Pledge to the AMERCIAN FLAG

  • Thread starter Joey D

Pledge Unconstutional?

  • YES

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • I'm not American

    Votes: 14 45.2%

  • Total voters
OK I'm gunna put a rest to my own thread and say "WHO CARES??? IF YOU DON"T BELIEVE IN A GOD OH WELL." RELIGION FOUNDED THIS COUNTRY
How can the pledge itself be unconstitutional. Makes no sense at all.

If you mean how 'under god' is in there, then yes it is unconstitutional.
Well I mean under God. But how can pleging to the American Flag be unconstitutional?
You know what heres my whole take of it, cut me some slack im 15 and still in school, but hey freedom of choice is a part of the constitution, if you dont want your kids to say it they have the right not to stand up and say it. There is no need to go to court for not remebering that your kids dont have to say the pledge of allegiance. example an islamic kid i knew simply asked the teacher if he could stay seated while we said the pledge, there was no conflict and he was able to sit down. To me the people that are making a big deal out of this want attention.
Originally posted by Gil
I'm not implying that everyone taking the oath is Christian. I am implying that the founding fathers wrote ....

Oh - don't get me wrong, Gil - the main reason I've been playing devil's advocate in this is to try and get people to actually think about the ruling and the reasons for it, rather than just violently react - which, I'm sad to say, was a very predictable response. I should point out I'm Australian and don't actually care either way.

I personally have no issue with the ten commandments - I think they're actually a very good set of rules for life (well, except for the God thing, but that's my personal choice and I don't care either way if people observe it), and I think if people stuck to those rules society would be much more pleasant, godless or not.

But that isn't the issue here - the issue is that the US isn't the full on Christian society it was 50 years ago, it's a much more culturally mixed place now, and institutions need to change to reflect that.
You are a truly deep individual. Thanks for the commentary. Made me do a lot of thinking. Work out for the brain.
I remember the words in the US constitution saying something like we the people under God, or something of that order.

So you want to get rid of the constitution? you probably will.

btw, that michael Nudow whatever his last name is is a fraud, he claims he doesnt want his child listening to the flag salute and that is why he made his case to take the words out, but when brian williams inteviewed him he said quote unquote "This has nothing to do with my daughter"

Brian Williams looked up at him in shock...the guys a fraud...the truth is nobody cares whether God is mentioned in the pledge or not, theres just some chumps out there who want to shake things up

If something bothers you, just ignore it. Its not like its being forced on you
When you use quotation marks you needn't say 'quote unquote.'

But I agree. This man (who is a lawyer and a doctor) is just out to shake things up.

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