Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk

Bloody Hell! It's like Nigel to Wayne Rooney in one swift photoshoppy move! :eek:
(Deeply sorry Nige! :guilty:)

Hm. Nice amount of power. What does he do with it?
Its pretty much now his dad's. He takes it around to various classic car shows and hangs out with people, gives him something cool to do while he's still around.
Very nice! More pics please. :)
I think I have a few more, but of the same profile, I'll try and get some more shots of it from my dad.
Wow, very nice Loon.

Where'd he get those custom flames? They look pretty solid work. Also, do you have a pic of your dad's sleeve tattoo? He looks way cool, you're a lucky guy. 👍
Wow, very nice Loon.

Where'd he get those custom flames? They look pretty solid work. Also, do you have a pic of your dad's sleeve tattoo? He looks way cool, you're a lucky guy. 👍

Some chick who came into his shop did them for him, his traded her some free tattoos and some tattoo equipment for them. And I don't have any close up pictures of his arms. I could explain them?
durnnk postss FTMFW!

and since trhere's no apaernt place to pst them, here will sufffffice... farkin expensive too... 4 ppl was amost 200 bucks.

at anothe rrdunk moment:

Tom Servo = Diego's effeminate alter ego?

When did Diego change his user name - or is it just a second account?

With so many newbies around it's a bad time for regulars to be changing their identities. Naughty Diego.
Me after a couple of pints of Strongbow with Kate giving me a hug or something.

I have so many questions but I am afraid of what the answers might be.
Oh, come on! you know what they say about curiosity...

Er, you wouldn't by chance be a cat, would you?

'Cause that would be bad.