Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Dr. Seuss
To try and stay on topic, here's one I made earlier....literally. I was talking in the Survival Discussion thread about zombie protection and it said post some pics.

Well the pot on my head doubles as a Odd Job style throwing weapon. ;)

Also, due to living where I do, there is no such thing as a 'long range' everything and everyone is situated in the same place, hence the need for close combat tools.


I'm a Casual, not a hoodie. :(
That's my axe and my knuckle duster I bought on my trip a few weeks ago. The thing on my neck/face is my cycling scarf and so are the glasses, for cycling, and because...who else is likely to be that prepared for a zombie invasion? :sly:

Anyway, can't you tell by the room? Half of my pics in this thread have been taken in my living room.
PeterJB = PeterJustinBieber?

Again, you're not the first person to make the connection between me and he-who-must-not-be-named. But with hair like mine I'm asking for it really. :D

PeterJB = Peter Jeremy Brook.

'Cause I feel stupid when I'm dancing...
No I can't dance as cool as you...
I just feel stupid when I'm dancing...
Like a psychopathic fool...

I regret nothing. And no, I was not inebriated sadly, at least then I'd have an excuse.
While most girls are doing duck faces and what not for their Facebook profile pictures, I decided to go that little bit different.


Super-rare StoneWall ale from an even rarer StoneWall bottle next to the Stone StoneWall.
I think this blatant brand placement is getting out of hand.

Sent from my iPhone via a Cisco router whilst drinking Coke and wearing a lovely Lambretta shirt.
Thankfully got no photos of me from last night... Maybe if I find my phone there will be pictures on it to help me recall the 5 hours that I have no recollection of at all. Hangover Pt 3 featuring Aldo... :dopey:
Still no phone? Mate, that's in Nigeria by now. :(

Nah went searching on my possible path home but couldn't see it. Haven't been able to get a hold of my mate that's got keys for the place so I can't go and have a look. :(