It's not what you look like, it's how you try to look.Originally posted by Ghost C
I try harder than anyone you've met in a long time? I was unaware we had met. I like my basement, and no, I don't live with my parents. Does it matter? Should I have moved out 4 years ago when I was 13 instead of when I was 16?
Sorry, I thought there was some complaint about me posting pictures of me with weapons, and how I was trying to be such a badass, etc, etc. So I post one without them, and - big surprise here - people still have a problem with me, not because of who I am, but because of what I look like.
You're a biased fool. With all due respect, which is very little, most likely none, I kindly invite you to take your comments and shove them up your ass.
Originally posted by Ghost C
The bottles have basically been sitting in the same spots for the past 7 years, except for when I've taken them down to clean them. You want me to black them out in MS Paint for you or something?
No, me and a few buddies don't rent a house. Next assumption, please. If you're actually interested in my living situation (I doubt it), you could probably ask Boom about it.
Soft hands? Few days of work? You're pathetic, Der Alta, at least try to insult something about me that you know to be half-true. Right now you're just lowering yourself down with the morons by poking fun at something you don't know about. Do you have low self-esteem? What is it that's driving you to insult a complete stranger to you, for no reason? Were you not hugged enough as a child?
Truly pathetic, DA. I would've expected something better from you.
Originally posted by Pako
Can we go back to that happy place again? You was that place where we could discuss all the mysteries of life and ponder the miracles we see every day. Ahh....I remember how grand it used to be, I remember how welcome I would feel exchanging subtle comments back and forth with my friends. Remember how it was when there was nothing to prove? Remember when it didn't matter who or what, just that it was? grand that would be re-visit such a place.
Originally posted by w00tness
Wow josh hasnt changed his user pic in a while, man you must suck.
Originally posted by Josh
You have a "9/11" avatar.
BTW- I'm just lazy. I almost changed it earlier, but I decided not to because it would take like 3 seconds.
Originally posted by boombexus
Oooh, oooh, bring back the kitten avatar Josh! Yeah! The kitten.Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by boombexus
You don't want him to smash what's left of your face do you?![]()
Originally posted by Josh
(oh, and, yes, I realize I still haven't sent you those pictures of the Lincoln, and stuff. I'm trying to host them myself so I don't have to have someone else do it, and so I don't have to worry about resizing them and ****. If all else fails, I'll just resize and e-mail you eventually)
Originally posted by Ghost C
Concept, I've been wondering this for some time now...
Is there a point to anything you post? Because it sure doesn't seem like it.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Wow, I come across as someone I'm not in pictures? Amazing, I was unaware you knew me well enough (At all, actually) in real life to make that assessment.
I grow tired of responding to useless posts by useless people. I think I'll just leave the fools to themselves from now on.
Originally posted by flohtingPoint
I'm the dude on the far left with the SEG. I was happy cause I was done with that 2 week course and I was going home =)
Originally posted by Pako
You look pretty happy.... That is one huge grin!![]()