Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Their what?
Ribs, man! Facetious retorts and old-fashioned patois are just styles of ribs.

Hey, look! My
It's about time of a pic of me anyways... only mah head.

I somehow managed to position myself so that you cant see any of the PC behind.
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I aint got no problems. I dont know Laszlo too well but Danny's hilarious and a great guy.
At the risk of looking like a pillock...


You guys are totally hot. :) Congratulations.

Just entered into my first relationship... it's going well so far.

Gee, I always seem to come back to GTP at the weirdest/most poignant times. Either of you guys have Facebook? Would be cool to stay in touch.
I had the good fortune of taking a foul ball to the eye at practice today. 9 stitches later and a tetanus shot for good measure I was on my happy way.

I had the good fortune of taking a foul ball to the eye at practice today. 9 stitches later and a tetanus shot for good measure I was on my happy way.

Is the cut from the ball or from your glasses? It's almost Meat Flap quality.