Pledge to not be a grouch if TGS doesnt live up to your hype.

:dopey:So this mean that we aren't allowed to complaint if KY doesn't annouce free GT5 copies to everyone by mail on the 25th September?
TGS really is GT5's last chance, it will, IMO, make or break the series.

I thought I was sceptical, but the response to GT Mobile was savage, PD really have to deliver.

Before GT Mobile hit I was confident PD would deliver the goods with GT5, now I'm not too sure.

It sure would be nice to be pleasantly suprised by GT5, rather than the Gran Turismo norm in recent times of dissapointment.
-> I, M.L. Lapid, aka. The Vanishing Boy, pledge to not act disgruntled if TGS doesn't fulfill my microbial expectations; I will ignore the trolls; nor get dissapointed at PD in any way.

-> Because PD wanted to make a great driving simulation game not a racing game, and never did they promised all the things I have asked for, like the vehicles on my wish list.

-> I won't get annoyed at any of the new members (aka. n00bs) if they make threads that are useless to a point; and I won't bother the posts with any kind of flame baiting or AUP-breaking posts; I will just stick to the upcoming GT6 Vheicle Wish List. :)
I pledge to post what I want, when I want, as often as I want, expressing any views I see fit, all within the rules and ethics of these forums.

Threads like this make forums a dull place.
I pledge to, as of this point in time, ignore any and all threads that ask people to only post positive/constructive things about GT5.

If I have any expectations of the game, for whatever reason, if they are not met then I have the right to voice my opinion, negative or otherwise.
Alzheimer attack!

I don't feel a need for pledging, already trying to restrain myself awaiting the TGS. What will be, will be.
I pledge to say whatever is on my mind at the time, it may be good it may be bad. I'm kind of like PD(or a box of chocolates), you just never know what you are going to get.
I pledge.

If anything, #1 is the most important one on there. Think before you speak.
Your asking miracles for anybody on here to not be a grouch if TGS doesnt live up to their expectations. Expect a lot of crying and grouchieness if it doeesnt live up to the expectations. I for one dont expect anything that way I wont be disapointed :)
I have no idea why you would even do this unless it's just out of some fanboy love for PD (yes I did say fanboy)... especially #3 really? So basically you want people to sign up to like it no matter how much it involves taking it in the rear?

I am not interested in being a sheep so obviously not for me... go ahead and put me in the second group.

BTW where is the "I pledge not to be happy or say anything positive after TGS" or is this just another double standard that people are supposed to be happy is around?

Seriously this is the digital equivalent of drinking the cool aid.
Lets see now, all will be revealed including a release date at E3. Hmmm.

Well certainly it will happen at Gamescom. Hmmmmmm.

It's bound to happen at TGS. Sound familiar?

This thread proves by requesting this pledge, the pent-up frustration and agitation, of the GT5 faithful is likely to hit a crescendo of epic proportions if the established pattern continues.
But alas, who could legitimately blame us. Given practically nothing but the "mushroom treatment" nigh on these past five years.
Forced to grovel for info, akin to "following Hansel and Gretel" for what crumbs we can scrounge.

Therefore knowing all that has gone before, I will not make any pledges, based on the assurance that if the pattern does continue, it would not be worth the virtual paper its typed on. ;)

BTW you need to add another category: "Won't take pledge".
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Your asking miracles for anybody on here to not be a grouch if TGS doesnt live up to their expectations. Expect a lot of crying and grouchieness if it doeesnt live up to the expectations.
Oh for sure. Too many cranky members here want a Porsche for the price of a pizza. I may have to actually resort to the dreaded IGNORE for a while in order to read threads in peace.

Well certainly it will happen at Gamescom. Hmmmmmm.
You'll have to remind me who said that, because I was one of the many saying not to expect a thing at GamesCom, and was pleasantly surprised.
You'll have to remind me who said that, because I was one of the many saying not to expect a thing at GamesCom, and was pleasantly surprised.

Although I'm sure some did, no one has to say it per se, it is the given anticipatory expectation of most and rightfully so.

Tell me Carnac, what do your divining powers say about TGS?
All I'm expecting from TGS is a release date so I pledge to not have kittens if thats all we get.

