This is my "staring out the widow looking at the reason I'm un-showered and don't care" look.
Being an adult?
lol I could buyfagscigarettes when I was just 16. And then again at 18, when they changed the law.
What? Never stared out of an old lady before? Some say when done properly it looks a bit like this. I disagree. Or I'm doing it wrong.
Sorry women, but beards are cool.
Yeah, so when I was mildly tipsy the other night I had the idea to do this... (actually I was totally hammered), posted in the infield, meant to post it here...
Just in case you're wondering where I found 5 such handsome guys, they're all me!
Took about 60 photos and 3 hours including editing, and shaving facial hair off in stages, and finding enough extension leads to move all the lights to the back of the room. I really quite like it to be honest, I may try and do a proper version of it when I'm sober some time. It's not particularly well stitched together, and I banged the tripod leg halfway through.
I have the inability to smile without scarring children so I'll keep to frowning disgustedly.
Ouch, it hurts that much? I would have assumed it would have scared them, not scarred them.
Maybe next time.TB, where is your drink??
While my face might be warmer with the beard blocking the wind, while out snowblowing, all the snow/ice sticks to it, making my face colder.TB, isn't your face cold without the "Man Beard?"
You have the expression of someone who's lost their house keys, and they have a vague idea about where they might have left them but it involves going past this girl's flat and she was a total cow to you last time you met and it's gonna be mega awkward but you know that you pretty much need those keys but then again if they're not where you thought they were you're gonna have gone and risked bumping into Queen Bitch for nothing..