PlayStation 3 GTHD Screen with Bikes

Jackie Treehorn
I don't think that article you link to makes the point you want:

Yeah, it had some technical snags, but who's to say 6 years later Nintendo and Sony won't improve on it?

The only point I was making is that it is mostly a useless feature. I do play other games that don't involve motorcycles, plus that article was written before thumbsticks were really mainstream. When I first bought one of those I thought it was cool, for about ten minutes.

I also worked hard to get this beer gut, I'm not letting some gimmick give me any type of a workout.
If the bikes can fit in the mix without destroying the balance, then I feel it's a great addition.

The motion sensing controller would work brilliantly for TT, changing rider position fluidly in real time for instance... You could use the stick for turning the handle-bars and lean into the bend with the motion sensing... Mmmmm! :D
i like the idea of motion sensing, would be an idea id give a shot at.....however it would get fairly annyoing after a while, because, how many of you play for 1 or more hours straight without adjusting or miving your position??? i no i dont, i feel that it would be a nuesence having to calibrate the controller for lying down/sitting up or anyother potition you find comfortable?!?!?! IMO
played gthd at e3....
all i can say is bikes and cars at the same time is a trip.

o and the hd is wonderful pictures don't do it justice...since its gthd is better then normal tv hd broadcasts by 3 times....well thas what Kazunorisan said...and he wouldn't lie...would he?