So this mean that we aren't allowed to complaint if KY doesn't annouce free GT5 copies to everyone by mail on the 25th September?
I dont care what people think of me but i will be pissed off if we dont get some new substantial news at TGS.
I pledge to post what I want, when I want, as often as I want, expressing any views I see fit, all within the rules and ethics of these forums.
Threads like this make forums a dull place.
Alzheimer attack!I pledge to, as of this point in time, ignore any and all threads that ask people to only post positive/constructive things about GT5.
If I have any expectations of the game, for whatever reason, if they are not met then I have the right to voice my opinion, negative or otherwise.
Oh for sure. Too many cranky members here want a Porsche for the price of a pizza. I may have to actually resort to the dreaded IGNORE for a while in order to read threads in peace.Your asking miracles for anybody on here to not be a grouch if TGS doesnt live up to their expectations. Expect a lot of crying and grouchieness if it doeesnt live up to the expectations.
You'll have to remind me who said that, because I was one of the many saying not to expect a thing at GamesCom, and was pleasantly surprised.Well certainly it will happen at Gamescom. Hmmmmmm.
You'll have to remind me who said that, because I was one of the many saying not to expect a thing at GamesCom, and was pleasantly surprised.