Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
The first and only time I've ever worn a hoodie. I'll stick to leather jackets and blazers.

Yeah, this was for a friend of mine. She demanded new myspace pics.
Are you wearing girl pants? :eek:
Yeah .. I was good with all the pictures except the first one .. :shudder: .. It looks like his knee is trying to talk ..
Wow, it healed pretty good. I never thought it would heal so clean. I remember telling you to go to the hospital. Of course, Gil offered his professional opinion as well.
Solid Lifters
Wow, it healed pretty good. I never thought it would heal so clean. I remember telling you to go to the hospital. Of course, Gil offered his professional opinion as well.

:) Yeah, didn't heal too bad. Just kept the dressings clean and tried not smash it while it was healing..... It's all good...
Event Horizon
Are you wearing girl pants? :eek:

Yeah, at the time I wore girl's pants because of their tight fit and stretchiness. I still wear tight pants, but guys pants now. See, I just didn't have money to get 65 dollar tight pants, so girls gave them to me for free. And no, I'm not gay at all, I just hate loose pants. Tight pants just feel a lot better. I'm weird I guess.
Yeah, at the time I wore girl's pants because of their tight fit and stretchiness. I still wear tight pants, but guys pants now. See, I just didn't have money to get 65 dollar tight pants, so girls gave them to me for free. And no, I'm not gay at all, I just hate loose pants. Tight pants just feel a lot better. I'm weird I guess.
I don't think your weird. :odd: Ah, whatever floats your boat. 👍
whatever floats your boat. 👍

:lol: :lol: :lol:

How do they feel? Do you like leather too? How about masks; whips; chains?

:lol: :lol:

hahaha sry couldn't resist. but seriously tight pants aren't healthy (physically). Tight pants means well...certain things get closer to your body. that means that those things are warmer than normal because of your body heat, which is bad because what is made inside those things operates optimally (ie. 1 head, 1 tail, not no head and 3 tails etc) at 3-4 degrees below body temperature. Sooo....unless shootin BB's is what you'r after you might wanna loosen up and start shootin' slugs.
Not mention a little more dangerous. If someone stabbed you, they got you, good as that, and in deep. With baggy pants, they may get you, but a chance of it not going in as deep is better.

But hey, I'm not here trying to be your god, so if you like wearing them, good for you.
Your life and your decision. :)
I posted this same pic over in the thread "Post a picture of you and your girfriend"
And you guys thought because my name said CAMAROBOY69 that I had a mullet and no teeth. :lol:
You're weird? You're not the one walking around with a sign on your shirt... :sly: That's weird...
Denzel Washington

You look exactly like Denzel Washington and I mean that in a good way since he is one of my favorite actors! 👍
Thanks for the compliments! :) 👍
Actually, you are not the first people to say that (about me looking like Bill Cosby/ Denzel Washington/Urkel). Oddly enough, I still don't see the resemblence... but that's probably why I have prescription lenses... :sly: