Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Me going flying in a Pitts!!


I hope that flight knocked that stupid Yankees hat off your head! Never to be found.

Go Tigers!
Oh, I see you've posted it using the image server that only Premium members can see, very crafty.

How did you manage to fit so many topless ladies into the background?

Premium forum would be past the eyes of the RAF ;)

:lol: Wouldn't matter anyway, someone from the RAF took it anyway :)

Oh, I see you've posted it using the image server that only Premium members can see, very crafty.

How did you manage to fit so many topless ladies into the background?


I don't know...I think those girls just have an obsession with that plane, perhaps they find it appealing?
Oh, I see you've posted it using the image server that only Premium members can see, very crafty.

How did you manage to fit so many topless ladies into the background?

WOW! You could poke an eye out with those!
WOW! You could poke an eye out with those!

If you look to the bottom right of the second crowd of ladies, one of them has her eye far too close to that others girls... *ahem*.

Looks like it was a cold day, Speedster ;)