Playing on PS4 with a Logitech Driving Force GT & G27 with FFB

  • Thread starter edu27
Hi everyone.
I have a G27 and am hesitating to spend a lot of $$$ [here in Brazil the prices are insane] buying a PS4 and a G29 to race with PCars and Assetto Corsa. I figure giving GIMX a try wouldn't hurt, right?
So I would like to ask you guys who have tried it out what are your impressions. Does the wheel really work perfectly FFB and input-wise?
Thank you all.
Hi everyone.
I have a G27 and am hesitating to spend a lot of $$$ [here in Brazil the prices are insane] buying a PS4 and a G29 to race with PCars and Assetto Corsa. I figure giving GIMX a try wouldn't hurt, right?
So I would like to ask you guys who have tried it out what are your impressions. Does the wheel really work perfectly FFB and input-wise?
Thank you all.

I've used GIMX with 2 different PC's (i3 with 16gb ram, and atom with 2gb ram) and 2 different Raspberry Pi (RPi) units (original B with 256 mb ram, and B 3 with 1gb ram) and the G27 wheel felt the same as it did when I used it with PS3 and the handful of times directly with PC with all 4 setups. The RPi route allows you to set things up automated if you choose which will allow it to launch directly into GIMX after it boots. I've run both RPi units directly from 1 usb port (for communications and power) of the PS4. There is also the option of the cronusmax with new firmware, but I personally don't like the routine involved with that setup.
I've used GIMX with 2 different PC's (i3 with 16gb ram, and atom with 2gb ram) and 2 different Raspberry Pi (RPi) units (original B with 256 mb ram, and B 3 with 1gb ram) and the G27 wheel felt the same as it did when I used it with PS3 and the handful of times directly with PC with all 4 setups. The RPi route allows you to set things up automated if you choose which will allow it to launch directly into GIMX after it boots. I've run both RPi units directly from 1 usb port (for communications and power) of the PS4. There is also the option of the cronusmax with new firmware, but I personally don't like the routine involved with that setup.

When I tried My original Rpi, I experienced random stops (ffb will be on to one side but wheel would freeze). Have you experienced similar problems? Now I'm waiting for Rpi3 to try.
I've used GIMX with 2 different PC's (i3 with 16gb ram, and atom with 2gb ram) and 2 different Raspberry Pi (RPi) units (original B with 256 mb ram, and B 3 with 1gb ram) and the G27 wheel felt the same as it did when I used it with PS3 and the handful of times directly with PC with all 4 setups. The RPi route allows you to set things up automated if you choose which will allow it to launch directly into GIMX after it boots. I've run both RPi units directly from 1 usb port (for communications and power) of the PS4. There is also the option of the cronusmax with new firmware, but I personally don't like the routine involved with that setup.

Thanks a lot, cortega1! I was hoping to hear that. 👍
When I tried My original Rpi, I experienced random stops (ffb will be on to one side but wheel would freeze). Have you experienced similar problems? Now I'm waiting for Rpi3 to try.

I have only experienced a random stop once with the original RPi B. It was the first time I had attempted to use a usb volt/amp meter in line while using 1 usb port. When it happened I turned everything off and turned it all right back on and everything has worked fine since, even with the volt meter in line.

The RPi 3 setup is great with automation. With the original RPi B, I would turn on the PS4, and then ~45 seconds after the USB port started to provide power to the RPi everything would be ready to go, now with the RPi 3, it is literally ~10 seconds after. To me its really close to using a legitimately compatible wheel as far as start up goes. I also have a T300, but I can't turn on the PS4 with it, so I have to turn on the PS4 and wait for the log in screen before I can use it. The only thing that is kind of weird is that it gets into GIMX so fast that it doesn't complete the calibration sequence at the beginning, but everything works fine. I thought I had messed something up my setup the first time I powered everything up with the RPi 3 in the mix.
Thanks a lot, cortega1! I was hoping to hear that. 👍
If you can, I would suggest an RPi (2 or 3) and running it automated. Like I mentioned in the last post, with a fast enough machine its the closest thing to legitimately compatible wheel as far as the start up experience goes. You also have the option of forgoing the USB UART portion of the DIY adapter and integrating it into the GPIO pins of an RPi wih a couple of inline resistors.
You also have the option of forgoing the USB UART portion of the DIY adapter and integrating it into the GPIO pins of an RPi wih a couple of inline resistors.

Interesting. Any posts on how to do that. What software do you use on your pi?
Interesting. Any posts on how to do that. What software do you use on your pi?

I would suggest reading through the entire couple of pages. I believe there is something about a clarification about the resister placement later on in the post. I also think it was added to the GIMX wiki as well.

I'm using Raspbian Jessie on both my original RPi B and RPi 3. There are 3 automated images posted on this link (, I use the first one posted on my original RPi B. The first 2 only work up to an RPi 2, and I'm not sure about the 3rd posted by Bertie. I've downloaded it, but haven't tried it out. On my RPi 3, I downloaded Raspbian Jessie from, and went to the GIMX wiki ( on the RPi 3 (so I could copy and paste) and followed the steps. I updated the firmware as suggested, and followed the steps under GIMX installation, but then I went back to the post by waveform in the post that has the downloadable images, and created the file that waveform mentions (and lists the contents of). Had to make sure I ran GIMX at least once from the GUI to download the proper files for it to run properly. There is a way to run it automated from the Terminal, but every with the GUI running and me not turning off wifi or bluetooth yet (still need to get around to that), I'm still able to run it from a single usb port on the PS4 with an occasional spike up to 900 ma, but that was pretty rare. I'm not doing it currently, but since the wifi was on, if someone wanted to they could set up SSH to remote into the RPi to properly shut it down. I just turn on the PS4, since its not hard to reload an image if it gets corrupted, and since nothing is writing to the memory card when GIMX is running, I'm not concerned about any corruption anyways.
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Interesting. Any posts on how to do that. What software do you use on your pi?
I'm not doing it currently, but since the wifi was on, if someone wanted to they could set up SSH to remote into the RPi to properly shut it down. I just turn on the PS4, since its not hard to reload an image if it gets corrupted, and since nothing is writing to the memory card when GIMX is running, I'm not concerned about any corruption anyways.

I would be careful because mine corrupted my memory card (it was unformatable etc).

My setup has VNC and gimx on auto start (If I want to edit configs etc it is handy). I used WIFI dongle with static ip (so WIFI works only when plugged).


For fanatec you have to modify ether gimx or config file itself (for linux/rpi)
I modified gimx at the time (for a quick fix) but you can change config string.
has anyone else tested the cronusmax with new firmware in the meantime?
i'm starting to beleive it could indeed work, but i don't have enough proof. beside the one from the manufacturer, i can't find any video.
also i'd like to know if sony can brake it with a firmware update since you still need the controller for authentification.. (so they don't use gimx code?)
i could get it for 54€ right now, which is cheaper and easier than the gimx method with raspberry..
has anyone else tested the cronusmax with new firmware in the meantime?
i'm starting to beleive it could indeed work, but i don't have enough proof. beside the one from the manufacturer, i can't find any video.
also i'd like to know if sony can brake it with a firmware update since you still need the controller for authentification.. (so they don't use gimx code?)
i could get it for 54€ right now, which is cheaper and easier than the gimx method with raspberry..

Since both GIMX and the new cronusMax setup both fool the PS4 into thinking that G25/27's are G29's at the incoming USB port, they would have to get pretty inventive in order to find a way to block them. (I only mentioned G25/27's since the cronusMax is included)
Why are you guys supporting ChronusMax? They are thieves! Support Jefferson and his TitanOne or Matlo and his GIMX project. CM has taken(stolen) deigns from both of these guys and incorporated their ideas into their own device.
I'm not supporting the cronusMax, I just threw it out there because some people don't want to DIY. I think the setup for the cronusMax would be a PITA compared to any GIMX setup. From the video it looks like you have to turn on the game system, then hook up the cronusMax, then wait for its animation, and then hook up the usb hub connected to the wheel. Oh and not to mention needing to make sure to connect the wheel to port 1 and the DS4 to port 4. Even a PC connected GIMX setup involves less steps then that. Turn on your console and machine, then its take a couple click to run GIMX. An automated RPi setup can make the startup almost as seemless as actually having a compatible wheel. I have a T300, but I use the GIMX'd G27 more just because of the evolution of GIMX and the DIY aspect of it. The startup sequence for me is basically the same since the T300 can't turn on my PS4. I personally advocate the automated RPi GIMX route. It's gotten to the point where all you need for the DIY portion is an RPi, a couple of resisters, and a teensy board.

I've watched the cronusMax video a couple times now, and I can't tell for sure, but I think I see a wee little bit of deadzone when using the cronusMax with Project Cars. There are a few times that I thought I noticed the guy moving the wheel a little, but the car doesn't do anything until he turns more. Not sure if its just the driver, but some of the turns he makes don't look right as far as how he's turning and what the car is doing in the game (again Project Cars). I mean the car is turning how he turns, but something about it just didn't look right, it reminded me a little of how controller emulations behave. The last F1 style game in the video looked fine though.

There is another video where a guy is playing Drive Club, and the wheel looks like its lagging a tad. I know GIMX doesn't take much computing power, but how much computing power does the cronusMax actually have?

All that ranting and I haven't even gotten to the lack of DFGT support, which is a lot of the GIMX community that I've seen.
Is there a tool so far that would allow either a G25/7 on Xbox or a G920 on PS4?
I give mad props to malto ,I just started to use gimx. It's amazing basically, finally I can use my g27 with no issues. The DIY adapter was easy as could be . Deffinetly better than paying hundreds for a new wheel . Only cost me around 25$
The best thing tho , NO lag what so ever. I was skeptical about that but very amazed at the work Malto did. Thanks man
I give mad props to malto ,I just started to use gimx. It's amazing basically, finally I can use my g27 with no issues. The DIY adapter was easy as could be . Deffinetly better than paying hundreds for a new wheel . Only cost me around 25$
The best thing tho , NO lag what so ever. I was skeptical about that but very amazed at the work Malto did. Thanks man

matlo is the ****ing man! A true genius and deserves all the props he gets. He's working on finding a way to possibly make ALL non-logitech wheels work with GIMX, via PC. Progress is extremely preliminary at this point though so don't expect a release any time soon, we're still beta testing. If he accomplishes this it will blow whatever the hell ChronusMax has to offer out of the water!
matlo is the ****ing man! A true genius and deserves all the props he gets. He's working on finding a way to possibly make ALL non-logitech wheels work with GIMX, via PC. Progress is extremely preliminary at this point though so don't expect a release any time soon, we're still beta testing. If he accomplishes this it will blow whatever the hell ChronusMax has to offer out of the water!

Everything he's already done blows what cronusMax is trying to do (late I might add) out of the water. The cronusMax setup each time you want to use the wheel looks atrocious, and I see a wee bit of lag and other issues in some of the gameplay videos. Matlo's work is the best and I love that it keeps evolving and getting better.
Just read the thread and skimmed the GIMX site but it wasn't clear: does GIMX allow you connect *two* supported wheels at the same time using *one* PC? (Assuming you have two signal converters, two DS4s, and enough USB ports of course.) Or would you need two PCs?

I actually have two DFGTs, since my kids and I like going head-head in GT5/6.

Anyway, very excited about this, many props to the GIMX guys.
Just read the thread and skimmed the GIMX site but it wasn't clear: does GIMX allow you connect *two* supported wheels at the same time using *one* PC? (Assuming you have two signal converters, two DS4s, and enough USB ports of course.) Or would you need two PCs?

I actually have two DFGTs, since my kids and I like going head-head in GT5/6.

Anyway, very excited about this, many props to the GIMX guys.


You just need one wheel. Connect it to your PC then use a USB cable to run from the PC to the dongle and then to the console. I noticed a lot of people having problems with GIMX running properly. I'm betting it's because they're using a raspberry PI or some other machine with a different OS. I whole heartedly recommend going the extra mile and using your Windows PC and connect your wheel to that. Much more reliable IMHO. Gimx to work on my laptop smoothly after some frustrating trial and errors. My problem was I needed to set the ports correctly to see the usb module, after that...BAM....everything fell in line. Now i have to do the same with my pie on the automation side. The ports are not set correctly when set to auto run gimx on boot up.

Now i did notice however that the logitech drivers needed to be installed on my laptop for the gimx setup to work. Would I have to install those drivers as well on my Pie for it to work correctly as well?

My Teensy case is nothing fancy but it works lol
Just read the thread and skimmed the GIMX site but it wasn't clear: does GIMX allow you connect *two* supported wheels at the same time using *one* PC? (Assuming you have two signal converters, two DS4s, and enough USB ports of course.) Or would you need two PCs?

I actually have two DFGTs, since my kids and I like going head-head in GT5/6.

Anyway, very excited about this, many props to the GIMX guys.

I don't recall ever seeing anything regarding it being able to run two playstations. As the adapter has to send a signal to the DS4, having two plugged into the same laptop would confuse the software unless two separate ports were programmed into the GIMX sortware. You would have to ask Matlo about this.


You just need one wheel. Connect it to your PC then use a USB cable to run from the PC to the dongle and then to the console. I noticed a lot of people having problems with GIMX running properly. I'm betting it's because they're using a raspberry PI or some other machine with a different OS. I whole heartedly recommend going the extra mile and using your Windows PC and connect your wheel to that. Much more reliable IMHO.

twohoos has too be running two complete units to be running head to head with his son using two wheels. I had GIMX running on a Pi2 and laptop, they both worked well with the Pi being so much quicker to boot up. However, and no one will admit this, but I think Linux OS has some issues when running sortware originally planned for windows. Had a few strange things occur with the Pi. In the end I bought a G29 and am very happy with it.

Now i did notice however that the logitech drivers needed to be installed on my laptop for the gimx setup to work. Would I have to install those drivers as well on my Pie for it to work correctly as well?

Yes. Gimx to work on my laptop smoothly after some frustrating trial and errors. My problem was I needed to set the ports correctly to see the usb module, after that...BAM....everything fell in line. Now i have to do the same with my pie on the automation side. The ports are not set correctly when set to auto run gimx on boot up.

Now i did notice however that the logitech drivers needed to be installed on my laptop for the gimx setup to work. Would I have to install those drivers as well on my Pie for it to work correctly as well?

My Teensy case is nothing fancy but it works lolView attachment 595569 View attachment 595570

Nice adapter box, and welcome to the club brother! :cheers:👍

Yeah, the ports setup can be a bit confusing at first.
twohoos has too be running two complete units to be running head to head with his son using two wheels. I had GIMX running on a Pi2 and laptop, they both worked well with the Pi being so much quicker to boot up. However, and no one will admit this, but I think Linux OS has some issues when running sortware originally planned for windows. Had a few strange things occur with the Pi. In the end I bought a G29 and am very happy with it.

Ahh I missed the part about him having two consoles.
One console. Two wheels. :lol:
What games are you looking to play? I looked into using my GIMX'd G27 wheel and T300 at the same time for some local head to head action on the PS4, but I don't have any racing games that support two players, like I was able to do on PS3. I have DriveClub and Project Cars, but with those 2 games the only way to multiplayer that I've found is via 2 consoles.
Just read the thread and skimmed the GIMX site but it wasn't clear: does GIMX allow you connect *two* supported wheels at the same time using *one* PC? (Assuming you have two signal converters, two DS4s, and enough USB ports of course.) Or would you need two PCs?

I actually have two DFGTs, since my kids and I like going head-head in GT5/6.

Anyway, very excited about this, many props to the GIMX guys.

sorry (kiroKai), the post above should have been a reply to twohoos.
Hi! I found this post by luck, but I am really happy to be here. First thing I want to say is: thx Matlo. Now I can play with my old G25 in PS4.
I am planning to upgrade my wheel and pedals so it is great to see others did make it work with different wheels/pedals/gears.
Is there any game that let you set up the braking feel (stiffness, travel, dead zone)? As for now Asseto Corsa does not.