Pimp My Gun (Pimp Your Own, Leave Mine Alone!)

My version of the urban combat shot gun. Shortened barrel for easy access through door ways, but still able to hold 6 12 guage shells. I'm putting this on my birthday list!
There's not enough of these:

It's the MM4, a hand held Minigun for units to obliterate people with. I made one earlier, but I think this one's better.
Based off the Colt 16 (from semi-auto pistol, to minigun, I don't know how.) It's a machine gun sized four barreled minigun that has an ammo magazine of 200 rounds. It also has support for belt fed ammo, giving it an expanded usability rate. Of course, because the military isn't too keen on paying for billions of dollars worth of bullets, it has a default setting of 20 rounds per second, with a bulllet hose setting of 50 rps, and an overclock of 100.

Oh, it also has another gun mounted below the quad-barrel for more killing.
I think I have been too realistic lol, still its a fun thing to play with.

It's what id take if I needed to kick some ass anyway :)
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Cool, but you should go out on a limb more. Literally make a gun, like my minigun up there. That was a Colt at one time.
Yeah, That minigun is awesome only little niggling thing thats wrong with it is one of the barrels isn't quite lined up properly.
Gear for an all out assault team:

Gear for an all out sniper team:

A sniper rifle that really lets you reach out and touch your enemy:

Well heres a Grolden Gun [Get it? Grey + Golden] I spend a few minutes looking it up on the web and decided what parts looked like the ones used on it. Sadly. They were all out cigarette lighters, cufflinks, pens and cigarette cases.


Next up, we have a nice assault weapon. Not too complicated. And a little buddy for some fun.


A nice little nightmare. Hope you have a good grip. I bet this kicks like a donkey. Also. The Helical mag from the PP19 Bizon is a hard mag to place onto a gun.


Last but not least. A nice iron sighted rifle with plenty of room for add-ons.
Gotta love your oh yeahhh comments, they make me laugh :). Nice gun but there is no reverse trigger 👍.
someone make an awesome sniper rifle like out of the movie shooter!




(don't mind that magazine as an ejection port, forgot to color it sand haha OR that flash-hider/bolt handle hahaha.)

EDIT: Didn't know I was beaten to it.

Maybe this one is better than my other ?

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