Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk


redhead, blonde, or strawberry blonde?
But, I can't find an English source. :( But, you don't really want me banned, do you?

Aw, don't sweat it. I would be much obliged to do that, but unfortunately I'm probably the last active member of the forums to be eligible for gaining a promotion to the moderation team. :|
Aw, don't sweat it. I would be much obliged to do that, but unfortunately I'm probably the last active member of the forums to be eligible for gaining a promotion to the moderation team. :|

:lol: Okay, I won't sweat it. I'll just go to sleep. Funny white text.
It's been a while sine I posted a pic of myself.

I will ponder this for a moment...

The sign reads: Welcome again for your return to Chongqing.

Don't know who that guy with the bike is though....

EDIT: OK, here's another, but only to keep you guessing what I'm doing with some insulating tape. There's a good story behind this pic. All will be revealed this weekend. :)

The problem was that 'cun'* means small town/ village type thing and I had to resist doing it to all of the 100s of signs we passed on the roads. :lol:

*Cun in the Pinyin is pronounced tswun but in English...well, you know. ;)
I had to tell the locals it was a road marker because we didn't want to get lost, told them it was to mark the towns we'd passed. :lol: They are none the wiser.