Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Here's a recent pic of me.


  • dscn0024.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 409
If I get a digi cam here for my B-Day, I'll post up some more recent pic's of me.
I'll get some pics of the stereo system in the Lex also.
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN

Hey asher of course it wouldnt be you!
Do you have the webcam still or was that an old pic of u?

still got my web cam billy did you see the first couple of posts it was me
Originally posted by keeno_uk

still got my web cam billy did you see the first couple of posts it was me

you suck :lol: yeah I know because you suck!

Oh yeah do you like your new avatar?
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN

you suck :lol: yeah I know because you suck!

Oh yeah do you like your new avatar?

shut it ang go work and urgh nice ava cheers mate :D oh yeah that boombexus guy looks a lot like finbar
Originally posted by keeno_uk

shut it ang go work and urgh nice ava cheers mate :D oh yeah that boombexus guy looks a lot like finbar

Are you still at home you lazy bugger!
Could ya bring your webcam around on saturday?
oh coo sein you know I make nang avatars! :tv:

:lol: Finbexus!
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN

Are you still at home you lazy bugger!
Could ya bring your webcam around on saturday?
oh coo sein you know I make nang avatars! :tv:

:lol: Finbexus!

I see what can do in remember its my dads
Good morning Guys!

Hey Boom.... Excellent to finally put a face to the voice as it were.

And nice grind mate.

Ok that's it, i'm gunna dig my board out of the loft and get down the dryslope and start practicing. I'm coming out year after next (God willing) and yoi'll have to teach me how to do that.

Just spoken to Bird, she's already all excited!

Yep, now my old board is knackered i'll start to use it on the dryslope again, there's a couple of rails there and a fun box or two.

Time for more Dendix burns. :lol:

Somehow i thought as you are a Chef you'd be a porker like me! ;)
Originally posted by slip2rock

Somehow i thought as you are a Chef you'd be a porker like me! ;)

When you see food all day, eating is the last thing on your mind! :D

I had some more pics of me on the board, and on some rails and in the pipe, but I ran out of disk space.

I got some good video too. Hoistin myself off of a 40 foot, double tiered cliff.
Heh, the old disk space problem.... I know that one only too well.

Get a CD burner mate! Cheaper than a hard disk upgrade.

Right i have to go jump in the shower.

I've got my little digi cam here and had a photo of me taken 10 minutes ago, will post it once i've cut it down to size.
Yeah I have the same thing with computers some days, after a full day staring at the screen the last thing you want to do is go online.

Catch you in a bit mate.

Oh, that old thing. Yes I like it too.
It is actually one of the first pieces i made after i got Photoshop, waay back in 98 i think...
The eyes are actually from a frog :lol:
Originally posted by   
are you a hippy?

Don't be a tosser! Can't stand the tree hugging freaks. :mad: :lol:

nah I'm just me.

I ride BMX, Snowboards, surf and listen to rock music. Hence the long hair, beads and beard.
Originally posted by CloneHead
Oh, that old thing. Yes I like it too.
It is actually one of the first pieces i made after i got Photoshop, waay back in 98 i think...
The eyes are actually from a frog :lol:

you own at shopping man :cheers:

i cant stand the hippies either. they are doin a big protest about uranium at the moment, you may know peter garret of midnight oil, he was arrested for being a protester.