Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk


  • omg.jpg
    66.2 KB · Views: 324
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :scared: lol he looks like a little wanna be gang banger:tdown: They dont come out here in the country by us ,cause we may let them cows gettem yaknow :lol: And my 30-06 or 308 has better distance than either of the weapons he was holding:mischievous:
I must say this is how i normally think of Americans.... ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Oh and yes most americans have weapons, because we are not stupid enough to let our goverment take our fire arms and destroy them,I saw a documentary on that in the UK people giving up rifles handed down from ancestors some over a hundred years old and they were cutiing them up.Like to see them take my 1890 remington given to me by my great grndfather before he died ,they may get it but not before i gave them something:mad:
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :scared: lol he looks like a little wanna be gang banger:tdown:


That's wonderful. No really I mean hey let's assume something about someone we don't know. I assume you're a mildly retarded redneck who's intelligence rivals that of the moss growing on the tree in my backyard.

Wasn't that fun?

And my 30-06 or 308 has better distance than either of the weapons he was holding:mischievous:

Thank you captain obvious. The day a rifle has less distance than a pistol is the day that someone made the worst rifle in the world.
Originally posted by Ghost C

That's wonderful. No really I mean hey let's assume something about someone we don't know.

I don't see the problem. He said you look like a gangbanger wannabe, and you do. No assumption there, just a description of the picture. So calm down, homie.

It's to bad that Europeans and Kiwis think of Americans the way they do. There are a lot more good Americans than the one's resembling what is in that horrible picture. Things like that are an embarassment, definitely the worst America has to offer.
So how does someone "look like a wannabe"? You saying that a Hoover Crip looks like a wannabe? Or even an Inglewood blood? Sorry, I fail to see how you can judge what I am/what I've done by a picture of me with two guns and a bandana on my head.

So I'm not a "good American"? I've done well over 2,000 hours of volunteer work at the American Red Cross alone, with another 1,500-2,000 hours at Habitat for Humanity, and various churches and food drives. So tell me, mile, what have you done for this country, your community, that makes you so much better than me?

You're a terrible example of the human race if you think you're better than me because I dress differently than you, or because I have guns. Take a look at yourself in the mirror next time you want to insult someone, because even though I've done some bad stuff, I've still done plenty of good stuff, and you've got no ****ing right to assume you're better than me.
Originally posted by Ghost C
So how does someone "look like a wannabe"? You saying that a Hoover Crip looks like a wannabe? Or even an Inglewood blood? Sorry, I fail to see how you can judge what I am/what I've done by a picture of me with two guns and a bandana on my head.

So I'm not a "good American"? I've done well over 2,000 hours of volunteer work at the American Red Cross alone, with another 1,500-2,000 hours at Habitat for Humanity, and various churches and food drives. So tell me, mile, what have you done for this country, your community, that makes you so much better than me?

You're a terrible example of the human race if you think you're better than me because I dress differently than you, or because I have guns. Take a look at yourself in the mirror next time you want to insult someone, because even though I've done some bad stuff, I've still done plenty of good stuff, and you've got no ****ing right to assume you're better than me.

I have the right to think whatever I want. Your picture makes you look like a bad person. Period. Don't be a dumbass. Don't expect anyone to give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't expect anyone to do anything other than call it like they see it. And above all don't act surprised and angry when you get treated poorly for looking like a criminal. Get over yourself. You could've posted a picture of youself serving soup to homeless people, or hammering some nails at a church. But instead you posted a picture of yourself looking like a total and complete asshole. If your charitable record is true and not court mandated, and if it' really so important to you, why don't you represent that instead of portraying yourself as the scum of the earth? Now quit crying you wanabe baby and go bust a cap in somebody's ass, or volunteer at a church, I really don't care. You're not as complicated as you think.
Originally posted by milefile
I have the right to think whatever I want. Your picture makes you look like a bad person. Period. Don't be a dumbass. Don't expect anyone to give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't expect anyone to do anything other than call it like they see it. And above all don't act surprised and angry when you get treated poorly for looking like a criminal. Get over yourself. You could've posted a picture of youself serving soup to homeless people, or hammering some nails at a church. But instead you posted a picture of yourself looking like a total and complete asshole. If your charitable record is true and not court mandated, and if it' really so important to you, why don't you represent that instead of portraying yourself as the scum of the earth? Now quit crying you wanabe baby and go bust a cap in somebody's ass, or volunteer at a church, I really don't care. You're not as complicated as you think.

So instead of actually making a point, you go off on a child like temper-tantrum insulting me several times, but still manage to say I'm the bad person at the same time. Who's crying? It's certainly not me, in fact it seems to be you, after seeing I disproved everything you said.

PS- Calling me a wannabe isn't insulting at all, since you wouldn't know a "real thug" if he came up and "busted a cap in your ass".

PPS- Nobody has said "bust a cap in your ass" and been serious about it since the early 90's.
Originally posted by Ghost C
So instead of actually making a point, you go off on a child like temper-tantrum insulting me several times, but still manage to say I'm the bad person at the same time.

Point #1: I have the right to think whatever I want.

Point #2: Your picture makes you look like a bad person.

Point #3: Don't expect anyone to give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't expect anyone to do anything other than call it like they see it. And above all don't act surprised and angry when you get treated poorly for looking like a criminal.

Point #4: You could've posted a picture of youself serving soup to homeless people, or hammering some nails at a church. But instead you posted a picture of yourself looking like a total and complete asshole. If your charitable record is true and not court mandated, and if it' really so important to you, why don't you represent that instead of portraying yourself as the scum of the earth?

Point #5: You're not as complicated as you think.

PS- Calling me a wannabe isn't insulting at all, since you wouldn't know a "real thug" if he came up and "busted a cap in your ass".
Is that supposed to make sense?
PPS- Nobody has said "bust a cap in your ass" and been serious about it since the early 90's.
Did you think I was being "serious"? I'm sorry.
Who's crying?
You are.
It's certainly not me...
Yes, you are. fact it seems to be you...
Where? When?
...after seeing I disproved everything you said.
"Disproved"? :lol: Give it up, thug.
Watch out Mile, he might shoot you!

Just cut the crap guys this thread is about showing our pictures not mocking each other! [/hypocrite]
Originally posted by milefile
Point #1: I have the right to think whatever I want.

That's not a point, that's you thinking you're better than someone for how they dress, or because they have a gun, or wear a bandana on their head. Being ignorant and having a point are two different things.

Point #2: Your picture makes you look like a bad person.

No it doesn't. Ignorant people interprit me as being a bad person from the picture. Still not a point.

Point #3: Don't expect anyone to give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't expect anyone to do anything other than call it like they see it. And above all don't act surprised and angry when you get treated poorly for looking like a criminal.

So I "look like a criminal"? I didn't know criminals all dressed the same, or looked the same. So I've got guns in my hands, cops have guns as well, are all cops criminals? Again, ignorance, not a point.

Point #4: You could've posted a picture of youself serving soup to homeless people, or hammering some nails at a church. But instead you posted a picture of yourself looking like a total and complete asshole. If your charitable record is true and not court mandated, and if it' really so important to you, why don't you represent that instead of portraying yourself as the scum of the earth?

Ah, so again we go back to "Hey, he dresses different than me, so he's a criminal who would murder me for a quarter if I looked at him the wrong way". I'd post pictures of me while doing volunteer work, but I was actually a little busy doing volunteer work and didn't have time to take pictures. btw, this still isn't a point, this is more ignorance.

Point #5: You're not as complicated as you think.

I never said I was complicated, nor do I think it. Also, this STILL isn't a point. It was close though, I give you that.

"Disproved"? :lol: Give it up, thug.

Give it up? Give what up? Sorry, I'm not the one who feels the need to insult just about everyone on the internet to make up for some inadequecy I have in real life.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Watch out Mile, he might shoot you!

Just cut the crap guys this thread is about showing our pictures not mocking each other! [/hypocrite]

The first line is pretty well stupid, but I agree having a contest to see who's e-penis is bigger is stupid.
I didn't intend for my picture to spark a violent reaction from people, but at the same time I'm not going to let someone say they're better than me because they don't like the way I look.
Originally posted by Ghost C
That's not a point, that's you thinking you're better than someone for how they dress, or because they have a gun, or wear a bandana on their head. Being ignorant and having a point are two different things.
You are ignorant if you expect people to look at that picture and think, "I bet he volunteers for charity. I bet he's a great person." I am embarassed for you.

Ignorant people interprit me as being a bad person from the picture. Still not a point.
No. People who don't need guns to be a man do. Sorry. It's a point. Do you know what a point is. Do you understand that sometimes there are points we don't like and that they are still points?

So I "look like a criminal"? I didn't know criminals all dressed the same, or looked the same. So I've got guns in my hands, cops have guns as well, are all cops criminals? Again, ignorance, not a point.
Again. I am embarassed at the simplistically invalid argument you are making. It's just stupid. 1. Dressed like a gangtster 2. pointing two automatic weapons 3. a strained, taking-a-dump, attempt at a badass look on your face. I should've known you were on your way to the church to volunteer. How could I have thought anything else?

Ah, so again we go back to "Hey, he dresses different than me, so he's a criminal who would murder me for a quarter if I looked at him the wrong way". I'd post pictures of me while doing volunteer work, but I was actually a little busy doing volunteer work and didn't have time to take pictures. btw, this still isn't a point, this is more ignorance.
More crying. You seem to be pretty familiar with what people think, like you've heard this before. Hmm.

I never said I was complicated, nor do I think it. Also, this STILL isn't a point. It was close though, I give you that.
You're not complicated enough to.

Give it up? Give what up? Sorry, I'm not the one who feels the need to insult just about everyone on the internet to make up for some inadequecy I have in real life.
Give up being fashionably contradictory. Give up trying to prove what a bad-ass you are. Give up idiotically defying simple common sense and pushing it off as enlightenment. Give up thinking people will sit around and think about you and not judge you by how you look. Give up thinking guns are toys. There's probably more but I'm tired of you, again. Like I need to spend any more time arguing with some kid's adolescent identity crisis.
Dude, this is gay. In the picture you clearly look like a Thug, gangsta, whatever you want to call it. You got the bandana on, guns and ****. What is that suppose to look like? A business man or something.. No.
Originally posted by milefile
You are ignorant if you expect people to look at that picture and think, "I bet he volunteers for charity. I bet he's a great person." I am embarassed for you.

I never said that. I said you're ignorant for assuming something about a person you've never met before.

No. People who don't need guns to be a man do. Sorry. It's a point. Do you know what a point is. Do you understand that sometimes there are points we don't like and that they are still points?

I never said anyone needed a gun to be a man, and I also know what a point is, you lack one in 99% of your arguements. Do you know what senseless rambling is? Do you understand that senseless rambling makes you look stupid?

Again. I am embarassed at the simplistically invalid argument you are making. It's just stupid. 1. Dressed like a gangtster 2. pointing two automatic weapons 3. a strained, taking-a-dump, attempt at a badass look on your face. I should've known you were on your way to the church to volunteer. How could I have thought anything else?

1) I'm dressed like I always dress
2) One is automatic, the other is semi-automatic
3) That's my "Hurry up and take the picture because these old people are looking at me funny" face, I don't try to look like a "badass". If I look like a "badass" to you, then that's your problem. I look just fine to most people.

Your attempted sarcasm is severely lacking in anything even close to humor.

More crying. You seem to be pretty familiar with what people think, like you've heard this before. Hmm.

Yes, I am familiar with ignorant people assuming things about me, because a good chunk of society is ignorant.

You're not complicated enough to.

Complicated enough to what? I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here, if you actually had something to say in the first place.

Give up being fashionably contradictory. Give up trying to prove what a bad-ass you are. Give up idiotically defying simple common sense and pushing it off as enlightenment. Give up thinking people will sit around and think about you and not judge you by how you look. Give up thinking guns are toys. There's probably more but I'm tired of you, again. Like I need to spend any more time arguing with some kid's adolescent identity crisis.

Fashionably contradictory? Uh, nope.

Trying to prove I'm a badass? Who's the one starting arguements on the internet? You are.

Defying common sense and pushing it off as enlightenment? No, I'm simply trying to enlighten you with common sense. Have you ever heard the statement "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? Probably not, or you just let it go in one ear and out the other. I forget who it was that said "common sense isn't so common", but they couldn't have been more correct.

If I could convince one person to stop judging people by how they look, I've done something. Judging people by how they look is ignorant, and you just believe you're too "high and mighty" (For lack of better way of putting it) to be ignorant.

I don't think guns are toys. I never said they were, and I never said I thought they were. There you go assuming things again.

Identity crisis? Uh, nope. I know exactly who I am, and I don't care what you think about it. Remember who started the "I'm better than you are" arguement? Sure as hell wasn't me.

In conclusion, I'd like to say you're an ignorant asshole who's only outlet for "angst" he feels in his life is to attempt to belittle people on the internet because he's not "badass" enough to do it in real life.

My point is, in all of this, I have a Kalishnikov and you don't, so go **** yourself.