- 101
- markymark8609
I was waiting to see something very logical from you. Although Marky's LMG Sniper might have you beat for sheer kickassttitude®.I tried to make something real. A nice M24.
T-12, Your giant rifle shoots 9mm.
I'd like to present my latest weaopon creation :
The allround-autmatic-shotgun-rifle-urban-warfare-awesome-weapon.
No matter if your enemy is in the next room or looking out of a window 200 yards in front of you - there is one weapon for all. At least if your arms are strong enough to carry this monster
Coz its epic like dat.Why is there a handle on top?
The thumper/basher/stabber dream weapon. Multiple gripping points and bayonets to turn your opponents into Shish Kabob! Yes, I'm one of those weirdos on COD and MOH games that runs around stabbing people instead of using bullets.
The thumper/basher/stabber dream weapon. Multiple gripping points and bayonets to turn your opponents into Shish Kabob! Yes, I'm one of those weirdos on COD and MOH games that runs around stabbing people instead of using bullets.
You be careful not to impale yourself with the recoil, theres a sharp pointy thing pointing backwards, not good for a brawl.
You're a loony.Tis just a flesh wound!