Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Where's the picture of Jordan?? (hint, hint)

Meanwhile.... here I am, don't stare at the pic too long though, you might get bad dreams :P
Hmmm, dragging this thread back to subject......

This really is me taking part in my second most favourite physical activity.


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To the best of my knowledge there is only one real halfpipe in the country, and that's in Bird's home town of Sheffield.

I've been down it once or twice......
Since I have the day off tomorrow, I will try to see if any place around town here can do some scanning for me! I got some sweet pic's of me on the board. Plus I'll put the IS in there too.

One of the guys here at work is supposed to be selling me his old scanner, then i'll put up a pic of Bird on her tasty little Elan 55 (if she agrees).

Anyway have to go.... It's 09:20 here and work has begun.
It is finally time for me to post a pic of myself. Hope you are all happy. Juts do not make fun of me. I have a rre skin condition, it is due to radiation. :(


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