Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Originally posted by   

i cant stand the hippies either. they are doin a big protest about uranium at the moment, you may know peter garret of midnight oil, he was arrested for being a protester.

Yeah i remember him...

"how can we sleep now the bed's are burning" la la lalala laaaaa.

Fair song.

Yeah, i guess the hippies have value, you have to have these people in society to bring the really out of order stuff to attention but damn why can't they wash? Over here we often refer to them as "soap dodgers".
Originally posted by boombexus

You need to get yourself out here! I need another anti-hippie person here.

I got a air matress for you and Bird! :lol:

Fetch the side by side Jeeeves we're going hunting tree huggers!

I'll bag a brace before supper.

(Translation - Get my gun let's go waste a hippy, I'll have a pair done before i get to the bar)
Every May Day they have a parade around the city trying to bring something or other to the attention of the public. Never totally understand what ??? Normally a couple of thousand of them.

A couple of years ago they broke in to Liffe (which is a big trading floor) I hear from reliable sources that they got their asses kicked by the "locals" (floor traders) and that at one point the security actually barred the doors once the hippies were inside so they couldn't get away! :lol:

The company i work for usually asks me to "be about" on May day just in case. :lol:

Oh please god, please, just once!
watch jay and silent bob strike back...youll know what he means.

say slip, have you ever had youre arsehole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?
Originally posted by   
watch jay and silent bob strike back...youll know what he means.

say slip, have you ever had youre arsehole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?


Now you, me old china, are 'avin ay fackin' bubble! Ain't no turd burgler gowin anywhere near me old rusty sherriff's badge!

(Translation, old china - old china plate - mate ------ bubble - bubble bath - laugh)
Originally posted by slip2rock


Now you, me old china, are 'avin ay fackin' bubble! Ain't no turd burgler gowin anywhere near me old rusty sherriff's badge!

(Translation, old china - old china plate - mate ------ bubble - bubble bath - laugh)

:lol: poms have a way that nobody else does. its a riot to talk to you mate!
Originally posted by slip2rock

Apparently the main entrance had two escalators, hippies don't fly was the conclusion at the end of the day!

man that would cain like a 🤬 landing on an escalator. they are sharp.

Must have i guess.

The traders on our floor had heard about it so when the hippies came past they were trying to bribe our security staff to open the front doors......

No joy there, they were however using our photocopiers to blow up pictures of £50 notes and sticking their gold cards up to the windows. That went down well.
Originally posted by   
they know how to use a photocopier?

Oh crap, my brain was working faster than my fingers. yeah, sorry, i meant our traders were photocopying £50's and waving them at the hippies.