Following a Indians win, Lessen's car develops a bad case of 100kgs of ballast....
In other news, thank you for everyone that showed up yesterday. We even had a visitor from Down Under, gracing us with that pleasant 'straulian sound. Cardahs came back, but we needed Lessen there, since he was on a controller and I am no practitioner of the Satanistic arts necessary to use one effectively.
I think, moving forward, we'll always do an interlude with a different car between bits. It was fun to throw the Formula B before going back to the Lotus. I'll have something planned for next week as well.
Also, I'm going to start making things a bit less hectic, so that we can cover the whole program at least once.
Hope you all enjoyed it and to see you all back next week.
Who ended up with the fastest time? Anyone went under 55?