Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Not the best photo but it will do.. I'm hiding behind my bass!!\RSS1.jpg

Couldn't quite tell from the pic, but is that a Modulus or a Yamaha?

How do you like the extended range of the low B and high C?

I got so frustrated with guys i could out drive but had way more money to spend on the kart making them faster down straights and exiting corners. I get mad just thinking about it. It held me back, i am a good driver. I don't want to toot my own horn or anything but, TOOT TOOT! I got to drive a factory kart and i turned identical lap times as there driver does. That made me so upset.
its in my blood, i guess. I'm triing to get into spec-Miata's at the moment. But the first cost hurts but after that the field is even because of the sealed motors. Just need to save some more money.
I agree though Blue.

IMO, though, I find it wrong if a racing group gets someone with a pretty face over someone who has more skills than the pretty boy knowing how to hit on a girl.

My opinion though.

I've been racing for a while as well. Every chance I get at TMS, I do Autocross courses.

Well, guess I'll post my pic. Again.

And since some wanted to see who I'm dating...
It is the Yamaha TRB-6P. It has the two magnetics and then a bridge pickup as well.

It took a little while to acclimatize to it. Now it would be a real "culture shock" to go back to my 4 string basses (Fender Jazz... 70's one and Yamaha BB400S fretless). I don't know how I ever managed without a low B. I don't get up to the C so much. Useful for the occasional chord or picking out something higher if the opportunity presents itself.
But his signature is not showing in any of his posts anymore, or did he went through all that trouble too?

Ah what do I care anyway...
i found a better pic of me racing, that first one was my first year and this pic is from the 2003 World Finals SKUSA in OKlahoma City. Its my favorite pic i have i forgot i had it on a disk.

ha ha, but i'm not the cocky little Italian kid that wrecked me a few laps later. He such a jerk thats why i like this pic so much cause i'm in front of him. 👍 He took me out and got a DQ and we almost went to fists in the pits after it.......good times. :)
ha ha, but i'm not the cocky little Italian kid that wrecked me a few laps later. He such a jerk thats why i like this pic so much cause i'm in front of him. 👍 He took me out and got a DQ and we almost went to fists in the pits after it.......good times. :)
That's how they drive in Italy. And France. And Germany.