. So go [censored for purposes which my client shall not mention].
No, I never shower. I love the feeling of being completely filthy. Lame insult attempt if it was directed at me.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Yeah gas cutting is the bomb, 8000°C anyone?

Mate of mine could arc weld. We always speculated what would happen if you accidently 'arced' yourself.

We came to the conclusion that death would be like flicking the TV off - there'd be no pain, no jumping around, just instant blackness. Of course, the corpse would be horribly burnt...
Originally posted by SublimeDood10
No, I never shower. I love the feeling of being completely filthy. Lame insult attempt if it was directed at me.

I'm glad you could see that i was joking... :indiff:
Originally posted by vat_man
Mate of mine could arc weld. We always speculated what would happen if you accidently 'arced' yourself.

We came to the conclusion that death would be like flicking the TV off - there'd be no pain, no jumping around, just instant blackness. Of course, the corpse would be horribly burnt...

I've got an arc welder and have used it a few times, not all that skilled with it yet.

But interesting thing happened in my metal work class, some guy was welding and all of a sudden the flame went out but the gas was still coming out, and the hand peice was sparking all over the place. The person welding chucked it to the ground, and every one except me hightailed it for the other end of the class.

I casually walked up and turned it off.

They thought they were going to die.
A very recent pic of me at last month's airshow. To bad the pic quality sucks, i made a stupid smile, and the pic makes my chin and cheeks look real big. Not the best pic of me. But at least I got to sit inside an A-10 attack plane ofr the polaroid.