Please please please please do not put b-spec in gt5

  • Thread starter Eliminos
Concentrate on other things, b-spec is absolutely pointless.

'There are some really long races so lets program in an autopilot so people can just leave their ps2s on all day and races will be done when they get home'

what a load of crap, its completely useless.

Make the AI better or something, don't just waste time on programming bspec.
I disagree with you. I think if they left it out then it would be a bigger waste of time than leaving it in...because they've already spent the time programming it. Leaving it out of GT5 would be a waste, because they're not going to recoup the time they've already spent with it and presumably it won't need much more development (if any) for inclusion in GT5.

Also, I find it curious that you state a use for B Spec (i.e. "people can just leave their ps2s on all day and races will be done when they get home") and then in your very next sentence you say B Spec is "completely useless".

Just because you don't use it or don't think it should be in doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same way.
No way am i going to do a 24 hr endurance A-spec!
I think B-spec is good. If you dont like it, you dont have to use it. Simple as that.
German Muscle
damn newbie threads :shakes head:
Not really neccessary was it? Just because you don't agree with his opinion.

I admit he could have phrased it better, tho'.
True Daan !

I discovered B-Spec the other day and see it as a personal flaw if I use it to complete the game and do races etc... I do admit though its far far too tempting not to use it and Im not sure if it was the best idea to put it in the game, this way people could just use B-Spec to complete it and get bored of the game quicker, but then again I suppose they have bought the game already so the money is already in the bank. I can't even agree with myself !!!
I'm sure that they know the fact that the races gget quite boring after a while, it'll be very difficult to make the races themselves fun, instead of only the prize cars. I think that's why your partly right, because if the races stay boring, this B-Spec is usefull, and I think that all people would agree that it would be better if it wouldn't be needed because you would say "B-Spec? OH NO THE RACES ARE WAY TOO MUCH FUN TO SKIP!!!"

Well call me what you like but I like B-spec mode. For those of us who have a job, school, life, etc. It comes in handy. If I had 24 hours free, I wouldn't spend it racing in Gran Turismo, I would be out doing something more productive. It's not because I'm trying to cheat at the game, I just don't have the time, but I enjoy gaming.
I think that an "in-race save" feature would be a great addition.
Just pit in and save, starting at the same place later. Yes, it could take many days to complete a 24 Hour race, but You could actually drive the race yourself.

If PD is actually listening, how about some backward compatability with wheels.
I might actually get off my ass and buy one if that happens.
Concentrate on other things, b-spec is absolutely pointless.

'There are some really long races so lets program in an autopilot so people can just leave their ps2s on all day and races will be done when they get home'

what a load of crap, its completely useless.

do u understand what u just said, ''program in an autopilot,'' thats exactly what bspec is, just a bit fancier. I dont know what i would do without BOB(b-spec), those 24hour races are so long, its a pain in the rear end to sit down and drive all that time. All i did was let my ps2 run all day :) ,and the race was done when i got home. But my next challenge is to try and actually run 1 of those races without bob.
You shoud do a 24 hour race on curcuit de la sarthe with a driving force steering wheel. I don't know about a dfp, but going down that straight while trying to keep that steering wheel from jerking around alone makes my hands hurt. I personally wouldn't like doing it a couple hundred times.
Well call me what you like but I like B-spec mode. For those of us who have a job, school, life, etc. It comes in handy. If I had 24 hours free, I wouldn't spend it racing in Gran Turismo, I would be out doing something more productive. It's not because I'm trying to cheat at the game, I just don't have the time, but I enjoy gaming.
This is exactley how I feel 👍.
Well call me what you like but I like B-spec mode. For those of us who have a job, school, life, etc. It comes in handy. If I had 24 hours free, I wouldn't spend it racing in Gran Turismo, I would be out doing something more productive. It's not because I'm trying to cheat at the game, I just don't have the time, but I enjoy gaming.

Ditto here, too.

B-spec is a great option. Don't like it? Don't use it!
I think that B-spec didn't turn out quite as the programmers intended, unfortunately. It wasn't supposed to be a way to breeze through the game real quickly, but I think that's what it may have turned into because b-spec isn't fun by itself like the programmers intended. I think it would be great if they made some improvements to B-spec for GT5 instead of just canning it. This comes from someone who is not a fan of b-spec, and I refused to use it at all, even though I completed 100% of GT4.
Please please please please do not put B-Spec in GT5. Am I reading you right, brother?

All I can say is, not everyone has the endurance of a Le Mans race team or the skills of Michael Schumacher. B-Spec has been an aid to help inexperienced racers. Don't assume the B-Spec racer (I'm not calling it "B-Spec Bob." Cheesy and crappy, just like the *cough* deal) is a "money-making wh*re" or "having the game play itself for you." As I've stated, you actually are still in control of the B-Spec racer. Crank the pace level up if trailing, then tone it down when leading. I almost never left B-Spec unattended. I even did 10 hours with the 24 Hours of Le Mans (Race 1) by boosting things to 3x.

Now what is that one little line I usually say? That's right! "Account for everyone." Not everyone is at the skill level of you (assuming you are better than Tom Kristensen at Le Mans). So if you're good, that's good. But don't you want to give other people a chance? Huh, player? B-Spec is for racers who either don't have time to devote to a Gran Turismo game, or are unable to make the most of their time to play the game. So you got me messed up if B-Spec is a black eye for Gran Turismo gaming.

Take this away from inexperienced or always on the run people, and you'll have a lot more frustrated gamers. So keep B-Spec and improve on it. You dig? Good day.
I only use B-spec if I know I could win the race myself but can't be bothered because it's really long, boring or I don't like the track. When I get time to play GT4 I don't want to waste my time on races I don't enjoy, I want to spend it driving and racing cars I like on tracks I like. I haven't tried to do a 24 hour race and probably won't bother doing them, getting 100% doesn't really matter to me. I would prefer they left out the 24 hour races/really long enduros unless they can make them realistic, eg. proper tyre wear and fuel consumption.
I like B-Spec, because for longer races like the Nurburgring 24h, I don't have to race it myself. I don't have a very long attention span to games now, so it's even more useful.

If you don't like B-Spec don't use it then. I think more people will want it than hate it.
Well call me what you like but I like B-spec mode. For those of us who have a job, school, life, etc. It comes in handy. If I had 24 hours free, I wouldn't spend it racing in Gran Turismo, I would be out doing something more productive. It's not because I'm trying to cheat at the game, I just don't have the time, but I enjoy gaming.

Ditto for me. As it is, I agree with Gil, Grand Prix and Uncle Harry, if there was a pit-save feature, we wouldn't need B-Spec.

B-Spec isn't at fault for us breezing through the races wherein we can B-Spec. There are some tracks where you have to baby B-Spec Bob or Bubba to get a good time and pace out of him, and other tracks wherein B-Spec seems too easy because we've overtuned the car, making it easy for Bob... something we ALSO do in A-Spec. If there were actually restrictions in race entry, we wouldn't be "Breezing through on B-Spec", we'd actually be working hard to manage Bob through the race.

B-Spec is not a crutch... tuning and upgrading is... but do you really want to get rid of that?

I use B-Spec and I find it interesting at times. I run enduros and switch between myself and Bob when I need a break, I run Bob for the 24 hour ones, because in my area, you can't be sure of having more than 8-12hours of continuous power. And how realistic is it for one driver to do 24-hours continuously without a reliever or to do an endurance over the course of two weeks? Isn't it nice to take your turn from Bob and have to make up the time he's lost when driving?

I like B-Spec, and it ought to stay.
B-Spec is the greatest addition to an driving simulation genre of all times, if speaking about Driving Force wheels and force feedback implemetation in the light of hardware additions.

Also, B-Spec is one of the rare examples of games on PS2 console that really uses "learning" capabilities of Emotion Engine, making it a true "behavioural" simulation.

Of course, B-Spec is a very basical behavioural simulation, but also very smart and very nicely made. And it has a long history in terms of being finaly implemented in GT4.

Just after the GT3 was out, some reports were pointing that next GT game will have "manager" mode. However, both Sony and PD declined such inputs. Some similar reports appered again during late 2003 but they were declined again.

From 2002 onwards, in many interviews Kaz was very keen to stress that he would like to do a game that would utilise simulating of human behaviour, but he never spoke about combining that specific genre into a GT game. However, B-Spec mode showed the true idea behind his thoughts.

I can see the way that B-Spec could go - with much more "abilities" (besides track, machine and race skills) to be learned and with much deeper behavioural elements. Using power of a new hardware will open a gate to make a much detailed "learning" AI which I hope will become a true standard in all future GT games.

B-Spec mode is a vey keen feature in terms of time-saving for all of us who are working day-jobs, have lots of obligations and just can't spend so much time in "real" driving. But, "learning" ability of B-Spec Bob makes a B-Spec a true challenge. Of course, you can always use a high-powered car to win on and on, and go for an "magical-border" of 7000 points in a glance, but then you can always do the same in A-Spec and go trought the whole game in a breeze. It is matter of choice.

Not having a B-Spec in all future GT games would be a true loss. However, I'm very sure that we can expect a much detailed B-Spec mode, with enourmuos possibilities and even more options.

B-Spec multiplayer could also become a reality, making it a real challenge for all who want to tak e a break from real driving. 200-lap endurance with "full-upgraded" Bobs online, tyre and fuel management and similar cars would be a same challenge as driving the same endurance in real-time. It would be the clash of the minds and more intelligence issue then just pure ability to drive fast and flawless.

B-Spec is a making your own child inside a game. I want that child to be reborn on next-gen platforms.
B-Spec would also be more interesting if you could hire different drivers with different "skill levels"... as well as with driver endurance modelling. Having B-Spec'ers switch in the middle of the race (with the time to switch drivers modelled as well) would be a lot more interesting. Hell, managing four or five B-Spec'ers in your garage would be the closest thing to a driving RPG there is.

I'm loving the idea of race-management competitions online. That would be a true battle of wits. Especially with multiple car teams and "team orders". :lol: Imagine, drafting your buddy for four hours or so to save gas and then going for the kill.
I think the B-scec is good as it is, and I think its good for the lasy peoples like me and for sure many other guys out there :sly:
As people have said before if you don't like B-spec don't play it!

Just like if there's a car you really hate and you think they shouldn't put it in the game and they do, don't buy it!

Simple if you ask me!

As far as I'm concerned I have nothing against A-spec or B-spec.
I would rephrase the title of this thread to "please, please allow mid race saves in GT5".

Like some have said, "if you don't like B-Spec, don't use it". That's exactly what I do. I don't like B-Spec and I don't use it.

But B-Spec isn't the problem. It's just a feature to be used by those who like to use it.

The FLAW in GT4 is that this game either forces you to use B-Spec or to race long races without the ability to save them at a given point.

I did, alone, the 24 hours of Le Mans in the "Le Mans" game, driving each night one or two "stints" (set of tyres/fuel load) and than saving it whie returning to the pits. This race took me more than a week to finish, and it was a great gaming experience. So great that I did it several times, with different cars.

GT4 doesn't allow this. So, you're stuck to: a) run 24 hours straight; b) leave your PS2 turned on for a week, without the ability to play any other thing or allow others to touch it; c) use B-Spec.

So, what we must ask to PD is not to take B-Spec out, is to allow us to save the long races, at least in the pits.

But, still, that won't be enough, because 24 hour races would still be boring without all the features that the old "Le Mans" game had and GT4 is still missing: a) 24 cars on track; b) random weather; c) day/night/day.

This, and the ability to save mid races, is what I expect to be in GT5. I think that larger grids will become a reality (GT Vision shows it), but I really don't know about the other features.

So, what I want from PD is that they leave B-Spec on in GT5, but also, and more importantly I want them to not make a game that forces players to use it, just because the races are themselves boring and/or they don't have the time to play them straight from start to finish.
armchair ( aka b-spec ) racing is not for me so if it's not in GT5 I won't miss it at all.
Som people like to buy their bread at the supermarket, some like to bake it at home.
I like B-Spec just because it means I don't have to bother doing the really dull endurance races and longer races yet still get the prize cars. Otherwise I'd agree its pretty pointless especially as the AI is so crap anyway.
Yea get rid of bspec. Then i can clone myself and i can play gt5 while im not home or while im sleeping. Great for 24hr endurances, not to mention what might be thrown at us by pd next.