Pledge to not be a grouch if TGS doesnt live up to your hype.

Tell me Carnac, what do your divining powers say about TGS?
That is Zarkon the Omnificent to your mortal self! :sly:

But seeing as Devedander went to the trouble to make a thread about TGS forecasts, and I made one in this thread already here, I'll post more in his.

But seeing as I came home and my energy dropped to just about zilch, it'll have to wait till tamale.
Big Thankyou to everyone who pledged so far. To those who:

Don't understand trust/discussion
Don't want to be censored, [which this pledge doesnt require]
Feel the need to open a 'opposite thread'
Enjoy making lots of noise that blocks up good conversation

Small Thankyou.

You have clearly demonstrated exactly why this thread has come together.
Big Thankyou to everyone who pledged so far. To those who:

Don't understand trust/discussion
Don't want to be censored, [which this pledge doesnt require]
Feel the need to open a 'opposite thread'
Enjoy making lots of noise that blocks up good conversation

Small Thankyou.

You have clearly demonstrated exactly why this thread has come together.

Well aren't you censoring and trolling with this post and the last time I checked for a conversation to occur there first has to be a point to discuss and secondly there has to be more than one person involved, as this is a thread full of people pledging, I fail to see where the conversations could occur especially when you post this ( IDEALLY NO MORE THAN ONE POST EACH. THIS ISNT FOR SPAMMING. ) in your first post, I think I'll leave it at that.
Well, than you for grouching in a thread about not grouching. Proof that you really can have it all on the intrawebs. :lol:
Big Thankyou to everyone who pledged so far. To those who:

Don't understand trust/discussion
Don't want to be censored, [which this pledge doesnt require]
Feel the need to open a 'opposite thread'
Enjoy making lots of noise that blocks up good conversation

Small Thankyou.

You have clearly demonstrated exactly why this thread has come together.

Again...I have to ask, who's gonna decide who's being a "grouch"?

Are we gonna get new mods for this purpose? Or are you self appointing yourself a mod?

Frankly I think the existing mods are already doing a great job of keeping the discussion civil without stifling constructive criticism. I don't see how a pledge will help.
Again...I have to ask, who's gonna decide who's being a "grouch"?

Basically this threads is a "Pledge to be a fanboy for at least 24 hours" thread. ie come cheer on but don't say anything negative.

The irony is the "opposite thread" was trolled to death by a fanboy from this thread who couldn't resist being negative...
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Big Thankyou to everyone who pledged so far. To those who:

Don't understand trust/discussion
Don't want to be censored, [which this pledge doesnt require]
Feel the need to open a 'opposite thread'
Enjoy making lots of noise that blocks up good conversation

Small Thankyou.

You have clearly demonstrated exactly why this thread has come together.
When you create a thread specifically asking people to only make one post, and not to express any form of opinion other than positive, what the hell do you expect to get back in return?
Aim low, then you'll never be disappointed. But then again, that's like aiming for a 15-minute lap of the 'Ring in a Nissan GT-R.
As long as it comes out I'm happy. No damage, oh well, cockpits on some cars, cool. I just want to get it.
I'll pledge - because I won't have internet access this weekend, and therefore cannot make any flame-driven anger-filled posts even if I wanted to :sly:

Not that I would do that anyway... :ouch:
I pledge not to be a grouch, besides we all know TGS will exceed all of our expectations :P
I'll go ahead and sign. All I'm expecting is GT4 with more cars, tracks, better graphics, physics and proper online.

I won't grouch because I can't be disappointed

I'm going to say whatever I say and will simply be mindful of the AUP I agreed to when I signed up to GTP.


This 'petition' will not supress any FFFFUUUUUUUU that arises from discovering missing features and having hopes dashed, but one can hope that everyone participating in the heated discussions that are certain to commence will govern themselves in a manner appropriate and respectable for an international fan site of this magnitude.
RantBox Live service offered anonymously for "no grouch" participants, 25c american per post, some restrictions apply, inquire today.
Wow... I'm not the only one who isn't mad?? Is the moon suddenly eclipsing the sun or something? :lol:

Honestly, being off six months... well, three months from December, and this being my most anticipated game, I should be kind of down, but for some reason I'm still giddy. How nice it is to believe in God. ;)
Wow... I'm not the only one who isn't mad?? Is the moon suddenly eclipsing the sun or something? :lol:

Honestly, being off six months... well, three months from December, and this being my most anticipated game, I should be kind of down, but for some reason I'm still giddy. How nice it is to believe in God. ;)

AMEN! I actually came home from church to see this, and the first thought when I saw "March 2010", I thought, "At least we most likely will get a better game with sick damage..."