Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
That poster... is that a Ford Escort...


Why yes, that is a Ford Escort MEXICOOOO. One of the many metal signs I have collected over the years. Well, I say that, I mean, I only really have about 3 and my dad gave me that one.

But why aren't you looking at me?!

Don't talk to me of love. Let's talk of Paris.
I'm in Paris with the slightest thing you do.
I'm in Paris with your eyes, your mouth,
I'm in Paris with... all points south.
Am I embarrassing you?
I'm in Paris with you.
Your posters are in adequate. ;)

Tried taking one with myself in it but I'm the worst person at self shots... maybe that's some form of subliminal message. :lol: This is from some time ago so there isn't my Prometheus poster and it doesn't show the Guns 'n' Roses on the side wall and the framed Diablo picture on the opposite wall.
For a moment I was confused as to why the calendar still said June, and then I read the part where you said it was taken some time ago.

Mind you, mine still says December 2012 because I haven't bought another yet. Maybe I should make my own with the naked photos of Danny I have online.
You get extra points for the 350, but minus points for the cheesy VW-on-the-beach posters (I surf so I can judge!).

It would be pretty even without the VWs, although I think the Esci edges it for old skool cool.

I wasn't really paying attention to the setting, I just like old Dubs. :)
Are you in her room?:lol:, Camaro? Someone tell me i want one and i don't wanna keep guessing lol
The time Katie and I went to Paris to see a massive goose.

Ok i'm just gonna say it that is outright the scariest thing I've seen, ever and that includes this:

It just doesn't give up!

Oh and katie you pose the same way as my cousin in like 99% of your pictures:odd::lol:
It's the only pose I can pull off without looking mentally disabled.

Well, without looking as mentally disabled.
It's the only pose I can pull off without looking mentally disabled.

Well, without looking as mentally disabled.

You should get married with Danny. You'll straighten him out.