playseats evolution cockpit

  • Thread starter Faquez
^ What wheel do you have? At least the G25 can be (very) firmly secured using the big screws that come with the Playseat, I don't know about the others.
Ninja, how do your times compare, controller vs. wheel? I love the setup, and appreciate the "feel" piece, but was curious about lap times.

Thanks. I haven't played GT with a controller since GT3, so I couldn't say for sure; but I'd imagine the times with the controller would be a hair faster; my thumbs are quicker than my hands and feet, and there's less travel in the buttons and sticks. I don't know for sure, though. I'd have to try it and see.

I'll gladly give up a few tenths of a second to maintain the player involvement and immersiveness that a wheel brings to GT...

Nice score n1nja.
I've felt how flimsy the g25 shifter is in the store and was planing on modifying it so it has a bit more resistance.
How stable is the shifter mount?

The mount is rock solid. It doesn't move at all.

...I mounted my pedals different though. I put mine over to the right. The way he has his setup, you have to left foot brake, or work your way around the bar a little with your right foot. I mounted mine offset, you can see the left side of the plate that you mount the pedals to on mine. I don't know why I have not seen anyone else do this...

I've read this in several places, and it's never been a problem for me. Maybe because I have abnormally large feet. The fact that moving the pedals over is a built in option suggests Playseat knew there were issues with that bar...
I thought I got a killer deal getting mine for $199 shipped; For $75, you may as well have stolen it from the guy... :drool:

In response to a couple of the older posts, The bar between the legs thing has never posed a problem. It's not a hinderance at all. And here are a couple of pics with the G25 shifter adapter attached:



HOW did you get the G25 shifter on the add-on? My g25 shifter won't fit because of the bottom part of the shifter (the part with the single screw clamp in the middle).

^That threw me for a loop at first as well. The plastic piece that's blocking it actually comes out after you remove all the screws. As I recall, a couple of them are obvious, a couple of them aren't, but it's not difficult and they're easily replaced if need be.

@riggins44. I tried the game with the controller after a session with the wheel. I was a full 3 seconds slower... I don't know if that's a testament to the wheel, or me having a difficult time readjusting to a different interface.
HOW did you get the G25 shifter on the add-on? My g25 shifter won't fit because of the bottom part of the shifter (the part with the single screw clamp in the middle).

What the guy above said, you have to unscrew that bottom bit altogether. There are a total of 4 screws, two are perfectly visible, the other two are right next to them, but "hidden" deep in the clamp thing, look carefully and you'll find them.
It also puzzled me at first, until I luckily spotted them. After that, you'll have it mounted in 30secs. 👍
Just got a couple of the evo seats and am having a problem with the center mount for the driving wheel. The allen screws will not withstand any pressure and the wheel invariably ends up falling forward towards me lap ... wheel stays mounted but the mount angles downward .... any workarounds??
Here is my setup, i did some extra hours at work to pay my playseat and now it's so great to play GT5P and F1 CE.


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Just got a couple of the evo seats and am having a problem with the center mount for the driving wheel. The allen screws will not withstand any pressure and the wheel invariably ends up falling forward towards me lap ... wheel stays mounted but the mount angles downward .... any workarounds??
I had the same problem and was sickened that they would sell the seat with that problem.

The first thing I tried was using zip ties to hold it in place. That worked for awhile, but then i went and bought a longer bolt that does not use an allen wrench. I got it long enough that i could put a nut on the other side of it. That way I could use pressure on both sides of it to make sure it was as tight as i could get it. After doing that it doesn't move at all. You could break the plate now before the wheel would move up or down. I can't remember how long it was. Just take the bolt that comes with it to the store with you and compare. You should be able to get the right one easy.
The center post has been bothering me since I bought my Evo seat.
Therefore I decided to make this modification, setting pedals to the far right position. That was pretty simple, just a couple of holes here and there and it's done.



Now it feels much more comfy, still easy to heel-toe and brake with left foot
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