Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
first one, me being me

and the second one... me being weird... I had to kill this possum because it had rabies. It was going for our chickens, and I approached it with a sledgehammer. It started hissing at me, so I... well, you figure out the rest. It was supposed to look like I was trying to eat it, but it turned out looking like I was screaming at it. (this is kinda graphic) !!!If you are a really big wussy and have a weak stomach!!!

K, gross, but funny as hell ! its even funnier due to what looks like you yelling at it, " take that biatch " or something along those lines....
first one, me being me

and the second one... me being weird... I had to kill this possum because it had rabies. It was going for our chickens, and I approached it with a sledgehammer. It started hissing at me, so I... well, you figure out the rest. It was supposed to look like I was trying to eat it, but it turned out looking like I was screaming at it. (this is kinda graphic) !!!If you are a really big wussy and have a weak stomach!!!

Holy **** dude. That's....ew. Where the hell is the rest of the head? All over your patio? Couldn't you have like used a shovel or something less....gruesome?
I think it's quite a bit worse than Paco's meatflap of a kneecap. I mean, did pako's lose actually lose a chunk and have the rest of it displayed in a 10 square metre radius?
But Pako's skin was still intact.
That possum's head wasn't.

You need to put warning up on that before posting that.

Pako did.
ROFL! That pic was pretty funny, thank you for the desktop background! I saved it to my HD, but at the moment, I have Pako's meatflap kneecap, Day One as my background.
That's not a joke , it me FFS! :dunce:

Isn't it the photoshopped/wavy mirror style one? ...or did u change it...or am I thinking of someone else...or is this all really just a dream and ur trying to make me feel bad for doing something i didnt do....its a conspiracy!
[edit] Oh crap I was thinking of Tomski's. Oh well, you look beautiful in all of your red x-shaped glory. :dunce: [edit]
Isn't it the photoshopped/wavy mirror style one? ...or did u change it...or am I thinking of someone else...or is this all really just a dream and ur trying to make me feel bad for doing something i didnt do....its a conspiracy!
[edit] Oh crap I was thinking of Tomski's. Oh well, you look beautiful in all of your red x-shaped glory. :dunce: [edit]
I jsut realised it was the wrong picture. My brother did a makover :dopey:
ur brother gave u a makeover? :lol:
Yes , an ugly one :)
My hairstyle is different (he put everything on the left side) and my head isn't in that position.
And that quality of the picture makes it even worser.