Pimp My Gun (Pimp Your Own, Leave Mine Alone!)

BEAM RIFLE!!! :lol:

Wanted to try a weapon from MS Gundam, so I went with this, and the result is above...

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Whats with all the guns and spikey things? Your making the guns look like thorny plants...

Not for weaklings. I'd imagine this to weigh quite alot. 3 barrels, 1 grenade launcher, 1 laser, 1 flashlight underneath, 1 top grip for carrying it around, 2 bipods for sitting it down. And, the largest magazine ever. This gun means business.

Not for weaklings. I'd imagine this to weigh quite alot. 3 barrels, 1 grenade launcher, 1 laser, 1 flashlight underneath, 1 top grip for carrying it around, 2 bipods for sitting it down. And, the largest magazine ever. This gun means business.

Wtf? Is that thing being chain-fed? :odd: 👍

And people think my guns are ridiculous. :lol:
Gunnnnzz YARRRRR!

The bipod at the front is only if the gun is being used by weaklings - everyone else can just pull it out of there pocket and PEW PEW.



This device is used for seeking out the enemy - it has a gun on it for good measure.


That was fun :D

Well, I haven't done a LAZ0R gun yet, but I made this mini-mini-gun. Three barrels with a cool sight and a smaller detachable pistol for additional grip (this gun has 50 rounds, it can empty it in a second, it needs it) and more ammo (which you will need with 50 RPS.)
Gunnnnzz YARRRRR!

The bipod at the front is only if the gun is being used by weaklings - everyone else can just pull it out of there pocket and PEW PEW.



Im starting to wonder whether that small little bipod will hold all that.
This gun here isnt for girls. It doesnt have a bipod so you have to be The Hulk to hold it.
This gun features:
  • A whole lot of ammo
  • 2 jabby things to give the enemy flesh wounds
  • 1 hopeless little grip thing
  • A huge grenade launcher
  • A flashlight
  • A scope
  • Huge barrel that goes halfway through the gun (its expandable:drool:) with a giant flash hider on the end
  • A little lazer beam which melts peoples skin up to 2km away;).
  • A nice big stock
  • Iron sights incase some sniper snipes your scope:lol:.
  • A trigger for shooting
  • A whole lot of weight

Here it is :).
I engimaneered it like that....promise :D.

I sense injury and recall. :P

As for me, I present the first Smart Beam Rifle.

No scope necessary, no sights necessary...everything is handled via an advance Data-Intensive Positioning Sensor. All you have to do is point and fire. 💡

Features aluminum rounds for quick elimination or energy caps (beam particles). Both utilize DIP-S.
Each magazine holds up to 300 rounds for the aluminum ammo, and 425 rounds for beam energy.
The magazine in question is located directly behind the main grip.

Shoot. Destroy. Nap.
Just a toned down gun from me now. Treat this like a family protection staple - non of those fancy-doo 50000X Zoom or a three different types of pawnage barrel gun - this only has two :D.


It's a Nuclear Death Laz0r!
It's so awesome, it's auxiliary gun is a minigun!
It fires 4 trillion volts of energy in one one second burst, has 10 shots per ammo cartridge, and has a usable range of 8,000 miles, all you have to do is fire it through the Earth!
80Y: Why does the flash light have a laser beam coming out?

Stig, are you supposed to be able to hold a gun which can fire straight through the Earth?
I gotted Bored... Again haha



Random Completely USELESS pistol I call it the Useless M97-Z


Just Random
Wow thats long.

Its got the smallest little handle and the longest barrel, must be a bugger to hold.
Yeah, I think it's as long as this:

Blaaarghgragh, an artillery version!
This one will fire straight through the Earth, the Moon, and possibly Mars. And destroy anything smaller than a city along the way.

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